Scandal in Austria: One of the Afghan rapists and murderers of 13-year-old Leonie should still have been in prison

Drugged, raped, strangled, dumped like rubbish. These were the last moments in the life of young Leonie (13 years old).

The crime at the end of June this year was a shock almost for the entire country of Austria and also caused outrage beyond its borders.

It quickly became clear to the investigators who had inflicted the ordeal on the girl: four Afghans between the ages of 16 and 22. At least two of them have relevant criminal records, and one of them should have been deported from Austria in 2018. But this did not happen. All four men are in custody pending trial.

Now it turns out: One of the suspects should have been in prison at the time of the crime!

Sahel S. (23), who is said to have procured the drugs on the night of the crime, was given a two-year prison sentence by the regional court in St.Pölten in May 2020.

As the internet portal oe24 reports, the refugee was convicted of assault, aggravated coercion and sexual assault of a woman who is still traumatised by this.

Unbelievable: S. only had to serve a quarter of the sentence and was already out on parole after half a year!

After S. was released from prison in November 2020, he consistently blocked a probation officer who wanted to contact him, did not keep appointments. Because S. did not fulfil this important condition, his parole was revoked again – but he was not arrested until the night of the crime.

This was the only reason why Sahel S. was at large on the night of the crime and could commit the horrible crime!

According to media reports, the Afghan has been brazenly trying to deny guilt for weeks. According to oe24, S. initially claimed that he had only procured the drugs, but had never been at the scene of the crime. However, video recordings are said to show S. driving an e-scooter to the scene of the crime at the time in question, and all four suspects incriminate each other. According to this, the dealer S. also raped the girl.,view=amp.bildMobile.html