Kosovo army plans to attack northern Serbia at midnight – Serbian President Vucic

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the Kosovo army plans to attack the country at midnight, Danas edition says, Trend reports.

According to him, detachments of Albanian police have already gone to Yarinya and Brnak.

“I think that we have never been in a more difficult and tough situation than today. Why did I say this? The Pristina regime is trying to use the mood in the world by presenting itself as a victim,” he said.

Earlier it was reported that shots and air raids were heard on the border of Kosovo and Serbia.

Kosovo Albanians gather in groups in the southern part of the city of Kosovska Mitrovica near the bridge leading to the northern, Serbian side, where local Serbs gather.

After 18.00 local time, air raid sirens sounded in the city, Serbs build barricades in the north of Kosovo, roads are blocked.


Experts conclude: Lockdown responsible for child hepatitis

Over a thousand children, mostly under the age of five, have been diagnosed with mysterious liver problems in the past few months, and now experts from Great Britain believe they have identified the reason why.

Over thirty countries have reported cases of a form of hepatitis, and several dozen children have needed a liver transplant as a result.

Now two teams of researchers, from London and Glasgow, have concluded that COVID restrictions, and specifically lockdowns, are to blame for usually mild viruses resulting in serious illness. The viruses concerned are adenovirus, which normally causes colds and stomach ache, and adeno-associated virus two, which does not ordinarily produce symptoms, and can only replicate in the presence of a “helper virus.”

Scientists have ruled out either COVID infection itself or adverse reactions to COVID vaccines as the cause of these cases of child hepatitis, and have concluded that lack of exposure in the early years of life to common viruses has had serious effects on the way children build up their immune systems.

The BBC interviewed several parents of children who have been seriously affected by this phenomenon. One is Noah, three years of age, who has undergone a liver transplant and will now need to take immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of his life.

“There is something really heartbreaking about that because you go along following the rules, do what you are supposed to do to protect people that are vulnerable and then, in some horrible roundabout way, your own child has become more vulnerable because you did what you were supposed to do,” his mother said.

Professor Judith Breuer, an expert virologist at University College London and Great Ormond Street Hospital, told the BBC that, “During the lockdown period when children were not mixing, they were not transmitting viruses to each other. They were not building up immunity to the common infections they would normally encounter.

“When the restrictions were lifted, children began to mix, viruses began to circulate freely – and they suddenly were exposed with this lack of prior immunity to a whole battery of new infections.”

Experts are hopeful that cases are now becoming fewer but they remain on alert for any new resurgences.


BRITS BLOOD MONEY: Prince Charles took £1M from Osama Bin Laden

The monkeypox spread is getting the AIDS treatment

By Andrea Widburg

I had a front-row seat to AIDS because I briefly worked in the medical field when AIDS first appeared and I lived and worked in San Francisco during the worst years of the epidemic. What I saw was a disease that got its start because of the unbridled hedonism of gay communities. Once it had that foothold, it became a risk to others, although it primarily continued to be a gay disease. For political reasons, no one dared stop those behaviors, and the same thing is happening now with monkeypox.

I’ve had many gay friends over my lifetime and don’t have a problem with monogamous homosexual relationships. I have a huge problem with the promiscuity that is a major aspect of gay sex. I first learned that in the summer of 1981, when two San Francisco virologists, for whom I worked, were working with virologists in New York to try to understand a cluster of bizarre diseases showing up in gay men—a syndrome that eventually proved to be Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

I was a naïve 20-year-old typist, but I learned then more than anyone should ever want to know about gay orgies. Gay men were having dozens of sexual contacts per night and, because of the nature of gay sex (that’s not how the body’s rear orifice is meant to be used), there was a huge amount of injury to sensitive tissues. (Drugs such as poppers, Quaaludes, marijuana, and goodness knows what else, helped the men ignore the pain and focus on the pleasure.) As the Bible understood when it took a stance against the ritualized hetero- and homosexual orgies that were part of the pagan world, the safest sex for individual bodies and whole communities is heterosexual, monogamous sex.

The problem was that no one was allowed to say that the specifics of excessive gay sex were responsible for AIDS’s swift spread. Yes, drug users and hemophiliacs also had a problem but when I was in San Francisco in the 1980s, it was the gay men who were dying like flies, and I lost many friends and acquaintances that way. Had politicians and judges had the courage to close the bathhouses and pushed hard for gays to restrain themselves, AIDS might not have gained the foothold it did. But gay men were suffering a terrible martyrdom and feeling their political power, and that made them untouchable.

If gays were a protected class in the 1980s, they’re a super protected class now. Anony Mee wrote an elegant, non-judgmental essay suggesting that gay men restrain their sexual drives for a few weeks to stop Monkeypox in its tracks, but I’m not seeing anyone else advocating the same. Instead, you get shrill voices demanding that we disconnect Monkeypox entirely from homosexual activity.

And yes, of course, straight people have orgies (which is stupid) but did I mention the unique aspects of gay men’s sex? Go back a few paragraphs and refresh your recollection.

As it is, the gay orgies have continued unabated. The worst part is that there’s no political or social opprobrium for this conduct. Gays continue to get a pass.

The latest example is the Dore Alley or Up Your Alley fetish fair in San Francisco. The fair is a reminder of why promiscuous gay sex can be such a disease vector. It’s not just the multiplicity of partners. It’s what they’re doing with their partners. A citizen photographer known only as Zombie has photographed the fair (once in 2008 and once in 2015). View these photos at your own risk because they are nauseating.

Despite the fair being the perfect opportunity for spreading the virus ever further, creating more and more points of contact between the gay orgy population and the general population, the San Francisco AIDS Foundation is telling people “full speed ahead”:

Because of COVID, ordinary Americans’ economic well-being was destroyed, their children were left uneducated and emotionally distressed, and their election was perverted. But monkeypox, even though it’s got the same general mortality rate as COVID and can be stopped right now, gets a pass because gay men are a protected class. I don’t know about you, but that just strikes me as seriously wrong.

Image: Internet meme; creator unknown.


The Antidote to Tyranny is Liberty, Not Democracy or International Government

Political language manipulates political debate. Abortion opponents who define themselves as “pro-life” semantically render abortion proponents as “pro-death.” Abortion supporters who define themselves as “pro-choice” semantically render any opposition as “anti-choice.” Who wants to be “pro-death” or “anti-choice,” after all? Such is the nature of politics. Words are weapons: when wielded deftly, they shape the battlespace for our minds.

So what does it mean when Western leaders these days speak so much of democracy but so little of individual rights? Or that they preach the virtues of international institutions, while demonizing nationalism as xenophobic and dangerous? It means that national sovereignty and natural, inviolable rights are under direct attack throughout the West.

It has become rather common for European and American politicians to divide the world between “democratic” and “authoritarian” nations, the former described as possessing inherent goodness and the latter declaimed as threatening the planet’s very existence. Of course, after two-plus years of COVID-19-related mask, vaccine and travel mandates, often imposed in the West through unilateral executive or administrative action — and not through legislative will or public referendum — it is somewhat difficult to assert that democratic nations are free from authoritarian impulse.

When presidents and prime ministers make and enforce their own laws under the pretext of “emergency powers,” then citizens should not be surprised when their leaders discover an endless supply of “emergencies” requiring urgent action. Should that truth be in any doubt, one need only look to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s iron-fisted decision to quell truckers’ peaceful Freedom Convoy protests against experimental vaccine mandates earlier this year by confiscating bank accounts and effecting forceful arrests with little regard for due process or respect for Canadians’ free speech. Trudeau’s declared “emergency” trumped Canadian citizens’ personal rights.

It is also true that democracy in and of itself is no guarantee for a noble and just society. In a properly functioning democracy of one hundred citizens, fifty-one can vote to deny the other forty-nine property, liberty, and even life. Should a member of the minority find himself enslaved to the state or slated for execution simply because the majority wish it so, he will not be singing the praises of democracy while his neck is squeezed within the noose.

Principles of federalism (where sovereign government jurisdiction is divided between a central authority and its local, constituent parts) and separation of powers (where the judicial, legislative, and executive functions of government are divided among distinct and independent branches) provide strong checks against the concentration and abuse of too much power.

However, it is the West’s traditional embrace of natural rights that exist apart from and superior to constitutional authority that create the greatest protection against unjust government power (democratic or not). When natural rights are viewed as inviolable, as they are in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, free speech cannot be censored simply because it is speech with which the government disagrees. When private property ownership is understood as an inherent right possessed by individuals, Trudeau could not so easily go after private bank accounts whenever he might choose to declare an “emergency.” When individual natural rights are seen as mere “gifts” from the government, though, they quickly disappear whenever government actors find it expedient.

It is increasingly common to see individual rights attacked as “selfish” and contrary to the “common good.” Should government leaders convince citizens that personal rights do not exist, or that they should not exist, then authoritarian governments embracing various shades of communism or fascism will come knocking on the door.

The rule of law does not excuse tyranny simply because what is unjust was democratically enacted. If any voting minority is vulnerable to the whims of the majority, then to that minority a democratic government feels exceedingly authoritarian, too. And should your life, liberty, or property be on the line, you might very well prefer the judgment of a benevolent dictator to the demands of a vengeful, yet “democratic,” mob.

The opposite of tyranny is not democracy, but rather liberty and individual rights. Is it not startling, then, that Western leaders extol democracy, yet pay such little homage to personal freedoms? Surely Western Civilization should honor hard-fought victories for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and free will. Surely the advancement of human liberty should be celebrated as a triumph of reason and rationality over feudal systems of power and their imperious forms of control. Surely any “free” society distinguishes itself from authoritarian regimes through its steadfast protection of inviolable human rights that exist irrespective of statutory law. Yet freedom, liberty, and individual rights are rarely mentioned. In their stead, political leaders cherish the “virtues” of democracy and little else. It is as if a linguistic sleight of hand has robbed Western citizens of their most valuable heritage.

If Western political leaders have used rhetorical voodoo to replace “individual liberty” with vague notions of “democracy,” they have relied upon a similar witchcraft to replace national sovereignty with international forms of government. What are the European Union, the United Nations, and the World Health Organization if not institutional structures for weakening the individual voting power of a nation’s citizens by handing once sovereign national powers to non-citizens?

Is it not strange that Western leaders laud democracy over authoritarianism while simultaneously diminishing the power of their voters and strengthening the authority of foreign institutions? Shouldn’t “democratic” nations decide their own fates? If not, if they must yield to the authority of the EU, UN or WHO, can individual nations still claim to be governed democratically?

“Nationalism” these days has been reduced to a disparaging word, as if anything done in the interests of one particular nation is inherently suspect. Citizens who express patriotic pride in their culture and national history are often rebuked as parochial or downright bigoted. Political movements that champion national self-determination (such as President Trump’s MAGA coalition in the U.S. and Brexitin the U.K.) are routinely ridiculed as “fascist” or “neo-Nazi.” Even when they achieve victory in democratic elections, they are nonetheless labeled “threats” to democracy.

Why should bigger, broader forms of international government, however, be seen as more virtuous and less corrupt than their national forms? When the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire, did its international institutions become inherently more trustworthy? When the Holy Roman Empire united much of Europe, did its emperors seem less authoritarian? For that matter, had Hitler’s Nazi Party succeeded in conquering all of Europe, would his “European Union” have deserved greater legitimacy than the national governments of Poland, Belgium, or France?

Surely it is just as absurd to praise international institutions over national governments without regard to the forms they take, as it is to praise democracy without regard for personal freedoms and individual rights. Surely it is easier to keep an eye on the actions of a local politician than it is to hold accountable a government official far away in Washington, D.C., New York City, Brussels, or Geneva. Yet international bodies are accorded tremendous respect today, while national bodies are frequently treated with disdain. It is as if national sovereignty has been demolished because the votes of democratic nations cannot be trusted to serve international interests. When Western leaders are all parroting the languageof the World Economic Forum, it does not seem as if they are taking their marching orders from their own voters. Deferring to unelected, untransparent, unaccountable organizations seems a rather odd way to fight authoritarianism.

When national populations are denied self-determination and personal liberties are treated as privileges, not rights, then tyranny is never far from taking hold. Hiding that reality behind manipulations of language does not change its potent truth. It just forestalls contentious political battles for a later, more explosive day.


Why are US road accidents sky-rocketing?

There has been a massive increase in traffic accidents in the United States since last year. Based on its observations, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) predicted some time ago that there would be a statistical increase in traffic deaths in at least 44 (out of 50) US states by 2021.

In fact, the number of fatalities in multi-vehicle accidents in cities and on urban roads in the United States increased by 16 percent from 2020. For people over the age of 65, the number of traffic deaths increased by 14 percent. The number of fatal pedestrian accidents increased by 13 percent. Even the number of fatalities on motorcycles increased by nine percent, and the number of fatalities on cyclists increased by five percent.

The states with the highest number of traffic-related fatalities are California, Texas, Florida and Washington DC.

NHTSA’s numbers represent the worst accident statistics since 2005 and the largest one-year percentage increase in the history of the Fatality Analysis Reporting System.

In absolute numbers: 43 000 Americans died on US roads in 2021 – the highest level in 16 years. The number of car accidents increased by ten percent in 2021 compared to 2020 and is still increasing. For 2022, the forecast is that 50 000 Americans will die in car accidents.

The NHTSA appears disinterested to find out why the rising number of accidents has reached a 16-year high coinciding with the “pandemic”. In contrast, the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) blamed speeding, alcohol, drugs and distracted driving for the massive increase in road fatalities.

Some 270 million Americans have been vaccinated against Covid-19 with mRNA vaccines in the last two years. Already, behind closed doors, calls are being made for more autopsies to be carried out on the alleged “accident” victims. In any case, the increase in numbers correlates strikingly with the increasing numbers of collapsing athletes, public figures and, more recently, tourists worldwide.


BOOM! Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro DESTROYS Leonardo DiCaprio for tweet about Amazon Rainforest: You want to change the whole world, but never yourselves!