Former Afghanistan commander of the German Armed Forces warns against taking in many local Afghan forces: “They despise us”

The welcoming of former Afghan local forces is currently being called for in many places. Dr Thomas Sarholz, a retired colonel in the German Armed Forces, however, does not believe in indiscriminate aid: “As far as the local forces are concerned, I have a different approach than the one usually propagated in the media. His observation: “The fact that all these local forces now want to come to us does not surprise me; after all, they had gained a fairly accurate insight into our standard of living. Inwardly, these people despise us, which of course they will never admit for understandable reasons. After all, they want to achieve something: Germany as a stronghold of prosperity.”

Sarholz was himself sent to Afghanistan as a soldier in the German Armed Forces: In 2005 and 2006, he was commander of Camp Warehouse in Kabul, the largest international camp at the time, with about 2400 soldiers from more than 20 nations. In this capacity, he also had local staff. “These young men knew exactly the situation in the society around them. Selflessness was the last thing that drove these people to work for us. These romantic-idealising ideas are unknown there or meet with complete incomprehension.Life is much too hard to deal with such talk of people living in prosperity,” he emphasised in a letter to the editor of the German daily FAZ.

The local staff were paid generously by Afghan standards and, according to Sarholz, treated well. They took part in the “excellent” lunch rations as a matter of course. “They were usually given clothes, shoes and so on by the soldiers of the German contingent when they changed contingents. I signed dozens of so-called ” take-away certificates” so that these gifts were not taken away from them when they were checked at the guard post.”

For the retired colonel it is clear: “So it was worth working for us”. Clearly, this did not go unnoticed by the Afghan staff’s social environment. What you have to know is: “An Afghan defines himself exclusively by his family or tribal affiliation, individualism is unknown. If they belonged to strong clans, “they also benefited from this and protected these people.

If the local forces were members of weaker groups, other locals also benefited from their deployment. Even the Taliban could profit from this. For here “protection money was due in order not to be killed. In addition, information had to be provided. The Taliban or similar groups were thus informed in detail about our numbers, equipment, possibly even our intentions.”

The German Armed Forces also had to cope with this. “My two German soldiers who supported me in running the camp were instructed accordingly and warned to be careful when passing on information.”

With regard to the question whether there were also Afghan forces with more respect and less contempt for the foreign troops, Sarholz concludes: “I don’t want to deny that there may be exceptions.Only: I did not personally notice them. But perhaps I was and still am ignorant. With the latter, however, I am in good company when I look at the coverage of the collapse of the Western-sponsored political order in Afghanistan.”

Germany: Iraqi man arrested for sexually assaulting 4-year-old girl on train

Police officers in Germany have arrested an Iraqi man after he sexually assaulted a 4-year-old girl who had been traveling on a regional train with her parents from Baden-Württemberg to Hesse.

The four-year-old victim, along with her mother, father, and 16-year-old sister, had been searching for their seats inside a regional train bound for the town of Erbach when the suspect, a 20-year-old Iraqi man, hurled insults at the teenager before grabbing and kissing the young toddler, the daily newspaper Stuttgarter Zeitung reports.

According to local police, the suspect fled the scene, but did not get off the train after the 4-year-old girl’s parents confronted him about the assault. Despite the suspect’s attempts to flee, however, state police forces managed to arrest him when the train arrived in Biberach an der Riss, after being alerted to the situation by the victim’s mother.

Now, federal police are investigating the Iraqi national on suspicion of sexual harassment and insults, among other charges.

The assault comes a little more than a year after two Iraqi brothers were arrested for what German prosecutors described as “hunting” young women at Berlin nightclubs, Remix News reported. The two brothers, 33-year-old Wisam and 25-year-old Karrar, were arrested and charged with committing multiple rapes against females aged 14, 18, and 21.

In 2020, Berlin saw a significant uptick in rapes, with migrants accounting for nearly half of all rape suspects even though they make up a small percentage of Berlin’s total population. Concerning the other half of the rape suspects, it isn’t exactly clear what percentage of them have migrant backgrounds and how many have deep familial roots in Germany.

Statistics released last spring by the German Criminal Federal Police (BKA) showed that suspects without a German passport carried out over one-third of all crimes in the country in 2019. The same report revealed that asylum seekers who’ve recently arrived in Germany, a group which at the time comprised just 2 percent of the population, committed close to 15 percent of all violent crime.

Other countries in Western Europe have observed similar trends.

In December of 2019, data from Italy’s Interior Ministry revealed that 42 percent of all rape suspects were foreigners.

The previous year, Swedish state-owned broadcaster SVT reported that 58 percent of men with rape or attempted rape convictions in Sweden in the preceding five years were migrants who were born outside of the European Union, with the vast majority coming from the Middle East and Africa.

Despite the overwhelmingly negative effects that pro-mass migration policies have had on German and Western European society, Chairman of the German Federal Employment Agency Detlef Scheele, who’s also a politician for the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), recently claimed that the country needs an additional 400,000 migrants each year to have a large enough workforce.

“When refugees from Afghanistan set off, Germany should do its part to take them in,” Scheele told reporters at the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Unfortunately, Scheele’s evaluation of the situation at hand fails to take into account the German government’s statistics which have shown that most migrants living in the country have, so far, failed to enter the job market. A new study carried out by researchers at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) revealed that only 43 percent of all asylum seekers have acquired a job in Germany, per the latest figures released in 2018.

Covid-19: Did Emmanuel Macron lie about the date of his vaccination?

That was almost three months ago. On May 31, 2021, after weeks of procrastination, the vaccination was released to all adults by the government, which had been criticised for its disastrous management of the vaccine supply. On the same day, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron announced that they had both been vaccinated. Only one dose was needed, as the presidential couple had already contracted the virus in December 2020. A surprising anecdote: when the president’s full participation in the vaccination war was publicly announced, no photo of the syringe was published. A detail that caused astonishment at the time, but to which the Elysée Palace reacted by saying that they did not want to “[…] heroise” Emmanuel Macron’s vaccination. On the contrary: Médiapart, Jean Castex and Olivier Véran were entitled to take their photo.

It was Edwy Plenel’s newspaper, known for its penchant for explosive revelations, that brought the debate back to the table this Thursday, August 26. Mediapart has in fact managed to find the official vaccination record of the presidential couple by accessing the health insurance databases. And these are formal: if Brigitte Macron was indeed vaccinated on May 31, Emmanuel Macron’s vaccination seems to date back to July 13. In other words, Mediapart notes that the day after the President of the Republic made his announcements about the health passport and compulsory vaccination… When asked by the newspaper, the Elysée responded laconically, citing “human error” in the remote transmission of the documents to the health insurance company confirming the date of Emmanuel Macron’s vaccination. Allegedly, the official vaccination date ( May 31) and the date of transmission of the documents (July 13) were mixed up. However, this answer does not explain why Brigitte Macron’s documents were sent on May 31.

Germany should accept at least 50,000 Afghans, says Green chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock

Green Chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock has spoken out in favor of bringing more than 50,000 Afghans to Germany. This included family members of local armed forces, subcontractors, women’s rights activists, and journalists.

However, according to Baerbock, 50,000 is a low-ball figure.

“We are now talking about the local staff, but we can see what massacres the Taliban are already doing in some provinces. That is why it is important to think ahead.“

Thousands demonstrate in favor of accepting migrants

Meanwhile, over the weekend, thousands of people demonstrated in several German cities in favor of accepting Afghan migrants. They demanded, among other things, a quick evacuation of local forces of the Bundeswehr, human and women’s rights activists, scientists, and athletes, reported several media outlets. In addition, deportations to the country are to be stopped and Afghans are to be given a permanent right to stay in Germany.

Around 1,700 people took part in the rally in Berlin. An alliance of migrant aid organizations, including the “Seebrücke”, which in the past had already campaigned for the reception of Mediterranean migrants in Germany, called for the demonstration under the motto “Afghanistan: Take responsibility – take on now!”. According to the police, around 2,500 people protested in Hamburg. There were rallies in Kiel and Siegen too.

The Association of Towns and Municipalities called for a worldwide quota solution for refugees from Afghanistan. 

“It must be ensured that Germany, which has already taken in a large number of refugees from Syria, for example, does not bear the brunt in the end,” said the Chief Executive of the Association Gerd Landsberg.

EU Interior Commissioner Ylva Johansson had previously called on all EU states to increase their quotas for resettlement of migrants within the UNHCR program. “We shouldn’t make the same mistakes we made in 2015. We shouldn’t wait until the people are at the EU’s external borders,” said Johansson. 

The Swedish Social Democrat reiterated her demand that EU countries should allow more Afghans to enter the countries legally and safely. 

“We don’t want people to go on dangerous journeys where people smugglers take advantage of people’s plight.”

Austria against the EC stance

Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP), on the other hand, spoke out again against taking over Afghan migrants. It leads to problems accepting people who cannot then be integrated, Kurz said on Sunday. “I do not believe that we should accept more people in Austria.”

Austria is currently home to around 40,000 Afghans. In terms of population, this is the second-largest Afghan community in the EU. 

AfD: Germany must follow Austria’s example

AfD leader and top candidate Tino Chrupalla called on the federal government to follow Austria’s example. 

“Germany cannot bear any additional burden from Afghan refugees, and in our country, too, we cannot speak of successful integration of Afghan migrants. We cannot take in a single Afghan to whom we have no direct contractual obligations,“ Chrupalla said, adding: “If you look at the high levels of unemployment and crime among Afghan asylum immigrants, you can only reject Annalena Baerbock’s proposal to bring over 50,000 Afghans to Germany immediately. We have to follow Austria’s example, strengthen Europe and send the clear signal to all Afghans willing to migrate: No way!“

Sharia law in France! On the beach, together with 4 other men, he demanded that the women get dressed

On the beach of Messanges (photo), the accused was arrested in the course of a personal check.

A zealous activist in the name of the Sharia, caught in the region of Les Landes!

On the beach at Messanges: arrested for ordering women to get dressed

A 25-year-old man, under house arrest in Mayenne while awaiting deportation to Morocco, was caught in Messanges with friends harassing tourists who were wearing swimming costumes.

On August 21, CRS lifeguards supervising the bathing season in Messanges were informed by tourists that five people were walking around on the beach, harassing women in bathing suits and asking them to put on their clothes. During an identity check, the soldiers discovered that an expulsion order had been issued against one of them on August 6. This order includes a ban on leaving one’s residence in the Mayenne region and a decree to report regularly to the authorities.

“I live in a civil partnership, I have a child born in June, and my wife went to visit her family in Bordeaux, so I picked her up on the way back,” the accused tried to justify himself.
“And to drive across Bordeaux, you spend the afternoon on the beach at Messanges,” the judge asked….
“A group of friends called me, I came, but it was not me who asked the women to keep their clothes on,” he added.

He has already been convicted seven times and deported to Morocco for the first time. The accused, whose identity is difficult to establish, swears that he is not the perpetrator of the previous offences, but the victim of the actions of someone with the same name.

Last week he had already been called to order for not being at home during the house arrest ordered.

“I think six months in prison with probation will make him think,” said the deputy prosecutor. At the end of the trial, a three-month custodial sentence was imposed.


[Note from J.F.: What about the other four…?]

I thank you for your services as a Sharia overseer, but in France our women do not wear a burkini.

Let him go back to Morocco, among his own kind, and let those who are already here respect our customs.

Jules Ferry

‘Illegals a jackpot for dozens of non-profit organizations’

The European Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration (AMIF) provides money to European countries for the implementation of a program aimed at “handling migration flows efficiently”. Flemish federal representative Ellen Samyn (Vlaams Belang) said the money goes to funding illegal immigration.

“Belgium received 183 million euros between 2014 and today of the more than 3 billion euros that the European Commission has earmarked for this.”

Of this 183 million euros, almost 150 million euros remained at the federal level, while Flanders and Wallonia each received 16,6 million euros. “What eventually happens to all that money is highly unclear,” said Samyn, who addressed a written question about this to State Secretary for Asylum and Migration Sammy Mahdi (CD&V). “Unfortunately, the response was as short as it was disappointing. We were none the wiser.”

“In a manner of speaking, there are more subsidized staff members in non-profit organizations working in projects concerning the voluntary return of illegal immigrants than the number of illegal immigrants they actually return,” Samyn said.

“Our tax money goes to 280 different projects just like that. So this is yet another subsidy carousel for ‘friendly’ non-profit organizations that eat from the Purple-Green coalition hand,” continued Samyn. “There are 35 projects that are allegedly committed to the return of illegal immigrants. But during the first five months of this year, 764 people have returned ‘voluntarily’ out of an estimated 100 000 to 150 000 illegal immigrants residing in Belgium. So there are probably more subsidized staff members working in such projects than the number of illegal immigrants they send back.”

Purple is the term for a government coalition of social democrats and liberals, excluding Christian democrats. It is derived from the combination of the colour of the social democrats (red) and liberals (blue) in Belgium and the Netherlands.

And it is clear from Mahdi’s answer that he does not want anyone snooping around his budget. “He has seven ongoing projects that are referred to as ‘special cases’ and that consume 61 million euros,” said Samyn. “But it is unclear what those ‘special cases’ are, [but] money flows there anyway.” A special service has been set up within the FPS Home Affairs to monitor these subsidies. But as yet no answer has been received to a written question to Minister of the Interior Annelies Verlinden (CD&V).

“People throw money away by not acting unambiguously and decisively”, concluded Samyn. “The illegal immigrant industry is a business model for many dozens of non-profit organizations in which the Purple-Green just like the previous government has joined in. And meanwhile, Europe’s borders are under increasing pressure. As long as this pamper policy is implemented, they will continue to come en masse.”