Terror attack announced against synagogue and Christmas market in Cologne, Germany: Two Islamists arrested

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Two teenagers (15, 16) are said to have called for a “holy war” against the West via video on Telegram and announced a terrorist attack in Cologne. The domestic intelligence service managed to identify and arrest them.

In a video published on Telegram, two young people are said to have called for a “holy war” against the West and at the same time announced a terrorist attack in Germany for December 1. According to a report by public broadcaster WDR, the domestic intelligence service has identified the two. They are a German-Afghan (15) from Burscheid near Leverkusen and a Russian (16) from Wittstock in the north-west of Brandenburg.

The young people are said to have arranged to meet to discuss an Islamist attack. According to the report, they wanted to use incendiary devices or a small lorry to attack a Christmas market or a synagogue in Cologne. It is assumed that they also discussed a specific time for their plans.

House searches have now been carried out in North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg. The young people were arrested as a result. The public prosecutor’s office in Düsseldorf and the public prosecutor’s office in Neuruppin are investigating on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack.

Both young people are considered sympathisers of the “Islamic State” (IS). The older one is classified by the security authorities in Brandenburg as a “relevant person” in the Islamist scene and is said to have attracted attention in the past for spreading jihadist propaganda.

Terroranschlag angekündigt: Zwei Islamisten (15, 16) festgenommen | Exxpress