The first photo of the Nottingham triple murderer

Was his ” bright” expression the reason why he was still living in the dormitory at the age of 31?
Photo: Valdo Calocane, 31, the Nottingham triple murderer, in his student hall of residence one year before the murders.

Thirty-one-year-old Valdo Calocane was charged with the murders of 19-year-old students Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar and school janitor Ian Coates, who were stabbed to death Tuesday in Nottingham.

Two 19-year-old students, Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar, and a 65-year-old school employee, Ian Coates, were stabbed in the attack early Tuesday morning. Three other people were injured when they were run over by the stolen van, causing a commotion in the city and beyond.

Jason, a 50-year-old eyewitness, commented, “The man was dressed all in black and very calm. He was wearing a cap and had a backpack on his back”.

Translated with DeepL