Woke Lit Also Destroyed Teen Interest in Reading – Only 14 percent of students say they read for fun every day

Woke literature. When it’s not shoving graphic pornography in front of 10-year-olds, it’s just destroying their interest in reading.

Amid a cascade of devastating reports showing classroom test scores plummeting nationwide, U.S. students have also hit a record low in their leisure time: Casual reading has collapsed.

Only 14 percent of students say they read for fun every day, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) report released recently, down 3 percentage points from 2020 and 13 since 2012. The report indicates 31 percent of students never or hardly ever read for fun.

Shocking that Gender Queer and the 500 LGBTQ memoirs and ‘everything white is racist’ books being pushed by the educracy and the publishing monopolies haven’t inspired a lifelong love of reading in children.

The first thing that pops up on the Simon and Schuster teen reading list is “LGBTQIA+ Books You Need to Read ASAP”.

Penguin Random House’s first offering is ‘How To Be a Young Antiracist’ by Ibram X. Kendi.

Can you blame kids if they view all of this are not just ugly and hateful, but tediously didactic propaganda that feels like homework?

This garbage is about as much fun as reading Marxist propaganda on the weekend.
