This is how popular the social benefits are in Merkel’s Germany: Iraqis arrive by private jet and seek asylum

A curious incident occurred at Munich airport on Friday. A family of four from Iraq arrived from Istanbul in a private jet and initially claimed to the German authorities that they were flying to the Caribbean with a stopover. In the end they finally applied for asylum – as they were apparently threatened by a family member in their home country.

When the Iraqis arrived in the private jet, they first tried to cover up what they were really after. They claimed that Munich was only a stopover on their way to the Caribbean. But the Bavarian police became suspicious.

After all, it was the 12-year-old son who told the police the real reason for her private flight to Germany. According to a report in the newspaper Bild-Zeitung, the parents then told how the woman’s father, a strictly religious man, demanded that she and her only seven-year-old daughter be circumcised according to Islamic law. She and her family, however, would refuse to do so, whereupon they were threatened by her own father.The 49-year-old father then said that he had given up all his possessions in northern Iraq and fled with his family to Turkey six days ago. There he found a smuggler who flew his family to Munich at a cost of 60,000 euros – by private jet. The family now asked the German families for asylum and was transferred to a Bavarian refugee reception centre. Investigations were initiated against the smugglers.