The migrant is always the victim: Berlin’s do-gooder police hugged a knife-wielding African after he knifed a German

In Berlin, 41-year-old Moroccan Mounir M. is currently on trial – for a violent offence in a public park, with which he involuntarily helped to emphasise the lesson that a concerned father wanted to teach his daughter: The father had wanted to show the 12-year-old how dangerous it was to be in Berlin’s parks late at night. In the end, Mounir M. made sure in a bloody way that the anticipatory educational measures were fully justified.

What exactly had happened? On August 11 last year, shortly before midnight, 40-year-old Tomas K. and his daughter were arguing loudly in the park in Charlottenburg. The father criticised her for having crossed the de facto no-go areas of a Berlin park at that time of night and wanted to make it clear to her how dangerous it was to be in that area at that time of night (and in view of the conditions in Berlin not only at that time) – due to the migrant troublemakers usually encountered there, including the prevalence of violence and drugs.

“She came much too late from football training,” explained Tomas K. “I got worried, went to meet her. Saw her slowly strolling out of the park – in the middle of the night! She knows not to go that way!” He continued, “I said to her, ‘We’re going back so you understand why you’re not supposed to do that!’ We argued. I lost sight of her in the park.” Shortly afterwards, the father discovered her again – and had to realise that the self-fulfilling prophecy was already the case: “When she came back, a man followed her.”

This man was the accused Moroccan Mounir M.. When the father rushed to help his daughter, he immediately attacked Tomas K aggressively. M. had thrown a full beer bottle, a second bottle had shattered at the father’s feet. “My daughter screamed,” said K.. “The man forced me to my knees and said that this was not my daughter at all. I shouted to her: run away!” Shortly afterwards, the knife showed up in the North African’s hand, with which he stabbed the father several times. He remembers: “I don’t know how I got out of there alive. Two days later I woke up in hospital.”

The consequence of this new “negotiation of daily cultural coexistence” in this case for Thomas K.: severe injuries, several operations, almost total blindness in one eye and severe damage to the others, permanent scars on his face. The Moroccan, however, claims, presumably briefed by default by lawyers of the asylum lobby, that he suffered a “blackout”. “I can’t explain what happened,” he said. From his point of view, what happened, he said, was that “I had lost my job, drank a lot of beer in the park. At night I heard a female voice in the park, there was obviously an argument with a man, I was just trying to help …” He only regained consciousness on a park bench after a policewoman attended to him, he said. “I was covered in blood, but the blood was not mine,” he explained further.

Who hasn’t suffered the same fate – you lose your job, get drunk in the park and carry a knife just in case, so that you are quickly on the spot when you come across another German family man abusing his daughter? Apparently, the Berlin police officer who found the Moroccan in the park after the incident blindly believed in this do-gooder fairy tale, because there is no other way to explain what she did first according to the protocol: she “hugged and comforted” the bloodied perpetrator – assuming that he was the victim, while Tomas K. lay unconscious in the park next to her.