Vatican apologizes to the ‘infidel enemies of the Christian name’

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By Raymond Ibrahim

According to a recent report,

[t]he Vatican has abrogated three papal bulls, claiming that the documents are offensive to indigenous peoples and “have never been considered expressions of the Catholic faith.”

The bulls Dum Diversas (1452), Romanus Pontifex (1455) and Inter Caetera (1493) contain the basis for the “doctrine of discovery,” which “is not part of the teaching of the Catholic Church,” the Vatican has announced.

“The Church acknowledges that these papal bulls did not adequately reflect the equal dignity and rights of indigenous peoples,” the dicasteries for Culture and Education and for Promoting Integral Human Development said in a joint statement published Thursday [March 30, 2023].

While the above sounds open-minded and “progressive,” the all-important context is, as usual, missing.  The above referenced bulls, or edicts, were primarily focused on neutralizing Muslim powers that were otherwise terrorizing virtually every corner of Christendom.

For example, Dum Diversas was issued the same year (1452) that Sultan Muhammad II laid siege to Constantinople, leading to that ancient Christian city’s brutal fall in 1453.  At the same time, Muslims from North Africa were terrorizing Spain and the broader Mediterranean through constant and devastating slave raids.  Thus, whether in Christendom’s farthest east (Constantinople) or farthest west (Spain), Muslims were massacring and enslaving countless Christians.

As such, these bulls, like so many before them, were designed to inspire Europeans to rise up and defend Christendom against Muslims — to “restrain the savage excesses of the Saracens and of other infidels, enemies of the Christian name,” to quote from Romanus Pontifex.  

Because some of these bulls deal with Christians invading and seeking to conquer North Africa, modern-day “enemies of the Christian name” have sought to present these as wars of conquest and colonization.  For example, Romanus Pontifex authorized King Alfonso V of Portugal (1432–1481) to “invade [North Africa], conquer, defeat and subjugate all Saracens and pagans and other enemies of Christ,” and to “enslave their persons perpetually” and seize their possessions for profit.

Again, such ruthless language must not be read in a vacuum.  The atrocities Muslims were committing against nearby Christians, especially those of Spain, make Islamic State (ISIS) atrocities seem like child’s play.  It was all-out war to the death.

Moreover, while expeditions into North Africa were similar to the Crusades, in that they featured Christians traveling to and seeking to conquer Muslim lands, often left out is that all of these “Muslim lands” — all of North Africa and the Middle East — were Christian for centuries before Islam invaded and conquered them in the seventh century. 

The popes and other Christians were well aware of this, and, as such, these expeditions were seen as just wars, both to quell Muslim aggression and to return North Africa and the Middle East to the fold of Christendom — including by liberating the indigenous Christians, who, in the fifteenth century, were experiencing especially severe bouts of persecution.  For example, contemporary sources concerning Egypt’s Coptic Christians under the Mamluk dynasty (1250–1517) are riddled with accounts of Christians being slaughtered, immolated, and crucified, their women and children raped and enslaved, their churches razed to the ground.

Further, most of these bulls were issued at a time when Muslims made it impossible for Christians to reach the East by land.  Any merchant or traveler caught was instantly slaughtered or enslaved in keeping with Islamic law.  Indeed, it is often forgotten, but all of the Spanish and Portuguese vessels that set sail and eventually found the New World in the late fifteenth century, including Christopher Columbus’s, did so in the context of their long war with Islam — not in search of “spices,” as is today taught in classrooms. 

By conflating and condemning these bulls as “xenophobic” calls to justify the mistreatment of Native Americans — without bothering to cite the unbridled ferocity that prompted them in the first place — the Vatican manages not only to appease “wokeism,” but to kill two birds with one stone: openly take a bow to “indigenous peoples,” and clandestinely take a bow to Muslims, all while condemning the “sins” of Christians, with zero context.