Suspects in tumultuous situations in Germany are often foreigners with foreign first names like Ali, Hassan and Mohamed

The majority of suspects in so-called tumultuous situations in North Rhine-Westphalia have foreign roots. This is the result of the Ministry of the Interior’s answer to an inquiry by the AfD member of the state parliament Markus Wagner, which is in the hands of the weekly JUNGE FREIHEIT. According to the answer, 55.6 percent of the suspects do not hold German citizenship. In addition, according to the paper, many of the accused with German passports have a name that indicates a migration background. In total, 74.5 percent of the suspects are foreigners or Germans with foreign first names such as Ali, Hassan and Mohamed.According to the Ministry of the Interior, a situation of turmoil is “a police situation caused by or arising from an aggressive group of people, where the number of people, their role or the status of individuals cannot be determined immediately upon first intervention”. Whether this is the case is determined by the local police.On June 17, such a tumult happened in Cologne when, during a traffic control, the co-driver in the halted vehicle suddenly struck a policeman in the face, so that the latter had to be treated medically. About 150 onlookers, some of them aggressive, then gathered immediately at the scene of the incident, thus temporarily preventing the injured police officer from being medicated and disrupting the police operation. Only massive support forces were able to bring the situation under control.According to the Interior Ministry, 87 Germans and 109 foreigners were among the 196 suspects in the first half of 2020. Among the foreigners, Turks made up the largest group with 20 suspects, followed by Syrians(16). Many of the Germans mentioned above also have foreign roots. In at least 37 cases the suspects have foreign names.Wagner blamed migration and integration policy for the crimes committed by foreigners. “Three quarters of the suspects are foreigners or have an immigrant background. The connection to the failed migration and integration policy of the mainstream parties is therefore unmistakable. Nevertheless, the causes, i.e. the lack of border protection, the failure to deport and the refusal to integrate are not being challenged”.