French senator Guerriau held on suspicion of drugging female MP for sex

French senator Joël Guerriau, 66, was arrested by police on November 15 on suspicion of having drugged a woman with the aim of having sex with her.

Ecstasy was allegedly found in his Paris home and office and reportedly found in the woman’s blood. The senator’s police custody was extended on the evening of November 16, RMC reports.

The alleged victim, who reportedly became unwell when visiting the Guerriau’s home, is said to be a member of parliament and a friend of the senator.

The female, whose identity has not been confirmed, allegedly had a drink with him on Tuesday night before collapsing. She was then taken to hospital where tests revealed the presence of ecstasy in her system.

According to the Paris public prosecutor’s office, the woman filed a complaint for “administering to a person, without their knowledge, a substance of such a nature as to impair their discernment or control over their actions for the purpose of committing rape or sexual assault”.

Guerriau is one of 18 Independents in the French upper house and a member of the centrist Horizons party.

If found guilty, he faces up to five years of jail and a fine of €75,000.

The public prosecutor’s office said Guerriau was apprehended and taken into custody by officers as part of a flagrante delicto investigation, which means they do not need to request his parliamentary immunity to be lifted.

Guerriau’s lawyer Rémi-Pierre Drai stated that he was “outraged to see sections of the probe make the news”.

“So either the public prosecutor’s office is responsible for this and I’m outraged by that once again, or the public prosecutor’s office has nothing to do with it and must therefore question the identity of the perpetrator of this violation and investigate,” he added.

“On the substance of the case, I will not give any information, not only because I am bound by the confidentiality of the investigation, but above all out of respect for my client and for the complainant, whose name I am surprised has not been disclosed, unlike that of my client.”

Guerriau has been the centrist senator for Loire Atlantique since 2011.  He is vice-president of the Senate’s foreign and military affairs committee.

He is also no stranger to controversy. In December 2016, an explicit image of his penis, a so-called dick pick, was shared on his Twitter account, now X.

Initially, the elected official labelled it an “act of malice” and claimed his account had been hacked.

Despite initially expressing intentions to file a complaint he later abandoned the idea, citing an “internal resolution” and attributing the tweet to a “mistake by one of his staff”.

Beyond Belief

Time to Think
by Hannah Barnes
London: Swift Press, 2023

Hannah Barnes’ detailed investigation of what went wrong at the Tavistock Clinic in London under the auspices of the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) was a frustrating read. This was not only because of subject material which is, in places, stomach churning, but also because of the author’s approach. Barnes, a BBC journalist, tries to remain impartial in the face of a mountain of facts that she uncovered regarding the wholesale gender transitioning of children at the hands of those in GIDS. The details of what took place at the Tavistock clinic are evidence of medical malpractice on a massive scale, yet Barnes refuses to describe it in those terms.

Barnes bases her neutrality on the view that there is no evidence that practitioners at the Tavistock clinic intended to inflict harm on the children who passed through their doors. Outside of the book, she argued in her interview on Triggernometry that we still “do not know the scale” of the scandal. One child was surely enough, but thousands must provide all the scale needed. Moreover Barnes’ neutrality, which she proclaims with her BBC hat on, would be more convincing if the BBC had displayed a semblance of balance over the reporting of events related to COVID-19.

Barnes’ insistence on using the preferred pronouns of transgender interviewees, even when referring to them pre-transition, is both infuriating and confusing. The investigative chapters have some case study chapters interspersed and, without wishing to make light of her problems by referring to her sex, by the time I read the story of how ‘Jack’ (referred to as ‘he’ by Barnes) had transitioned to a male identity, had tried lesbianism and had also known a few men (she only had ‘top surgery,’ so her vagina was intact), but was identifying as a gay man, I was completely confused about with whom she was sleeping and what sex ‘Jack’ was.

Nevertheless, Time to Think is a meticulous piece of investigative journalism and, perhaps, Barnes could not have conducted the interviews and fact checking had she begun with the view that what was happening in GIDS was an abomination. She is not alone: many consider gender to be only loosely related to biological sex. At some points, the meticulous nature of the work is almost too detailed, written in a who-did-what-and-when format. The time frame of events is confusing in places, and somewhat repetitive. Nevertheless, hardly a chapter passes without some shocking revelation about how GIDS developed and was managed. There was no shortage of management of the clinic, with regular meetings but precious little clinical supervision or opportunities to discuss cases and clinical practice in detail. Few will read Time to Think without realising that something went badly wrong at the Tavistock clinic. 

Barnes traces the origins of the clinic geographically, theoretically, and in terms of the key figures involved. The founder was an Italian, Domenico Di Ceglie, who seems a sympathetic character. He appears to have set out with the intention of exploring gender dysphoria in children. At the outset, very few children appeared to suffer, and the intention was to help get to the root of what was causing this. Sessions took place over a very long time during which puberty sometimes occurred and, being a well-known cure for gender dysphoria, the problem often dissipated. However, for a minority it persisted. Only in extreme cases did Di Ceglie recommend the pharmacological intervention that could eventually lead to horrific surgical realignment.

Thus the thin edge of a wedge was created. Early on, Di Ceglie was challenged about this potential by someone who asked if in creating the service he was creating the problem. These words proved to be a doom-laden prophecy. At the last count, over 9000 children may have been seen at the Tavistock clinic since its inception and over 1000 may have been prescribed puberty blockers. These figures are only estimated as, it transpires, accurate records were not kept or are deliberately being withheld, freedom of information requests notwithstanding.

What is certain is that, with the hammer of puberty blockers to hand, every problem presenting at the Tavistock was considered a nail. Thus, a remarkable array of mental health problems—including autism, depression, suicidal ideation, and one case of what sounds like schizophrenia—was treated with puberty blockers. Most children presenting came from disturbed backgrounds involving drug, alcohol, and physical abuse, often involving parents; many had been through their own traumas with drugs and alcohol, sex, and homelessness. Often, they ended up on puberty blockers, moving the children off the analytical couch and on to the next stage as the front line of (mainly junior) psychologists became overwhelmed.

In 2015, when an external consultant was hired to look at problems in the Tavistock clinic, it was discovered that staff considered their workloads to be unsustainable. This led to the hiring of more staff, which merely enabled GIDS to continue recommending even more puberty blockers and putting more young people on the road to transitioning.

While staff had been raising concerns in the mid-2010s, nothing prepared them for what was uncovered in 2019, demonstrating either that they had a remarkable lack of curiosity for what was going on under their noses and little interest in whether it was effective, or that the data were being deliberately withheld. Barnes does not commit herself to a conclusion. A study had been conducted about five years earlier involving 144 children—one as young as eight years old—who were studied over the course of their time on puberty blockers. Only approximately 50 remained in the study but staff were dismayed to find out that being prescribed puberty blockers had not led to any improvement in the problems with which they presented at the clinic. It was then uncovered that following being prescribed puberty blockers—considered a reversible treatment—all of the children remaining in the study had eventually been prescribed cross-sex hormones, which are irreversible.

The extent of research malpractice is staggering. Those responsible for these studies said that causality based on the effect of puberty blocking drugs could not be established: however, they ensured this conclusion by including no control groups. It defies belief as to how the study was approved by a research ethics committee, but it was. The GIDS researchers ‘shopped around’ ethics committees in London until one approved it. Thankfully, that practice has since been stopped.

The initial outcome of revelations about poor practice in the mid-2010s was that nothing had changed; it was, essentially, business as usual at the Tavistock clinic. However, it became apparent that some children were gay and were seeking to transition due to homophobia. There was also increasing pressure to prescribe puberty blockers from Mermaids, an organisation purporting to help ‘gender diverse’ children. This pressure was influencing clinical decisions  with one person associated with GIDS declaring, “We were answering to Mermaids.”

In 2017, Dr. David Bell conducted an investigation into GIDS and was “shocked” at what he found. His investigation largely confirmed what has been revealed above, but also pointed to a ‘climate of fear’ among staff who felt unable to challenge what was happening. He was asked not to publish his 54-page report and he became very unpopular at Tavistock. Possibly, this was because he had shown that the clinic was largely dependent on the funding generated by GIDS. It seems that the old adage to ‘follow the money’ may have proved itself once more. Remarkably, even in the face of the manifest problems in GIDS, the response at the Tavistock clinic was a desire to expand the service.

In 2019, due to increasing public and political unease, Tavistock and GIDS staff were questioned in the House of Lords. Revelations about their work there began to appear in the mainstream media and, thereby, to reach the attention of the wider world. This point in Barnes’s narration occurs less than halfway through a book that also includes over 60 pages of notes. To a large extent, the rest is history and is in the public domain. Ordered to close the GIDS service in 2023, the Tavistock clinic has managed to push the deadline back to spring 2024. The service it provides will not cease; instead this will be devolved and scattered across the NHS. Elsewhere, I have described this as a ‘cluster bomb.’ It will actually become harder to identify and monitor these kinds of services. As a result, I fear that the main features of work at the Tavistock clinic will continue, and nothing will change.

Time to Think is, therefore, undoubtedly the most detailed record to date of what took place at the GIDS under the auspices of the Tavistock Clinic. The evidence includes documents in the public domain and interviews with former staff and former patients. Thus, the bare facts are presented in the light of some harrowing personal experiences. That such a situation as the one at the Tavistock Clinic arose is almost beyond belief. This book clearly illustrates that it did and how it happened. As such, for anyone interested in the issues, it is an essential read.

Tower of Pisa taken over: Muslims are now also storming Italian churches

A group of Italian students waved a Palestinian flag from the Leaning Tower of Pisa on Friday. The raid was carried out by by some fifteen students belonging to ‘antagonist’ anticapitalist movements who broke into the Tower of Pisa, overcoming controls, and displayed a giant Palestine flag from the world’s most famous bell tower. They also lit a couple of smoke bombs before descending. No damage was reported. According to what the police reconstructed, the studnets acted at the end of a pacifist procession of about 500 people that this morning went through the main streets of the centre to Piazza dei Miracoli, where Pisa’s cathedral and bell tower are located. The raid lasted a few minutes and ended in an orderly manner. photo: a generic snap of tower.

Wikimedia Commons, © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 3.0

Students wave Palestinian flag from Leaning Tower of Pisa – English –

A felon in France, profiting from pro-abortion campaigns, gambling with economies, Clintons, Ukraine and more: What book “Controligarchs” says about George Soros

American author and investigative journalist Seamus Bruner has released his new book titled “Controligarch” exposing the exploits of globalist billionaires including Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet, Klaus Schwab, David Rockefeller, and more importantly, George Soros, the funder of economic meltdowns and social and political disruptions across all such countries he sets his eyes on.

George Soros was among the billionaires whose assets increased by 37.4% post-pandemic from $263,429,906,000 to $362,009,025,000. Others included Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and the Rockefeller Foundation. The personal net worth of George Soros increased by nearly $300,000,000 between 2019 to 2022.

How Soros and gang profited from the pro-abortion campaign

Chapter one of the book, titled “The Good Club”, reveals that Soros was part of a secret club of billionaires which met in May 2009 to identify an area of interest for the coterie and turn it into their pet project in the name of saving humanity. “They were there to save the world-or, at least, to set the agenda for the future of global health,” the opening lines of the book read. The meeting was convened by Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and David Rockefeller, all of whom had invested heavily in Obama and Biden’s 2008 election campaign.

The subject that the club decided to turn into a global “philanthropic” mission was overpopulation. And from it emerged the pro-abortion campaign in America and eventually the world. According to Bruner, Soros, Buffet, Rockefeller, Bloomberg and Gates poured a combined total of more than $1.5 billion into increasing women’s access to contraceptives and abortions. “Enough to fund the termination of approximately 3 million unborn babies,” the author writes.

The proceeds from Clinton’s pro-abortion policies, specifically the distribution of abortion pill mifepristone or RU-486 earned George soros and Warren Buffet heavy profits. In 1997, the Rockefellers’ Population Council – which was granted the rights by the developer to market and sell the pill – transferred the distribution rights of RU-486 to a shadowy pharmaceutical startup called Danco Laboratories. Danco had an unlisted phone number and its only known address was “somewhere in ‘midtown Manhattan’.”

According to author Seamus Bruner, the transfer of RU-486 rights from a nonprofit Population Council to the for-profit Danco Labs allowed investors to cash in. It took several years to uncover the investors, but it just so happened that Good Club members George Soros and Warren Buffet were among the lucky Controligarchs to profit from RU-486.”

Soros crushed the coal industry and pushed green policies after investing in green energy

The author reveals that “Soros helped the Obama administration crush the coal industry” and his motives were profit-driven. “He shorted coal stocks as the administration smashed the industry. Soros then grabbed the coal stocks for pennies on the dollar.” Talking about the same, a Forbes financial analyst stated, “I think George Soros used the government like a blunt object to beat down coal stocks and make money shorting them.”

It is safe to say that Elon Musk’s Tesla-charging solar company SolarCity was rescued by Soros. Soros pushed policies that benefited financial interests in green energy and put in $1.1 billion into environmental think tanks. These green investments have helped Soros and gang “profit mightily through corporate welfare while avoiding taxes”. “They, like Gates, do so by moving their personal funds to their tax-exempt foundations,” the author writes.

Soros had a role in triggering the Russia-Ukraine conflict?

The European Union (EU) was George Soros’ pet project. According to the book, EU was regarded by the business magnate as an embodiment of “an open society”. At the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2022, Soros delivered an alarmist address about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The development had shaken Europe to its core, he said. “The invasion may have been the beginning of the Third World War and our civilisation may not survive it,” Soros said.

Sounding this alarm was the subject of Soros’ address. According to the book, Soros admitted that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine did not come out of the blue. The author writes that the conflict had been long in the making and in a way Soros had played a role. “Soros was Russia’s public enemy number one, and he and his philanthropic outfits were famously banished from that country. Soros had done more, perhaps, than any one person to steer Ukraine away from Russia and toward the neoliberal Western establishment.”

“The Russia-Ukraine conflict was the culmination of many failures, not just the EU’s, especially for a globalist such as Soros. Not only had he worked tirelessly for decades on EU epansion, but he had also been a staunch defender of NATO,” the author writes. Soros once wrote in the early 1990s that NATO was critical to his and others’ plan for what they called the “New World Order”.

But again, Soros was initiated into the Russian and Ukrainian economy and politics decades before the current conflict broke out.

“Soros had operated in both Russia and Ukraine before their post-Soviet separation. His Open Society Foundations and vast network of affiliated NGOs had infiltrated both countries during the Soviet era prior to 1990.” The book further reveals that in 1992, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed off on a similar post-Soviet Union economic reorganisation, which sent inflation skyrocketing 2,500 per cent and led to a handful of connected oligarchs amassing unimaginable wealth by taking control of Russian state assets.

“Just write that the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire,” were the words Soros said to The New Republic in 1994 about his involvement in Russia’s economic transition.

The book also exposes how Soros invested and operated his shadowy network of NGOs in post-Soviet Russia for more than two decades until Putin banned him and his NGOs in 2013. Soros had also helped cause a ruble crash in the late 1990s. After the ban, Soros began funding a proxy war in Ukraine.

Soros’s Orange Revolution in Ukraine overthrew the pro-Russia Ukrainian government resulting in the rise of the Volodymyr Zelenskyy regime

A “political philanthropist” for the Democrats

The book Controligarch reveals that Soros pumped $178.5 million into federal campaigns making him the biggest contributor. Not a single penny went to Republicans, the author points out. “In Soros’s 1993 speech on the future of NATO, he declared that the United Nations had failed as an organisation that could assume control over US troops. Soros was not a fan of ‘American Supremacy’. The very idea of American exceptionalism needed to be watered down, and NATO could be the means to do so,” the author writes.

Soros Fund Management was the largest single contributor in the 2022 midterm elections. But because it cannot legally contribute directly to candidates or party committees, the fund funnelled cash to political affiliates, the largest being Democracy PAC II, whose president is Alexander Soros, son of George Soros.

In the 2020 election cycle, Soros funnelled more than $80 million to Democratic groups and candidates. Soros, in a statement to Politico, said that the spending was necessary for “strengthening the infrastructure of American democracy: voting rights and civic participation, civil rights and liberties and the rule of law.”

But this is nowhere near new. Soros’ “political philanthropy” has been active since at least the 1990s. In an interview to PBS in 1995, Soros said, “I like to influence policy. I was not able to get to George (HW) Bush. But now I think I have succeeded with my influence…I do now have great access in (the Clinton) administration. There is no question about this. We actually work together as a team.”

In 2016 too, Soros was calling the shots for Hillary Clinton’s campaign against Donald Trump and poured millions into her presidential bid. The book reveals that Soros committed more than a whopping $25 million. Albeit, Soros lost nearly $1 billion owing to Trump’s victory. Nonetheless, ousting Trump became Soros’s next project and thus followed the conspiracies of framing Trump as a Russian agent and the 2019 impeachment.

How Soros gambled with global economies

The book reveals that in 1988, Soros was caught buying and selling 95,000 shares of Societe Generale, a Paris-based multinational bank, after receiving information about a planned corporate raid. Soros was found guilty of insider trading, fined 2.2 million euros ($2.3 million), and became a convicted felon in France. In 2006, the highest court in France declined to drop the “felon” designation from his record. Soros had challenged his conviction at the European Court of Human Rights, but the court ruled against him in 2011.

Soros is heroically called “the man who broke the Bank of England”. Here is what the heroics cost the British taxpayers, in his own words, according to the book. “In 1992, Soros and his Quantum Fund were credited with breaking the Bank of England. He took an enormous short-selling position against the British pound, betting that it would be devalued as the UK raised interest rates. Soros encouraged his chief portfolio manager, Stan Druckenmiller, to “go for the jugular,” and they sold pound sterling to anyone who would buy it.”

“On what came to be known as Black Wednesday, Soros won the siege and netted over $1 billion. The British government could no longer support its currency amid the Soros-driven takedown, and the pound sterling was successfully devalued. The British people, however, lost,” Bruner writes. Journalist Stefan Kanfer said, “Retirees on fixed incomes saw their pensions diminished and their savings wiped out.”

Soros had later recalled, “I was in effect taking money out of the pockets of British taxpayers. But if I had tried to take social consequences into account, it would have thrown off my risk-reward calculation, and my profits would have been refused.”

The book reveals that news reports and open-source documents tied Soros to the Polish Solidarity Movement in the 1980s. During an interview in 1989 featuring then US senator Joe Biden, Soros advocated for the “radical reorganisation of the Polish economy.”

“All that was needed was a massive taxpayer-funded “aid” program and the backing of the US government,” the author writes. PBS anchor Robert MacNeil asked Senator Biden in the interview, “Do you think the US should back such a package of that magnitude this weekend?” Biden was ecstatic to respond positively. A question was then asked to Soros in this regard.

The author writes, “With a buy-low, sell-high grin and the public backing of a key US senator, Soros replied, “In Poland, the political will is now there, and in a strange way, the very bad condition of the Polish economy is an opportunity.” Because the Polish economy was “spinning out of control” and “the standard of living is very low,” Soros said, grinning wide still, “the resources that would be needed to turn it around were actually quite modest.”

“Soros called the economic reorganisation “a kind of macroeconomic debt-for-equity swap.” That is a fancy way of saying taking control of a struggling nation’s economy by shackling the nation’s population with debt,” Bruner writes.

The book exposes how the economic reorganisation plan instituted in 1990 caused immediate hyperinflation. Bruner writes critically, “From the safety of the Wall Street, Soros shrugged off the mass suffering while admitting the fallout was “very tough on the population, but people were willing to take a lot of pain in order to see real change”.

One of Soros’s favourite hobbies is inciting revolutions in vulnerable nations. These are famously known as “Colour Revolution” which included the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1989, the Rose Revolution in Georgia in 2003, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004, the Arab Spring in 2011 and another revolution in Ukraine in 2014.

The book quotes Soros from an interview with The New Yorker in 1995 wherein he chuckled and said, “I would say one thing in one country and another timing in another country.” In 2004, Soros initially denied any involvement, according to the author, in the toppling of Georgia’s government after the Rose Revolution.

“But months later, he bragged to the Los Angeles Times, “I am delighted by what happened in Georgia, and I take great pride in having contributed to it.”

Hit jobs of Soros through Open Society Foundation – a pandemic in its own right

“Soros invests in far more than mere commodities. Soros invests in powerful people and concepts such as “open societies” and “social justice” and that word that many politicians like to throw around” democracy,” author Seamus Bruner writes.

“Controligarchs” further exposes the destructive nature of Soros’s so-called philanthropy saying, “For decades, Soros has spent his money on initiatives such as influencing society’s attitudes on birth control, gun control, drug legalisation, criminal justice, the nuclear family and parents’ role in childhood education. If a society comports with Soros’s preferences, he declares it “an open society.” If it does not, he declares it “a closed society” and seeks to reform it.”

“Soros pioneered political philanthropy, creating a new form of political dark money fifty years ago, and has furthered it with tax-exempt entities such as his Open Society Foundations. Ironically, the societies he builds and shapes are sometimes the most closed of all.”

The author exposes Soros’s interference in Eastern Europe and Asia, a part of which has been exposed by OpIndia too. The author writes, “Eastern Europe and Asia became the breeding grounds for the radical left-wing activism, regime-changing Colour Revolutions and repressive governance tactics now spreading like a cancer across the West.”

After the US government passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in response to the 2008 financial crisis, Soros closed his hedge fund, Soros Fund Management. In a bid to surpass the scrutiny brought about by the Dodd-Frank regulation, Soros created a “family office worth $24.5 billion”, which allowed him to avoid the transparency rules related to registration and disclosure requirements.

In 2017, Soros made a whopping $18 billion personal gift to his Open Society Foundations. “The stunning wealth transfer was to ensure the mission would far outlast George Soros’s earthly years. But whom could he trust to manage such vast resources and globalist, Esperanto-level goals? His heirs,” Bruner writes.

He further explains how Soros’s children are now carrying his open societies legacy further. “Soros’s five adult children are critical to his mission and have run his various enterprises -both for profit and nonprofit- for decades. And they personally donate to the causes their father is passionate about such as Planned Parenthood, the Center for Reproductive Rights and the Brennan Center for Justice.”

In the sub-chapter “Open Societies Indoctrination”, Bruner talks about Soros’s takeover some of the elite universities in Europe and US to produce a generation of open societies flagbearers.

Soros founded the Central European University in 1991 in Hungary. According to the university’s website: “His vision was to recruit professors and students from around the world to build a unique institution, one that would train future generations of scholars, professionals, politicians and civil society leaders to contribute to building open and democratic societies that respect human rights and adhere to the rule of law.”

Soros spent a staggering $400 million through his Open Society Foundations to the Central European University and Bard College. Harvard, Georgetown and state-university programmes like Ohio State’s Kirwan Institute dedicated to race and ethnicity and University of Connecticut’s Human Rights Institute have also been at the behest of Soros several times.

‘I have nightmares… I can’t leave my house alone anymore’ — victim recounts rape by illegal African migrant on French television just days after attack

A young French woman who was strangled and raped by an illegal immigrant in Paris on Saturday afternoon has spoken about her horrific ordeal live on French television.

In a poignant testimony shared on Thursday’s broadcast of the TPMP talk show, the 27-year-old victim known as Claire admitted she has trouble sleeping and is scared to leave the house on her own after being subjected to a vicious sexual assault in the communal courtyard of her apartment building on rue Vézelay in the 8th arrondissement of the French capital.

“I struggled, I screamed, but no one heard me,” Claire told the show host. “He threatened me with death, and the only way to save my skin was to do what he wanted. My nightmare lasted 30 minutes,” she recalled.

A report by Le Figaro newspaper confirmed a homeless man of Central African nationality had been arrested for two counts of rape in Paris on Saturday, of which Claire was the second victim.

The suspect, born in 1998, first attacked a 19-year-old woman as she walked to work on rue Pierre Demours in the 17th arrondissement. He is accused of accosting his victim in the lobby of a building and forcing her to perform oral sex on him at gunpoint.

After fleeing the scene and roaming the streets for an hour and a half, the suspect targeted Claire as she returned home from a shopping trip, strangling her and pinning her to the ground where, again, he forced her to perform oral sex on him.

According to a police report, the attacker was spotted by a police patrol unit later on Saturday on Avenue des Champs-Élysées and was arrested. He was subsequently formally identified by one of his two victims.

Police sources also confirmed that the man had been living in France illegally and was subject to a deportation order, known as an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF). The Actu17 news site also confirmed he was already known to police for several previous convictions.

A statement by the public prosecutor’s office confirmed a man had been “indicted for rape with a weapon and for rape aggravated by the fact that it was committed in conjunction with another crime (the first rape).” He remains in pre-trial detention at Fleury-Mérogis prison in the southern suburbs of Paris.

“I have nightmares. I can’t sleep anymore… I can’t leave my house alone anymore,” Claire told TPMP.

Clips of the interview have gone viral on social media with hundreds of users commending her bravery for talking so openly about her ordeal, while a small minority have questioned the credibility of her testimony so soon after the attack.

A report by Le Figaro newspaper confirmed a homeless man of Central African nationality had been arrested for two counts of rape in Paris on Saturday, of which Claire was the second victim.

The suspect, born in 1998, first attacked a 19-year-old woman as she walked to work on rue Pierre Demours in the 17th arrondissement. He is accused of accosting his victim in the lobby of a building and forcing her to perform oral sex on him at gunpoint.

After fleeing the scene and roaming the streets for an hour and a half, the suspect targeted Claire as she returned home from a shopping trip, strangling her and pinning her to the ground where, again, he forced her to perform oral sex on him.

According to a police report, the attacker was spotted by a police patrol unit later on Saturday on Avenue des Champs-Élysées and was arrested. He was subsequently formally identified by one of his two victims.

Police sources also confirmed that the man had been living in France illegally and was subject to a deportation order, known as an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF). The Actu17 news site also confirmed he was already known to police for several previous convictions.

A statement by the public prosecutor’s office confirmed a man had been “indicted for rape with a weapon and for rape aggravated by the fact that it was committed in conjunction with another crime (the first rape).” He remains in pre-trial detention at Fleury-Mérogis prison in the southern suburbs of Paris.

“I have nightmares. I can’t sleep anymore… I can’t leave my house alone anymore,” Claire told TPMP.

Clips of the interview have gone viral on social media with hundreds of users commending her bravery for talking so openly about her ordeal, while a small minority have questioned the credibility of her testimony so soon after the attack.

His remarks followed a similar admission from Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin who said last August: “48 percent of people arrested for acts of delinquency in Paris, 55 percent in Marseille, and 39 percent in Lyon are foreigners. In France, foreigners represent 7.4 percent of the population.”

“Of course, the foreigner is not by nature a criminal. But we have a problem with foreign delinquency,” he added.

The Netherlands Votes Next Week With a Wrecked Economy and Deep Migration Worries, and Conservatives Are Polling Ahead

The Netherlands sits primarily below the sea level, and now, voters fear its economy is also underwater.

But the most divisive subject it’s certainly immigration. As most other EU states, Dutch society is paying a heavy price for the suicidal policies that saw an influx in their society of people seeking a better life in the west.

Next week will be the first time caretaker Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s name won’t be on the ballot in a decade.

After last year’s brutal cost of living shock, one if left wondering whether will be willing to continue funding climate alarmist policies such as expensive offshore wind farms.

A two-state solution for Germany and other migrant-filled European countries

European nations do not have a good history when it comes to dealing with their Jews.

That should be on our minds as we watch Europeans join other Islamists and their leftist allies in marches calling for the destruction of the State of Israel, such as the one in London last week.

With respect to Jews in Europe, what were Europeans thinking when they opened their borders to inadequately vetted Jew-hating Islamist immigrants – who come from rabidly anti-Semitic nations, to spread their culture and Sharia Law rather than adopt western values.

With respect to Jews in Israel, the Europeans have this idea that it is in order for them to support Hamas whose very Charter supports the murder of all Jews in a religious war. And in view of the barbarism of terrorist Arabs, how can Europeans still tell Israel that it should carve out from its historic homeland of Judea and Samaria (that its enemies call the “West Bank”) some sort of Islamist terror state, when the Palestinian Authority also loves to kill Jewish civilians.

The Europeans were in favour of Israel in 2005 turning Gaza over to the so-called Palestinians. How did that work out as those Palestinian Rabbis rivalled the Nazis in their barbarism? The Islamists, including the Palestinian Authority (sic), make it quite clear that the only reason they would take a state in Judea and Samaria would be to use it to launch attacks to get what they really want, which is to get rid of the Jews who they see as occupying all of the land that was once ruled by Muslims and therefore must return to Muslim rule.

And now we see students and others around the world shouting genocidal comments showing they quite agree.

I am so sick of this nonsense, I decided that Germany and other Europeans should get a dose of their own medicine when it comes to reconciling Islamist values with the traditional European values. How would Europe like to have terrorist states created to serve radical Islamists in their midsts?

I have a special interest in Germany. My father was slave labor in Auschwitz concentration camp and his parents and then 8 year old sister were murdered in the gas chambers. My family name indicates that my ancestors lived in Germany for some time.

We shall see, below, that there may be some room for optimism in the way in which the German government has reacted to the current war and antisemitism, the German people seem to mimic the worst we now see among leftists and Islamists.

I have written about German incompetence when Israeli athletes were killed at the 1972 Olympic Games at Munich and more incompetence in the face of terrorism in Munich in 2016.

I concluded that “the reason for the incompetence is the foolish ideology adopted by the children and grandchildren of Nazi murderers that the problem of terrorism was a deserved problem of the Israeli Jews and that it wasn’t their problem.”

I have also written about the insensitive decision by Volkswagen to name a SUV the “Toureg” after the slave-trading Muslims active in Islamist actions in Mali with the idea that naming a vehicle after these camel-riders from the Sahara would help sell cars.

And more recently I have written about Germany’s moral choice to join the European Union’s anti-Israel statements and actions:

I don’t have a crystal ball that tells me where all this is going. On the one hand there is something very positive about some pro-Israel anti-Hamas statements and actions from German politicians; however, I think that we owe our children an attempt to see what kind of future might be established in Germany and other European nations if the Leftists and the Islamist predominate. In this essay I shall concentrate on Germany. If we have learned anything from history, it is that German problems don’t stay in Germany but seem to emanate to the wider world. And so, I ask a lot of questions as food for thought. Please don’t think me rude for asking questions that might make you feel uncomfortable.

-Can you imagine what would happen if Germany’s Muslim population grew, through demographics and immigration to amount to about 15% of the population up from its present 6%?

-Can you imagine what would happen if Islamists undertook a major campaign to have Sharia Law and Islamist culture against Christians, Jews, women, LGBTQ, and children, be part of a separatist movement for a two state solution within present-day Germany?

-Can you imagine if Iran (with its terrorist proxies) and other terror-sponsoring and Muslim Brotherhood groups backed this movement by undertaking serious terrorism including chemical weapons and missile attacks aimed at German civilians?

-Can you imagine that NATO folds under threats from Russia and internal divisions over Turkey’s membership?

Can you imagine that Western nations may come to the brink of civil war, as conservatives resist what I call the “Leftist-Islamist-Globalist alliance” adopted by leftist parties all over Europe and even in the United States – where Democrats have moved very leftward in their reaction to Trump’s election.

-Can you then imagine that other countries around the world might begin to support growing Islamist demands to accommodate Sharia Law by means of a separate country, a “two state” solution to the Islamist terrorism? Would it seem reasonable for the more Muslim and tolerant former West Germany to agree to become the Muslim State with the former East Germany adamant about being the non-Muslim state?

How could France or Sweden deprecate such an arrangement when they have allowed “no go” zones to operate in a way that approaches a separatist Islamist sovereignty?

-Can you imagine what would happen if Germany refused the Islamist demands and the United Nations, dominated by the Organization for Islamic Co-operation, became obsessed with Germany’s failure to give the Islamists what they wanted in the former West Germany?

-How would Germany feel if other countries began to support the Islamist state in Germany and support numerous non-governmental pro-Islamist, pro-separation organizations?

Prejudice against Muslims is now deeply rooted in Germany with one-in-two Germans considering Islam a valid threat, according to research by the Bertelsmann Foundation which found deficits in religious tolerance in the country, with Islam in particular being perceived negatively by many. Reported in Daily Sabah (Istanbul, July 18, 2019):

“Dogmatic, rigid beliefs and intolerance toward other religions could be detrimental to democracy in the long term,” the study said.

The Bertelsmann Foundation regularly examines the significance of religion for social cohesion via representative opinion polls in the “Religion Monitor” report. The report suggested that this negative perception toward the Muslim community has “consistently taken root” over a couple of years and that the prejudice is stronger in the eastern region, where far fewer Muslims live. The rate of those who perceive Islam as a threat is a staggering 57 percent in eastern Germany, whereas this number drops to 50 percent in the west of the country. Some 30 percent of those in the east went as far as to say they did not want a Muslim for a neighbor, as opposed to 16 percent in the west.

-Can you then imagine if the more “intolerant East” forced its smaller Muslim population to move to the more tolerant West, and the tolerant West was accepting of this?

And what if the Muslim population through demographics and family re-unification (especially among the one million predominately young single Syrian men who migrated pursuant to Merkel’s open-door policy and are ready to produce 4 or 6 children each) increases to about 30% of the population of the West, with these Muslims being given special privileges to compensate for illiberal actions in the East.

And what if the United Nations and a significant number of other countries backed a two-state solution for a Muslim Islamist state in the West and a non-Muslim state in the East? And what if the position of the elites of all Western nations was that the Muslim state in the West was deserved because of the history of Islamophobia and prejudice and loss of human rights of Muslims by nativist xenophobic Germans?

Can you imagine that the West of Germany abandons any pretense of a “special relationship” with Israel based on the historic wrongs of Nazi Germany to the Jewish people, freeing it to emulate other European nations to adopt a blatantly pro-Arab, anti-Israel set of policies. Can you imagine the East Part of Germany finding a better fit with eastern European nations like Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia who restrict Islamic immigration and oppose the Leftist-Islamist-Globalist alliance?

-Can you imagine that the non-Muslim East decides to withdraw from the EU in a “Germexit” movement instigated by the increasing Islamification in other European nations? And that West Germany with the backing of Turkey, joins the Organization of Islamic Co-operation leading within a few years, after the secession of Italy from the EU, towards a merger of the OIC and the EU?

And if you don’t see that, can you understand that others do?

And how could Germany insist that Israel allow a two-state solution, where one state is compromised of Islamists, when Germany itself might be faced with a decision to create a two-state solution for its growing Muslim population with its own cultural and religious values?

Is there room for optimism? Might the points made in this essay be eclipsed with a new realism about Hamas and other Islamist terror groups once Israel defeats and destroys Hamas in the present war?

Pamela Geller has written: “As international support for Israel collapses and condemnations against her continue to escalate, Germany unequivocally declaring its ‘historical responsibility to Israel’ was unexpected.

“Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck’s speech on Israel is a lesson in moral clarity with no equivocation. He puts other world leaders to shame and makes Biden look even more pathetic and broken than he already is.”

Geller did find “one caveat” to support for his remarks. She opposed the tendency, heard again in his remarks, to separate the Palestinian Arabs from their elected Hamas government – where few if any speak out against the barbarism and the horrible antisemitism contained in the Hamas Charter.

Geller rightly points out: “They voted for Hamas. I don’t recall the German people being separated from the Nazi party during WWII or the British people separated from Churchill’s government.”

The Germans like so many Europeans made mass protests in favour of Hamas; however, for those of us looking for something, anything, positive we must appreciate Habeck’s words, and the banning in Germany of such organizations as the antisemitic Samidoun and others seen as “front” groups for Hamas.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said: “With Hamas, I have today completely banned the activities of a terrorist organization whose aim is to destroy the state of Israel… There is no place for antisemitism in Germany, and we will fight it with all our might.”

Of course, we would like to see Germany join Nordic European nations Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden who have recently announced a new agreement that they were to combine their efforts on removing migrants, saying they would launch joint deportation flights and other initiatives. We hope that the masochistic admission to European nations of inadequately vetted Muslims who either tolerate or support radical Islamism has gone as far as it can. I have explained the western submission to Islamism in my book, The Ideological Path to Submission … and what we can do about it.

Is there a change afoot or will a two-state Germany and other European nations prove a real possibility?

Three days before Argentina’s presidential election, frontrunner Milei waves a gigantic Israel flag at huge campaign rally

By Monica Showalter

How’s this for a guy who goes against the current?

Argentina’s presidential frontrunner, Javier Milei, a militant libertarian and zero-apologies supporter of Israel, has picked up and waved the Israeli flag at a gargantuan campaign rally — and the crowd went wild:

While it’s kind of unusual for a presidential candidate to pick up another country’s flag at a campaign rally for the presidency of his own country, there is some valuable context to explain why that is going on.

One, he doesn’t care what polite society thinks of him, so waving the flag of a country he admires is entirely in character.

Two, Argentina has the largest population of Jews outside Israel and New York City, so there are at least some voters who will care about this issue, too.

Most important, Milei was firing a dart at his socialist opponent, whose government literally cut diplomatic relations with Israel in the wake of its response to a monstrous terror attack on its soil. They joined a slew of other Latin American governments who cut off their own noses to spite their faces, given the benefits Israel has given them, all to go with the terrorists. 

That’s significant in Argentina, because memories are still there of the two monstrous terror attacks by Hez’ballah on Argentine soil in the 1992 and 1994, where more than 100 innocent people were killed and the socialist government did nothing about it.

I have an Argentine friend who was there when the 1994 attack on the AMIA Jewish Center happened and she was appalled at how incompetent the clean-up was, with no effort to secure the crime scene and people walking all over the rubble in downtown Buenos Aires. That wasn’t going to be solved in a proper way, she told me. The short story was that they just let the bad guys do what they do and get away with it, leaving Argentines helpless and bitter, and too bad about the lives lost. Argentina, like the U.S. and Israel, is one of the rare nations that has been victims of this kind of mass terror attack, probably the pilot project to precede the ones that hit the U.S. and now Israel.

You can bet that if Hezb’allah tries that again with Milei at the helm, the message sent from Milei’s flag-waving is that they won’t get away with it like they did earlier, and there will be an Israel-like response.

You can see why the voters would care about that.

Argentina is going to the polls for the final round of voting on Sunday and the odds look good. Milei is drawing gargantuan enthusiastic crowds at his rallies. His economic plan to dollarize the country is economically sound and will fix that country’s horrible economy. The center-right coalition that split the ticket three ways in the first round has since endorsed Milei and done a good job of campaigning for him, too, not going the #neverTrump route of taking its marbles and going home. They have shown maturity, political adulthood, urging their voters to choose Milei over the socialist alternative which offers only inflation, poverty, crime, and oppression.

Whether there will be rigging or cheating by the ruling socialists is unknown, but one hopes the Milei team will be on top of it, having seen what happened in Brazil last year.

The crowds look so enthusiastic and huge it seems they could win despite cheating, but there could always be surprises.

One hopes that for the sake of Israel, Milei wins, and stands next to the little Mediterranean democracy as its good friend in the face of an onslaught of atrocity-terrorism and its repulsive apologists. Perhaps Argentina can even help them at a time when Israel needs such allies.

Argentina will stand tall as Israel wins, Israel will never forget its friend, and one can only hope that peace and prosperity comes to both of them.

Lampedusa Overwhelmed Again As Italy Fails To Stop the Boats

The southern Italian island of Lampedusa is overwhelmed yet again after around 1,600 migrants arrived on the island in 33 separate landings in just 36 hours as Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s government continues to fail to stem the tide of illegal migrant arrivals. 

A total of 394 migrants were picked up by Italian authorities, which include patrol boats of the Harbour Master’s office alongside the Guardia di Finanza and the European Union border agency Frontex, in a single night aboard six different boats, the newspaper Il Giornale reports.

The migrants came from Djerba and El Amra in Tunisia, and from Zuwarah and Abu Kammash in Libya, largely aboard rubber dinghies and metal boats, though one landing of 45 migrants took place aboard a yacht. 

The European Conservative observed the arrivals of illegal migrants to Lampedusa last month, noting that migrants were brought to a military area of the island’s main harbour before being checked by Red Cross volunteers and taken to the hot spot reception centre out of the view of the locals and tourists on the island. 

The hot spot itself is built to accommodate just 400 or so people but is routinely overwhelmed as it has been this week with the arrival of over 1,600.

Serena Corniglia of the Italian Red Cross (CRI), who manages the hotspot, spoke to The European Conservative last month regarding the issues faced by the organisation and the challenges of constant waves of new arrivals.

She stated that while the Red Cross has faced challenges in housing and caring for migrants when many arrive in a short period, most are only in the hot spot for around 48 hours until they are transferred elsewhere in Italy. 

While 1,600 is well above the capacity of the hot spot, it is nowhere near the number of arrivals seen in September when around 5,000 migrants arrived in a single day on Lampedusa, which itself has a population of just around 6,000 people. 

Deputy mayor of the island Attilio Lucia spoke out at the time saying, “These numbers lead me to think of an invasion rather than a migratory phenomenon. I feel like saying ‘enough’.”

So far this year, Italy has seen the greatest number of illegal migrant arrivals by sea since the height of the migration crisis in Europe in 2016.

The United Refugee Agency UNHCR reports that at least 146,500 illegal migrants have come to Italy this year, with 123,924 landing in Sicily, of which Lampedusa is a part. The International Organization for Migration (IOM), meanwhile, claims that over 2,400 migrants have died trying to make the dangerous boat journey across the Mediterranean Sea this year. 

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni promised last year during her election campaign to tackle the issue of illegal immigration but the numbers have doubled in the first year of her premiership of the country. 

Meloni attempted to negotiate a migration deal with the European Union and Tunisia but Tunisia has been reluctant to really tackle the issue of boats leaving its shores for Europe. 

Part of the deal involved payments of up to a billion euros to the Tunisians but the country rejected an instalment of cash from the European Union in October, fueling speculation that the migration deal itself could also fall through. 

Tunisian President Kais Saied claimed the European Union had failed to deliver on prior promises regarding helping his country with border security and called the instalment a “small amount.”

“The treasures of the world are not equal to a single grain of our sovereignty in the eyes of our people,” he said and added, “Tunisia, which accepts cooperation, does not accept anything that resembles charity or handouts.”

Meloni has also negotiated a deal this month to outsource asylum claims to Albania, signing a memorandum of understanding with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama that would see the construction of a reception facility that will be able to process as many as 36,000 asylum seekers per year. 

However, the left-wing parties in the Italian parliament have banded together to attempt to change the deal or get rid of it entirely, proposing a vote on the deal and looking to amend migration policy in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.