Thaïs d’Escufon from Generation Identity responds to their dissolution

GI stopping an illegal at the border. Screenshot from YouTube/Thaïs d’Escufon. Telegram/GI website

A few days ago, the French Ministry of the Interior notified Génération Identitaire of their dissolution. They now have 10 days to respond in order to avoid it. Why this dissolution? Thaïs d’Escufon responded to the threat.

“This is not the first time the government has sought to dissolve us. Nevertheless, we knew that [Interior Minister] Gérald Darmanin particularly wanted it because he sees an obvious political interest in it. After having given pledges to the right via the dissolution of the [jihadist] CCIF and BarakaCity, the Minister of the Interior as a worthy heir to Emmanuel Macron in wishing to do something “at the same time” to satisfy the left,” explained d’Escufon.

“We were therefore not surprised by the notification of dissolution itself, but by its content. All the reasons given have no basis, are completely shaky or even grotesque. We intend to defend ourselves to the end, which four lawyers including Maître Goldnadel are already working to do.

“To give you an example, Darmanin criticizes us for our operation in the Alps on the grounds that we are forming militias. But with that, justice has already decided, since we have been released!

“This decision to dissolve us has no serious basis. It is a direct attack on freedom of expression and association, through us, it is all opposition to the migration policy that will be muzzled.

“We are also accused of having deployed a banner that called for ‘Justice for Axelle‘, this young Lyon girl dragged over 800m by an Arab immigrant car until her leg was torn off by the vehicle. All this is supposedly an ‘incitement to hatred’. First, this action had never been the subject of any trial. But above all, what is the message that we should understand, that it is illegal to seek justice for French people who are lynched, murdered, slaughtered? Isn’t the violence in this barbaric act rather than in a banner that demands exemplary punishment for Axelle’s murderers? So the French should let themselves be killed in silence? It’s just mind blowing.”

According to d’Escufon this decision to dissolve GI has no serious legal basis. She believes the problem is the message that they are sending out and that bothers the French government, because all their actions have always been peaceful.

“If we were to stick to strict law, there is no doubt that we would win. But the ideological dimension is very strong, this decision is political on the part of the government. Count on us to defend ourselves until the end.”

She added that hidden behind Gérald Darmanin’s motivation to dissolve GI was the humiliation they were able to inflict on him. “We point the finger at the incompetence of its government, its judicial and migratory laxity,” she pointed out.

“We have shown that we are more effective than the ‘strong’ measures to ‘wage war on Islamism’ which he claims to deploy. We are a thorn in the side of the government because we are shining a light on their immigration incapacity. So they prefer to silence this opposition rather than show political courage and finally implement what a majority of the French population is asking: the end of mass immigration.

“Our actions are perfectly legal, as justice has not failed to remind you through our various releases. In the end, all we ask is that the law be applied at the borders: illegal immigrants are not welcome. They are the ones who break the law, it is all the same mind-boggling to have to recall this truth. At the same time, migrant smugglers like Cédric Herrou are released.”

Darmanin has called himself the minister of firmness, but GI has focused on the facts and not on his misleading political communication, revealing thus that his measures have no basis in reality.

D’Escufon highlighted that their mode of operation was similar to that of other NGOs like Greenpeace. “They are certainly spectacular but do not break the law, do not cause any disturbance to public order, and only highlight problems. The real reason for this dissolution is not the form of our actions but our message of truth that bothers the government,” she said.

“Today it is enough to be even a little critical of immigration/invasion to be hated. Any politician or intellectual who dares to denounce it incurs lawsuits (like Éric Zemmour for example). All opposition is muzzled, marginalized, censored.”

If the government hits on Génération Identitaire it is because it knows that the GI movement has established itself as the most effective, the most structured, and the only one really capable of competing in terms of communication with immigrationist NGOs, which are largely subsidized, d’Escufon concluded.