Asylum seekers integrated into the German labour market worse than expected – Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans and Iranians in particular receive unemployment benefits

The asylum seekers who have immigrated since 2015 are significantly less well integrated into the labour market than the foreigners who have lived here before. According to current figures published by the Federal Employment Agency (BA), 53 percent of all employable asylum seekers receive unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV). That is currently about 629,000 persons, reports the monthly magazine Tichys Einblick based on current BA figures. Most recipients of unemployment benefits, namely 58 percent, are Syrians with about 367,000 persons. The Hartz IV rate among Syrians is 70 percent, far surpassing all other immigrant groups with asylum status.

According to official BA figures, only 128,000 of the current 790,000 Syrians in Germany are employed subject to social security contributions. In relation to the group of employable Syrians between 15 and 65 years of age, this corresponds to an employment rate of 24 percent according to the BA. This is the worst rate of all migrant groups. Experts suspect that this might have something to do with the special position of the Syrians, who are the only ones with a secure residence status in Germany.

According to the BA, the unemployment rate is also very high among Iraqis at 50 percent, followed by Eritreans (45 percent), Afghans (44 percent) and Iranians (30 percent). “This is significantly below the rate of 80 to 85 percent for foreigners who have previously lived here,” says economist Bernd Raffelhüschen. “The situation will get even worse because many migrants work in precarious jobs – for example in the restaurant industry or in the taxi business,” the economist comments in Tichy’s Einblick.Refugees are employed where low-skilled workers are needed.”But these are precisely the industries that are making massive layoffs in times of corona recession. That’s why the government’s statements at the time that we’ll manage the integration of this unregulated immigration sound like a mockery to me.” The politicians made a complete error. “All those fine orators of yesteryear must now shamefully remain silent. They were simply wrong. “A 50 percent employment rate is not integration.”