One of the many pro-crime initiatives embarked on by the Democrats, under the influence of the Left, was an end to publishing mugshots.
Gov. Cuomo and New York’s Democrat legislature shut down the publication of mugshots. Gov. Newsom in California passed a law banning the release of mugshots for non-violent offenders. Utah barred publishing mugshots until a conviction has been achieved. So have a number of other states.
Pro-crime laws like these made it hard to warn the public or identify a suspect.
Onondaga County District Attorney Bill Fitzpatrick says “Gutter Guy” is an “absolutely a perfect example of why you’d want to release a mugshot because we want to know if people in Eastwood have been victimized by this guy.”
But the same pro-crime Left that is against mugshots gleefully splashed those of former President Trump and his associates across social media and its news sites.
Here is Trump’s Mug Shot, the First Ever of a Former President – Time
All the Mug Shots of Donald Trump and His Alleged Co-Conspirators – New York Magazine
Photo: Mugshot of Donald Trump released after arrest in Georgia – PBS
No mugshots for criminals. Only for political opponents.
The Left knows it’s abusing its power. It engages in exactly the behavior it condemns over and over again because these abuses are also shows of strength. Much like in George Orwell’s 1984, its double standards and doublethink are the equivalent of arguing that 2 + 2 = 5. The power to corrupt truth is the ultimate political power which is, at its most totalitarian, the power over the mind of man.