The animated film “Aslan Hürküs” celebrates its grand premiere in St. Pölten. The explosive thing about it: the film is only shown in the Turkish language. “Should our children learn Turkish now”, cinema-goers ask. The Freedom Party (FPÖ) sees the integration policy as a failure.
“The Turkish animated film ‘Aslan Hürküs’, which is screened at the Megaplex in St. Pölten, impressively demonstrates the total failure of integration policy,” criticised Udo Landbauer, FPÖ regional party and club chairman in the Lower Austrian parliament. “The German language is the basic prerequisite for successful integration in Austria. It is therefore more than counterproductive to show children’s films in Turkish, because this signals to the constantly growing Turkish population that there is no need to learn our language,” emphasised Landbauer.
“Apparently, the united immigration advocates have given up trying to integrate their protégés and are now focusing on teaching Austrians Turkish. Good night Occident,” Landbauer said. “If this continues, we will probably soon be watching Afghan and Syrian films in the original version in the cinemas,” Landbauer fears.
Such actions only fuel the emergence of parallel societies. “No Turk is doing his child a favour by not letting him learn German, because the lack of language skills hinders success at school and subsequently in professional life,” Landbauer said.