Vienna: Islamists besieged St Stephen’s Square without permission – police looked on

Despite a clear ban, hundreds of Islamists and Hamas fans gathered yesterday evening, Wednesday, for a pro-Palestine demonstration on St Stephen’s Square in Vienna. It was once again proof that these immigrants do not respect our laws and represent a danger to society.

Police allowed unauthorised assembly

On this evening, it once again became clear how many people are already in the country who despise our society and live according to their own laws. And this sub-society is growing by a three-digit number every day because illegal immigrants from Islamic countries are being allowed into the country and cared for by ÖVP Interior Minister Gerhard Karner. This is particularly serious: The police seem to have been instructed to allow a breach of the law instead of preventing it and nipping resistance in the bud. The hundreds of police officers stood idly by for a long time until they finally surrounded the demonstrators to arrest them. A capitulation of the constitutional state to a (still) violent minority.

“Alahu akbar” at Stephansplatz

Shouts of “Alahu akbar” echoed around St Stephen’s Square in the middle of the night. A Muslim battle cry on a square that symbolises our society, which is characterised by Christian values, like no other. The question is how many more warnings are needed to reverse the disastrous trend of Islamisation in Austria and all its consequences. The proportion of Muslims in Austria in 2021 was 8.3 per cent. Compared to 2001, their share has doubled. An estimated 200,000 of them were already living in Vienna in 2021. Hundreds of them gave free rein to their hatred of Israel on Wednesday and brought the Middle East conflict into our country. Integration into our liberal social system has not been successful and, as this evening showed, the number and brazenness of those who pose a threat is increasing.

Islamisten belagerten unerlaubt Stephansplatz – Polizei sah zu – Unzensuriert