More than 2500 farmers from Belgium’s Dutch-speaking Flanders region gathered at Brussels’ central Arts-Loi street and blocked roads with tractors toward Brussels to protest the regional government’s plan to limit nitrogen emissions.
The European Commission did not release funds to farmers in the region under the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy because it did not find the regional government’s reduction measures sufficient.
Repeating the nitrogen hoax
The angry farmers protested against the Flanders regional government’s plan to limit nitrogen emissions by 2025, carrying banners that read: “No farmers, no food and no future.”
If Flemish environment minister Zuhal Demir (N-VA) gets her green-extremist way, hundreds of farms will have to close down.
Last year, 44 per cent more farmers already reported being in trouble. Minister Demir currently refuses as many as 9 out of 10 licences for farmers.
Farmers have been investing in solutions for years and are now faced with a government that says “it’s never enough!”. They therefore want the nitrogen agreement to be immediately consigned to the dustbin.
Nobel Laureate Dr. Kary Mullis’ assessment of the current state of climate science was that it’s a “joke”. There is no published empirical scientific evidencethat any CO2, whether natural or man-made, causes warming in the troposphere. Yet nitrogen emissions are linked to this.