Swiss supermarket branch renames the popular confectionery ” Moor’s heads” in “Protein mass with a migration background covered with chocolate :-)”

«Mit Schoggi überzogni Eiwiissmassä mit Migrationshintergrund :-)», preist ein Schild in einer Volg-Filiale die Dubler-«Mohrenköpfe» an.  Auf Twitter sorgt die Aktion für Wirbel.
Screenshot twitter

Since the “Black Lives Matter” movement, the use of the name “Mohrenkopf” (in English: Moor’s Head) for the well-known confectionary has been highly controversial. While some people see it as a clearly racist term, others defend the name as a Swiss tradition.A Volg branch is now making fun of the “Mohrenkopf” debate on a billboard, as a tweet shows.”Protein mass with a migration background covered with chocolate :-)”, the latter advertises the “Mohrenköpfe” of the Dubler company. On Twitter, the action is causing a stir.”The sign in question comes from a Volg shop in the region of Eastern Switzerland,” says Luana Covre, communications specialist at Volg Consumer Goods company. According to the current state of knowledge, it was made by an employee on her personal initiative and was only used in the branch in question. “In the meantime the sign has been removed.”Against the background of the controversial public discussion about the politically correct designation of sweets, place names and other names, here one has hit a wrong chord, says Covre. “We regret the incident and will sensitize our store personnel accordingly.”