Hot summer in the city or global boiling?

By Mark Adams

Nobody can rightfully claim that summer 2023 did not generate its share of fantasy-laced headlines. In this regard, the United Nations still remains the world champ of propaganda by cranking out headlines including the phrase “the era of global boiling has arrived.”

The ink barely dried when it was followed by another work of climate sensationalism, this time with a headline claiming “Humanity has opened the gates to hell.

Amidst the swirling vortex of lies, there’s new information from the CO2 Coalition. How many people are aware that, according to the EPA’s own data from 1948 to 2020, a total of 863 weather monitoring stations—that is, 81% of them—have reported that the number of hot days has either decreased or remained unchanged? For those of you who prefer visuals over words, there is a brilliant map at the link showing that, contrary to the UN’s hysteria, in the United States, at least, we are not facing an era of global boiling, nor are we looking into the gates of hell.

But there is another fact to remember when considering the UN’s apocalyptic predictions. Although urban areas occupy only about 4% of the land surface, most weather monitoring stations are located in urban regions. Those same regions because they have an abundance of concrete and asphalt, both of which have remarkable heat-absorbing properties. The result is that these urban islands are warmer than their rural counterparts. That raises an important question: If the majority of temperature readings are taken in areas of inherently higher temperature how much does this skew the claimed rise in temperatures?

Image: The United States (edited with randomly applied flames) by Open Street Map. CC BY 2.5.

The United Nations claims that the effect these heat islands have on global temperatures is less than 10%:

In their latest report, the IPCC [International Panel on Climate Change] estimated that ‘urban warming’ accounted for less than 10% of the perceived global temperature rise.

However, many scientists view that assertion as specious. Three papers recently published in respectable peer-review journals rigorously reexamined the data and concluded that the reported temperature increases were skewed by as much as 40%!

Climate published “The Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Warming’ Climate.” The Journal of Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics echoed this concern: “Challenges in the Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Surface Temperature Trends Since 1850.” And the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology published a study that reached a similar conclusion: “Evidence of Urban Blending in Homogenized Temperature Records in Japan and in the United States: Implications for the Reliability of Global Land Surface Air Temperature Data.”

Just to be clear, these three recent studies published in respectable peer-reviewed journals annihilate the IPCC: They are all data-rich studies countering the claim that urban heat islands account for less than 10% of the reported global temperature rise. Instead, they argue that urban heat islands create as much as 40% of reported temperature increases.

If you go back to the CO2 Coalition’s map, ask yourself how many of those purported increased temperatures don’t reflect increases at all but, instead, simply reflect the heat-absorbing properties of concrete and asphalt in urban areas such as the Los Angeles Basin, the San Francisco Bay Area, the Phoenix Metro area, the Salt Lake City metro region, Miami, etc.

Irony is seldom this delicious.

France: The statue of the benefactress Beatrice of Savoy was decapitated in Echelles

The statue depicting Beatrice of Savoy (1198-1266), princess of the House of Savoy and landmark of the commune of Les Échelles in Savoy, was found decapitated by residents on Tuesday October 31. “The head has not been found and there is no demand for ransom,” reports a source familiar with the case. The case remains mysterious.

The local association La Commanderie, which had financed and erected the monument inaugurated in July 2016, is considering filing a lawsuit. The investigation is being taken over by the gendarmerie brigade in Les Échelles.

The monument, which is 3 metres high and weighs almost 3 tonnes, was erected in the square of the same name in Les Échelles, opposite the former Logis des Commandeurs, now the town hall, and was made by the sculptor Philippe Bouvet in memory of Beatrice of Savoy, a princess of the House of Savoy and Countess of Provence.

Beatrice of Savoy helped the court of Aix-en-Provence achieve European renown in the first half of the 13th century, before retiring at the end of her life to her castle on the Menuet hill in Les Échelles and making numerous donations to the inhabitants, which earned her the nickname “Bienfaitrice des Échelles” or “Bonne dame des Échelles”.

Echelles (73) : la statue de la bienfaitrice Béatrice de Savoie décapitée – Fdesouche

Interview with Robbe – the Flemish activist who occupied an asylum center in Germany

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Last weekend millions of people could witness a powerful action by young Europeans against the Great Replacement: Identitarian activists occupied a future asylum center in Dresden. One of them was the Flemish activist Robbe. Heimatkurier could talk to him about his motivation for taking part in the action.

Heimatkurier: Greetings Robbe! What was your motivation for taking part in this spectacular action?

Robbe: Europe is being flooded by the on-going replacement migration and our governments are doing nothing to keep our people safe. I want to represent those people through taking action and to let the government know: We’ve had enough!

Why did you, as a Flemish activist, occupy a rooftop in Eastern Germany?

As a Flemish activist from Schild & Vrienden we are well connected with other activist groups throughout Europe. We are all different people from countries that are facing the same dangers that these migrants bring. We stand unified in our struggle against the crime and terror this invasion brings with it.

What did you feel when standing on top of the building?

It felt great. My heart was racing and pumping with adrenaline. My hope is that our message will finally be heard.

Can we expect more of those international „activist exchanges“ in the future?

Definitely – as Europeans we have to stand together to keep our peoples and cultures sovereign. The globalist is a great beast and only through unity we can defeat it!

What would you like to tell the people living next to this building?

Stay safe and vigilant! It’s a sad truth that neighbourhoods of asylum centers are prone to crime and just general gentrification. It is my hope that these people will not just bow their head but instead will hold the government responsible until direct action is taken.

Thank you for talking to us and for taking action!

Muslims warn Europe: Stop supporting Israel or…Welcome to “diversity”

by Giulio Meotti

7,000 pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrators had gathered at the station in Düsseldorf, the seventh largest German city, to march along the Königsallee towards regional Parliament. One of the speakers told the mayor: “Our children already make up 30 percent of the students in Düsseldorf.” Where “ours” stands for Muslims.

Welcome to “diversity”.

Here is the ruthless logic of the pro-Hamas demonstrations that we see these days throughout Europe and in Italy:

“We will be the majority, woe betide you if you support Israel”.

Finally I read an article worthy of the name from the Catholic side. Fabrice Hadjadj, a famous French Catholic philosopher, signed it in Le Figaro:

“Saturday, October 7, was not just the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War or the Shabbat of Simhat Torah. It was also the only Christian feast that commemorates a war victory, that of Lepanto, against the Islamic fleet of Ali Pasha. The ‘al-Aqsa flood’ occurs in this alignment of stars, giving voice to a famous cry of jihad: ‘After Saturday, there is Sunday’, in other words: after the Jews, the Christians. If the Hebrew Scriptures is our source, the Jewish State is our estuary. If Israel falls, Europe can only fall. It’s not just about culture, but also about mystery. How is it possible that the fate of a country smaller than an Italian region can have such repercussions on the future of the world? Why is it that 9 million Jews claiming such a small land is a scandal to 2 billion Muslims, who own 57 countries and claim to be one Ummah? We could also ask: why did the Word become Hebrew?”.

“Dad, I killed ten Jews,” says the Hamas terrorist while calling his father in Gaza.

“Our son killed the unbelievers,” said the Brussels terrorist’s parents proudly.

Here are the two fronts of the same war of civilizations that speak the same language. But if you live in Israel, Hamas is about the right of the Jewish state to exist; while if you live in Europe, Hamas protects your right to exist.

Just take a look at the “protest” at the Cenotaph in Whitehall. When they sing “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” for citizens of developed Western societies it is ultimately not about the Jews, but about the death of the West in real time.

It reminds me of the memoirs of General Wrangel, the Russian who returned from the front in 1916 and found Russian bourgeois and nobles decked out in red ribbons in St. Petersburg to signify their solidarity with the Bolshevik revolution. They could not imagine then that the communists would come for them sooner or later. And they did. So today it is the Westerners who shout “From the river to the sea…”.

The Muslim Brotherhood scholar, Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, is right when she says to French tv: “We must be aware of what is happening, we have no choice. Otherwise it will be war. And what happened on October 7 in Israel will happen here.”

Meanwhile, the Times revealed that a fugitive Hamas super terrorist who ran the group’s terrorist operations in the ‘West Bank’ lives in London on council property. This is Muhammad Qassem Sawalha, who using a relative’s passport had fled to the United Kingdom and later obtained British citizenship.

Meanwhile, Erdogan, who makes no secret of wanting to subjugate Europe, declared: “Hamas are liberators, not terrorists”. The Islamic Ummah smells the blood of Israel…first.

Muslims warn Europe: Stop supporting Israel or…. (

Millions of Muslims starve in war-ravaged Yemen, but Houthis declare war against Israel 1000 miles away to support Hamas

Even as Yemen is engulfed in its worst humanitarian crisis and conflict with the Saudi coalition, the Iran-backed Houthis have declared war against Israel over 1000 miles away. On Tuesday (31st October), Houthis claimed responsibility for the drone and missile attacks on Israel. With Houthis declaring war on Israel in support of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, Iran has been drawn an inch closer to entering the Israel-Hamas war. The development comes after Israel’s military informed that it shot down approaching “aerial targets” off the Red Sea city of Eilat.

In a televised statement released on Tuesday, Yahya Sarea, a spokesperson for the Houthis said, “Our armed forces launched a large batch of ballistic and cruise missiles at targets in occupied Palestine today, making it our third operation.”

Ironically, while the Houthi Islamists are waging a war against Israel, their own country Yemen is undergoing everyday worsening crisis and its people living in deplorable conditions. From conflict with the Saudi coalition to the widespread cholera epidemic, starvation and surging deaths, Yemen is facing adversity at all ends. Yet the Houthis have prioritised attacking a country 1300 miles away to extend support to their co-religionists in Palestine while their own people are living miserable lives. It is worth noting that the Houthis seized Yemen’s capital Sanaa in 2014 and control large swaths of the country.

Amidst the ongoing efforts for a potential ceasefire agreement between Houthis and a Saudi Arabia-led coalition comprising 8 Sunni majority nations including Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar, Sudan, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Houthis recently killed four Saudi soldiers in Jazan province during a clash. Basically, regardless of the Yemeni civilians suffering perpetual adversities caused by the yearslong deadlock war, the cholera epidemic etc, the Iran-backed Islamist group has priortised annoying Saudi Arabia and on another front waging a war against Israel despite knowing that their offensive will invite retaliation from the Israeli forces.

With Houthi the attack on Israel at the Red Sea coast, the Israel-Hamas war extended to a third front. While the main battle is taking place in Gaza, Hezbollah is also targeting Israel from Lebanon on the north. And now, Israel has a new adversary at its southernmost point.

Humanitarian crisis in Yemen

According to a UNICEF report, over 23.4 million people including 12.9 million children are in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection in Yemen this year. As has been ongoing for years, Yemen witnessed regular outbreaks of cholera, measles, diphtheria and many other diseases. The report adds that the Houthi-Saudi coalition conflict, large-scale displacement, and periodic climate shocks are all contributing to an accessory setting for infectious disease outbreaks. Over 17.8 million people, including 9.2 million children, lack access to adequate drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene services. Yemen’s health system is in shambles: barely half of health facilities are operational, leaving 21.9 million people without adequate health care.16 Nationally, immunisation coverage has plateaued, with 28% of children under the age of one not receiving vaccinations.

A ReliefWeb report says that Since March 2023, Yemen has recorded the second-highest number of measles cases in the world. This comes as Houthis continue to ban several vaccines including the measles vaccine in Northern Yemen.

It is notable that the Cholera outbreak in Yemen began in 2016 and over the years has persisted in the war-torn nation claiming thousands of lives. Between October 2016 to April 2021 alone 3997 cholera-related deaths were reported. Prior to this, in the year 2020, a UNICEF report warned that over 5 million children under the age of five in Yemen are facing a heightened threat of cholera and Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD).

In addition to Cholera, starvation has been another major issue in Yemen over the years. In a country like Yemen, there is plenty of guns, missiles, ammunition, bloodshed and destruction but no food for the people. According to a recently published World Food Programme (WFP) report, over 17 million Yemeni people are “food insecure”. This alarming figure has been recorded even when international agencies are providing humanitarian assistance to the country.

The WFP report outlined that child malnutrition in Yemen is among the highest in the world. Citing a recent survey, the report says that about one-third of Yemeni families have dietary gaps and rarely consume items like legumes, vegetables, fruit, dairy products, or meat. Yemen’s maternal and child malnutrition rates remain among the highest in the world, with 1.3 million pregnant and breastfeeding women and 2.2 million children under the age of five requiring treatment for acute malnutrition.

Although a UN-brokered truce last year did slightly bring down the intensity of the conflict in Yemen between Iran’s proxy Houthis and Saudi Arabia-led coalition, UNICEF reported in December last year that 11,000 children have now been killed or maimed as a result of the conflict in Yemen, an average of four a day since the conflict erupted in 2015.

Fighting the Kafirs is the bigger priority of Islamists than protecting the Muslims

Apparently, the hatred for Jews and Israel is more dear to the Houthi Islamists than ensuring that the people of Yemen live in peace and dignity. While their own citizens lead their lives in unimaginably terrible conditions, the Zaydi Shiite group has decided to fight its “axis of resistance” ally’s war owing to the religious imperative that the Houthis forget when it comes to the Yemeni people.

The “axis of resistance” is a loosely knit alliance of Sunni and Shia Muslim groups and governments in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, and Iraq, with varied degrees of affinity to one another and to Iran. While Houthis might have entered the Israel-Hamas war to consolidate its standing in the axis and also earn support and sympathy from Yemeni people for hostility towards Israel and the United States which is backing Israel in its war against the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

It is clear from the Houthis’ indifference to the plight of Yemen’s 99 percent Muslim population, as well as Hamas’ use of Gazan civilians as human shields, that waging a war against the Kafirs or infidels is more important to these Islamist terror groups than the lives of Muslims in their own country. The hatred that Islamist terror groups harbour towards infidels, particularly infidels of top order such as Jews, takes precedence above care and concern for Muslim men, women, and children. While Islamist terror groups use violence against infidels in the name of “resistance” and struggle for “self-rule,” they do not wish to bear the burden of government and responsibility.

A recent instance of this hypocrisy came from Hamas leader Abu Mazruk, who claimed in an interview that since refugees make up 75% of the population in the Gaza Strip, it is the UN and not Hamas that should bear the responsibility of protecting them.

Labour Wanted Mass Immigration Because 80% of Minorities Vote Labour

In 2007, 1/3 of UK Muslims 16-24 believed ex-Muslims should be put to death. The evidence suggests the figure is even higher today. That’s one startling statistic provided by our Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo in this discussion on Talk TV in the context of Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer’s speech on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the pressure he is facing from Labour’s Muslim and far left wings. SOURCE:…

‘He mentioned Hamas on Facebook!’ — Viral video purports to show London man being arrested for criticizing Palestinian flag display in his local main street

A man has reportedly been arrested in London for allegedly criticizing the displaying of Palestinian flags in his local main street.

Footage of the arrest circulated on social media on Tuesday, purporting to show a middle-aged male being escorted from his home by several police officers, one of whom could be heard explaining that the man was being detained because of comments made about foreign nationals.

It is understood that the man had posted a video on Facebook earlier this month to express his dissatisfaction with the number of Palestinian flags that had been displayed on lamposts and businesses in his local main street of Bethnal Green Road in East London.

During the Facebook video, he highlighted the number of Palestinian flags on show in the area, and repeatedly said, “This is what we’re dealing with in Bethnal Green.”

Toward the end of the video, he added: “They let them into the country, and this is the shite they come up with.”

Explaining why he was being detained, a police officer told the man: “On Oct. 17, in Bethnal Green Road, you were witnessed as saying: ‘Why are they over here, etc. We let them into our country, etc.’”

His wife, who was present at the time of his arrest, explained that she was a Stage 4 cancer patient and needed her husband on hand to administer her medication. She expressed her incredulity that her husband was being arrested for comments made on Facebook criticizing those in support of Hamas.

“I’m a Stage 4 cancer patient, and I need him here. You’re making a scene because he said something about Hamas, a terrorist organization!” she told officers.

“We have freedom of speech. If we want to be against Palestine, we will be,” an associate of the arrested man could be heard saying in the video recording his arrest. “If that’s a problem, it’s your problem,” he added.

“He’s getting arrested because he mentioned Hamas on Facebook! You can’t have an opinion in this country,” the arrested man’s wife said as he was led away to a nearby police van.

“What is wrong with you? My wife has Stage 4 cancer, and because I have an opinion, you guys are taking me to the police station! This is a political decision. You are a disgrace!” the man told officers.

Several social media users responding to the incident questioned the basis on which the man was being detained, and for what offense.

“Can you please explain why a man was arrested for venting his disgust on Bethnal Green High Street? We are left scratching our heads as to how this is possible,” one user asked the Metropolitan Police.

“I’m not quite sure of the allegation here, or how the video beneath (in which the arrested man is simply criticizing Palestinian flags displayed in Bethnal Green) constitutes a crime. Is it that he alluded to immigrants, or is it considered a ‘harmful online video,’ or ‘hate’?” asked Adrian Hilton, a lecturer in Political Philosophy and Education at the University of Surrey.

“I am frankly shocked that this Bethnal Green resident has been arrested for posting a video on Facebook of his criticism of all the unwelcoming flags on the Bethnal Green Road… Arrested?! This is not the East London I once loved. Shame on the Police!” commented Manick Govinda, a teacher at London Metropolitan University.

The Metropolitan Police has not yet commented on the incident.

Last week, the Palestinian flags erected by members of the public in Tower Hamlets were removed after several complaints were made to police.

“There are some situations where the presence of a flag or banner or the use of specific words or phrases could be seen as intimidation,” Scotland Yard said in a statement.

One Labour Party councilor, speaking under the condition of anonymity, told the Evening Standard newspaper, “If I was from certain communities I might not feel safe.”

Afghan threatens in Austria: I will buy a machete and kill children indiscriminately

The police in Carinthia were able to stop a dangerous man at the last minute: In Klagenfurt, a 29-year-old Afghan threatened to kill a child indiscriminately with a machete. The police immediately launched a manhunt. The migrant was stopped and the crime was prevented.

To his legal advisor in Klagenfurt, the Afghan threatened that he would buy a machete and kill a child in the street if he could not leave for Afghanistan within the next few days. When he left the office, the legal advisor immediately alerted the police.
The officers finally spotted the man in a bus of the Klagenfurt public transport company and were able to arrest him. He was taken to the Klagenfurt prison.

UK: Man lets loose live rats painted in colours of Palestinian flag inside Birmingham McDonald’s shouting ‘Free Palestine’, video goes viral

A pro-Palestine man throws boxes full of mice in McDonald’s in Birmingham allegedly for chain’s support to Israel (Image Source – Tiktok/Yahoo News UK)

A Palestine supporter in the United Kingdom threw a box full of painted rats inside a McDonald’s allegedly because the chain supports Israel amid the ongoing war against Hamas. The shocking video clip, captioned ‘enjoy your rat burgers’, begins with a man holding onto fake number plates that read ‘PAIISTN’ and ‘Free Palestine’ as he arrives in his car. He can be seen stopping outside a McDonald’s joint in Birmingham. 

In the video, he is then observed with boxes containing rats, each of them painted with the colours of the Palestinian flag. Furthermore, he is wearing what appears to be a Palestinian flag on his head as he enters McDonald’s. 

He then proceeds forward and shows a group of young teenagers the box filled with rodents, before emptying it on the floor creating chaos and panic among the customers.  According to media reports, the pro-Palestine man also raised anti-Israel and anti-semitic slogans, “F**k Israel” along with chanting “Free f**king Palestine”.  

At the end of the viral video, he can be heard giving calls to boycott McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Disney as they have allegedly supported Israel amidst ongoing war in the region.

A spokesperson for McDonald’s confirmed the incident and noted that ‘a number of mice’ were released inside the restaurant. The spokesperson added that they have sanitised the area through pest control.

Speaking to a British news outlet LBC, the spokesperson for McDonald’s said, “We are aware of an incident in our Birmingham Star City restaurant this evening where a number of mice were released by a member of the public. Following the removal of the mice, the restaurant has been fully sanitised and our pest control partners have been called out to conduct a full inspection.”

Earlier this month, fast-food chain McDonald’s outlets in Israel faced online protests and calls to boycott it after it announced that it would provide free meals to Israeli soldiers amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. Media reports suggest that the pro-Palestinian man’s bizarre act of letting mice loose in Birmingham McDonald’s was linked to the chains’ alleged support for the Israeli military.

Later on 18th October, Pro-Palestinian protesters reportedly attacked a McDonald’s restaurant in Istanbul. They accused the franchise was providing food to Israeli soldiers preparing to invade Gaza and favouring the Israeli side in its retaliatory actions on Gaza.  

Similarly, McDonald’s branches in Turkey, Lebanon, and Egypt faced vandalism. Large supporters of Gaza demonstrated outside McDonald’s restaurants across the Muslim world, from Cairo to Malaysia. Consequently, local franchisees of McDonald’s in Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon distanced themselves from their branch in Israel. They asserted that they have no affiliation with the Israeli branch and it was their private decision. Some franchisees even donated to Gaza residents.

To Be Anti-Racist is to be Pro-Hamas: And antiracism is antisemitism

It didn’t take long, not just for BLM chapters, but for Ta-Nehisi Coates (who used to argue for slavery reparations from the false example of Holocaust reparations) and now Ibram X. Kendi to make it official that anti-racism means supporting the murder of Jews.

Ta Nehisi Coates, America’s most prominent literary racist until Ibram X. Kendi came around, signed a letter which claimed that, “on Saturday, after sixteen years of siege, Hamas militants broke out of Gaza” and then “more than 1,300 Israelis were subsequently killed with over one hundred more taken hostage”: note the passive voice. Instead of condemning Hamas, the letter claimed that, “Israel is executing the largest expulsion of Palestinians since 1948 as it bombs Gazans without discrimination.”

Now Ibram X. Kendi, the godfather of antiracism, fresh off an ESPN deal, has joined the party. While Kendi failed to respond with a straightforward condemnation of the Hamas attacks, he posted multiple messages attacking Israel. In the latest one, the author of ‘Antiracist Baby’ described Hamas as a “credible source” of casualty statistics and claimed that “building a border wall around Gaza… is not self-defense” and “laying siege to Gaza is not self-defense” but are “crimes against humanity”.

“To be antiracist is to care about humanity,” Kendi contends.

If building a wall to keep terrorists who want to slaughter your families out isn’t self-defense, what is? Don’t ask Kendi.

But what is fairly consistent are the positions that BLM and the various black nationalist figures, some embraced by idiot liberal Jews, have taken. From Coates to Kendi, to lesser figures like Charles M. Blow, they’ve quite predictably sided with the terrorists.

To be anti-racist, you have to hate. You always had to hate. And not just white people and Jews in America, but Jews in Israel as well.

Antiracism is antisemitism.

But now perhaps Congregation Emanu El can now admit its sins and repent for its desecration of Yom Kippur.

Dr. Ibram X. Kendi – Yom Kippur Tzedek program

On this Yom Kippur, we will join in conversation with the leading voice of antiracism in America today: Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, New York Times best-selling author.

This program is made possible by Temple Board Member Paula Pretlow through the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation. The conversation helps to facilitate the ongoing work of Congregation Emanu-El’s Tzedek Council.

How’s that working out?

There were plenty of warnings that antiracism was racism and antisemitism. Now most of the key figures have come out of the closet. (Apart from Robin DiAngelo, who at least for the moment, has chosen not to wave a terrorist flag.)

Those who enabled the cult of antiracism ought to wake up from the wokeness and recognize this evil for what it is.