France: “Pontanézen is a neighbourhood in Brest penetrated by Islamism and drug trafficking, a non-French zone”

The urban guerrilla scenes of the last few days in Brest cause no peace of mind. It is true that the fairy tale of ” coexistence ” that François Cuillandre, the mayor of the city, and his deputies cherish is being seriously challenged.

For its part, the Rassemblement National denounces the chaos, as Renee THOMAÏDIS, regional councillor for Brittany, writes:

“These scenes, reminiscent of the film “Bac Nord”, are of course not new in Brest. Muggings and violent thefts are the order of the day, weapons of war circulate freely, and the detonations of firearms no longer surprise anyone. The honest residents go through hell, sneaking past the walls of the houses, aligning their lives and outings with the immigrant thugs who make everyday life miserable, occupy the hallways and deal drugs with complete impunity.The residents have only one desire: to flee,” reads a statement by the RN party , in which it calls the city’s mayor the chief Calimero: “He has been the socialist mayor of Brest for over 20 years and feels absolutely no responsibility for the explosion of violence, as he still refuses to create an armed city police force. François Cuillandre is proud of the more than 100 million euros invested in Pontanézen, but forgets that this neighbourhood has become a non-French zone, infiltrated by radical Islam, through his immigrationism and his ideology of ” coexistence “, in which he tries to buy a false social peace”.

But the opposition in Brest is not spared either:

“Bernadette Malgorn’s response is equally surreal! She dares to denounce the head in the sand policy … but is it necessary to remember that she was Prefect of Brittany? Is it necessary to remember that she was Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior? Has she forgotten that she represents a party that has only increased legal and illegal immigration while cutting more than 13,000 jobs in the police and gendarmerie? Has she forgotten that Nicolas Sarkozy promised the pressure washer but it fizzled out? As for the LREM government, it is hastily sending some temporary police reinforcements, a real drop in the ocean… PS, LR, LREM: arsonists do not make good firefighters.

I support the long-suffering residents, the police, the fire brigade and the staff of Bibus who are on the front line fighting the riffraff”.

The regional councillor called for a revolt in the elections:

“It’s high time we put an end to the charade! An end to immigration, lax justice and the culture of apology, a 180-degree turnaround in criminal justice policy, reintroduction of minimum sentences, expulsion of foreign criminals, cancellation of social assistance for parents of underage offenders, moral and material rearmament of our forces of law and order… Next April, only Marine Le Pen can beat Emmanuel Macron and restore security and calm in Brest as elsewhere!”

Reality explodes every day before the eyes of those who tried to deny it, especially in Brittany; coming back down to earth could indeed become a challenge…