The United Nations is a mouthpiece for Islamic propaganda

by Giulio Meotti

The story told by Bloomberg is chilling. Priyantha Kumara Diyawadanage was the manager of a sportswear factory in Pakistan. His employees were devoted young Muslims. Priyantha, on the other hand, was an outsider: a Christian from Sri Lanka and one of the few foreigners in the city of Sialkot, the world’s largest football manufacturer.Word spread that Priyantha had removed a poster with Islamic verses. Malik Adnan, another manager, tried to hold back an angry crowd by reminding them that their boss couldn’t read Urdu. Dozens of employees chased Priyantha onto the factory roof. Within minutes, they stoned him to death. “Off with his head!” shouted the crowd as they set Priyantha’s corpse on fire. All recorded in viral videos on social media. He was not the first Pakistani Christian set on fire. A Christian couple was burned alive in a furnace.

A few hours later, news came from Minya, Egypt that three Coptic Christians were massacred by a group of Muslims. They killed them and danced on the remains of their corpses. Upon returning to their village of origin, they were greeted by songs and celebrations, shouting “Allahu Akbar”.A year and a half ago, in front of the Palace of Nations in Geneva, the seat of the UN Human Rights Council, Pakistani Christians held a composed and silent demonstration against the persecution. But for the globalist agenda, the same one that accuses Western states of “systemic racism”, the persecution of Christians and those perceived as anti-Islam is a great omission. The reason is quickly explained.

At the same time as the three Christians were being torn apart in Egypt, the United Nations voted for the establishment of the “International Day against Islamophobia”.”I want to congratulate the Muslim Ummah today because our voice against the rising tide of Islamophobia has been heard and the UN has adopted a historic resolution introduced by Pakistan, on behalf of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, which designates March 15 as ‘International Day to Combat Islamophobia’ “.Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan announced it. Countries like Azerbaijan, whose soldiers have beheaded elderly Armenian civilians, support the resolution; Iran, where homosexuals are hanged and women without headscarves tortured; Turkey, which has jails full of journalists and writers; Indonesia, where in one region, Aceh, “sinful” citizens are whipped in the streets; and Nigeria, where every year thousands of Christians are massacred with impunity because they are Christians …

The Organization for Islamic Cooperation is the largest bloc of UN voting countries. Its goal? Criminalize the criticism of Islam. The Organization said so expressly: “We need a law that criminalizes Islamophobia”.Therefore, the Canadian intellectual Mathieu Bock-Côté is right, said on French TV: “The UN institutes a ‘Day against Islamophobia’. An initiative led by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where Christians are sentenced to death. They want to criminalize criticism of Islam ”.

The UN, Europe and democracies are committed to protecting Islam with an ad hoc day.

In France, to name just one European country, there are 35 personalities under police escort for criticizing Islam. The French representative to the UN said that with the European Union, France has proposed making the text more universal by refocusing on freedom of religion and the fight against discrimination that affects individuals. But in the end, France also chose not to oppose the resolution. The declaration of the European Union is a masterpiece of weakness and duplicity: “We are against the spirit of the resolution on Islam, but we vote for it anyway”.The UN points the way and countries that embrace the globalist agenda are adapting. At this time in Canada, we have the “86 bill to combat Islamophobia”. “If approved, we would find ourselves in a surveillance climate worthy of the ‘1984’ Big Brother,” writes Frédéric Bastien in the Journal du Montreal.“Nobody would dare say anything in the face of the excesses of radical Islam”.

And if that wasn’t enough, Iran – yes, Iran – will join the United Nations Commission on Women’s Rights next week.

Soon the West will not even see the difference between itself and Islam.