WATCH: Fridays for Future protested against diesel using diesel aggregate in Graz, Austria

The video has been a smash hit on the internet for days. The truants from “Fridays for Future” protested (despite the terrible Corona epidemic) in Graz against the use of fossil fuels. In order to voice their left-wing extremist slogans, the misguided children and youths used a diesel generator. When asked about this, they demanded free electricity from the socket for their demos.It was a rally to mark the two-year anniversary of the climate organisation, which serves Greta Thunberg’s family particularly well in increasing their multi-million dollar fortune. In bitter cold, they presented the scary movie that is so popular in summer and protested against the terrible global warming. As if that were not enough, a diesel generator was used to power the loudspeaker system, and then it was announced that humanity had to do without fossil fuels.The FPÖ Graz not only recorded the above video but also asked the alleged climate protectors whether they would prefer to switch to a tin megaphone that neither needs electricity nor produces CO2. The answer is no less amusing than the demonstration itself, which, by the way, is never an epidemiological issue with left-wing protesters.Green electricity would only be available at “unjustifiably high prices”, according to Alena, Fridays for Future in Graz. Therefore critics are asked to pay the electricity costs for the environmental extremists – of course only eco power. The ” Energie Graz ” would charge 720 euros for the 8-day event. According to E-Control, a kilowatt hour of electricity in Graz costs around 18.47 cents. Apparently the “environmentally conscious” youths had planned to consume around 4,000 KW/h. That is roughly equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of an Austrian household. By the way, the fact that “Fridays for Future” cannot afford the power themselves would show “the seriousness of the situation”. Got it.

P.S. Consistently calculated, the kilowatt hour from a diesel generator costs around 0.50 cents per kilowatt hour. The unit you see here costs about 1,600 euros to buy. But you might have to go to school for such complex calculations.