Sky Sports UK employs hijab-wearing Muslim journalist who campaigns for more diversity in women’s sport

The Lionesses (note: nickname of the English national football team) won their opening match at Old Trafford against Austria 1-0, and although there was cause for celebration, it also highlighted a long-standing problem in women’s football: the lack of diversity.

The team that faced Austria was all white. Through her work, Fadumo challenges these structures.

In a recent article, Fadumo wrote about the Senate vote to ban Islamic veils:

“As a Muslim woman, I know the power of sport, I have seen this in the youth I have worked with. But when a law like this is passed without outcry or opposition, it feels like we can never win.”

“When Muslim women remain silent, we are seen as victims of our faith, shackled in our hijabs and oppressed. However, when we speak or stand by our decisions, we are perceived as imposing Islam on the rest of the world. A woman’s strength and her ability to perform are not minimised by the clothes she chooses to wear”. Women in journalism

German celebrity calls gender language ‘neo-medieval form of rabies’

Heinz Rudolf Kunze/ Harald Schmidt at the Romy TV awards in 2011. Wikipedia

More and more German celebrities are distancing themselves from the gender madness in language. Just recently, the German cabaret artist Harald Schmidt explained that he basically does not read texts with (gender) asterisks. Now the writer and singer-songwriter Heinz Rudolf Kunze has followed suit.

He recently appeared on Stern TV and explained: “I have a feeling and a thought on the subject of gender. The sensation is this: whenever I hear or read gendered language, I get physically nauseous – I think like Eric Clapton gets nauseous when he hears wrong notes on his guitar.”

He considers gender language to be a “post-enlightened, neo-medieval form of rabies and hopes that it will soon go away like a plague or a fad”. Kunze pointed out that Peter Sloterdijk, “the most important philosopher alive today”, and 99 percent of Germans see it that way.

This was contradicted by the moderator and cabaret artist Sarah Bosetti (who is anything but squeamish when dealing with those who think differently – during the Corona “pandemic” she denounced opponents of vaccination on ZDF as a “appendix” of society, which one could do without). The linguist Reyhan Şahin, who was also involved in the discussion, was also “disappointed” with the statements made by Kunze, who actually “should be on the right side”.

A survey of the audience, and around 20 000 callers, made it clear later in the show that Kunze was right in his assessment. Only 6,68 percent spoke out in favor of gender language, with 93,32 percent against it.

FBI Doctored Mar-a-Lago Photo, Added Their Own Docs to Create a Crime Scene that Didn’t Exist

Sweden: Court rules Dr. fired for being Jewish must be reinstated

The Swedish Labor Court on Thursday ruled that a doctor who claimed he was discriminated against and let go by Karolinska University Hospital because of his Jewish heritage was wrongfully fired from his post and must be reinstated.

The Swedish Medical Association had sued the hospital in June on behalf of the doctor.

On Wednesday, the doctor received word that the hospital had admitted in court that his dismissal had been without basis. The court subsequently ordered that he be reinstated and that the hospital compensate him for 32 months of work.

The case began in 2018, when the doctor began stating that he was suffering harassment as a result of his Jewish identity, The doctor filed a lawsuit against the hospital over this harassment in October, 2021. The hospital subsequently fired the doctor, despite the fact that he is a well-known and experienced physician in his field of practice.

According to the lawsuit, the doctor and other Jewish employees were subject to antisemitic harassment on Facebook, including jokes about his nose, and was told he “whined like a Jew,” according to the Jewish News Syndicate.

The lawsuit also alleged that the doctor was prevented from carrying out his research, reassigned, and given a lower salary than less qualified colleagues solely because of his Jewish identity.

The World Zionist Organization (WZO), which supported the doctor in his lawsuit, hailed the verdict as a victory against antisemitism.

“This is a very important victory in the fight for awareness and narrative, and an important message to government institutions around the world that Jews should not be harmed,” said Raheli Baratz-Rix, head of the department for combatting antisemitism at the WZO.

The Lawfare Project called it “unusual” and “stunning” that the employer admitted in court to wrongfully terminating an employee,

Italy: Centre right just 3% away from getting two thirds majority

The centre right coalition is currently just 3% away from getting the two thirds majority it needs to pass Constitutional amendments without a referendum after the September 25 general election in Italy, according to a new projection.
    The alliance is currently some 19% ahead of the centre left bloc in the run up to the election, and needs a lead of about 22% to secure a two thirds majority in both the Lower House and the Senate, said the YouTrend simulation.
    The alliance plans to pass a Constitutional amendment to make elections of Italian presidents direct ones, by the people, and not by MPs.
    The conservative Brothers of Italy (FdI) party is top party in the latest poll by Euromedia Research on 24.6%, putting plain-talking 45-year-old Roman leader Giorgia Meloni on track to becoming Italy’s first woman premier after September 25.
    The centre left Democratic Party (PD) is running second at 23.1%, Euromedia said.
    FdI’s main ally the rightwing League party of Matteo Salvini is third on 12.5%.
    The ‘third pole’ of Azione-Italia VIva is fourth on 7.4%, the poll said.
    The third cog in the centre right machine, three-time ex-premier and media mogul Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia (FI) party, is fifth on 7%.
    Various leftwing, green and liberal allies of the PD are polling at a total of around 5%.
    The centre right has a total of 46.1% compared to 28.7% for the centre left.
    The independent populist 5-Star Movement (M5S) has gained 3% to 12,3%, and Italexit is on 2.8%.
    Over 35% of voters are still undecided.
    A post-election alliance is still possible, but difficult, between the centre left, the third pole and the M5s, which would push that hypothetical bloc’s percentage up to around 41%, still some 5% behind the centre right bloc.
    The poll said the cost of living crisis was the top priority for 47.4% of those interviewed, and the energy crisis for 45.7%, followed by jobs and employment on 40.5%.
    Lack of confidence that parties can do anything about jobs was high, at 37.3%.
    Some 35.5% of respondents were pessimistic about effective action on the energy crisis.