UK: Archbishop Demands ‘Serious Consequences’ for ‘Anti-Trans’ Comments

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, the world’s foremost Anglican prelate, wants universities that allows trans people to be “insulted” to face funding cuts and loss of status.

“Universities that allow it to be tolerated if there is systemic ‘anti’ any category, whether it’s Jewish people, Jewish societies, whether it’s trans people… should have really quite serious consequences in terms of the recognition of their authority, their position. And [cutting] their funding, in particular, I think that is really important,” he said.

While Welby claimed “no one is entitled not to be offended” on campus, he undercut this by adding that people “have every right not to be abused, insulted and excluded”. His comments were motivated by recent controversy around Professor Kathleen Stock, who believes biological men cannot become women and was almost prevented from speaking at the University of Oxford as a result.

The Church of England, the mother church of the Episcopal Church in the United States, has become increasingly political, pushing open borders and encouraging children to “play with the many cloaks of [gender] identity” in schools. Anglican churches in Africa recently split from Welby after the Church of England decided to begin blessing same-sex marriages.