Spain’s Vox succeeds as top court rules pandemic lockdown unconstitutional

On Wednesday Spain’s Constitutional Court ruled that the strict lockdown measures ordered by the Spanish government last year were unconstitutional. The court made its ruling in response to a lawsuit brought by Spain’s anti-immigration Vox party.

Macarena Olona, state attorney and member of the Congress of Deputies since 2019 for Vox, told eltorotv: “There is no precedent in our history for such a dictatorial and abusive use of power, the Government unconstitutionally kidnapped 47 million Spaniards.”

Other Vox deputies noted on social media that the media have completely ignored the issue. “The government – and those who run it from the shadows – are above the law. That is called tyranny.”

Draconian measures to order Spaniards off the streets except for shorts shopping trips and essential work commutes, violated the country’s constitution and was denounced by the court.

Olona explained how the Vox appeal against the lockdown measures was forged and stressed the importance of the Constitutional Court ruling. “A page has been written in the history of Spanish constitutionalism thanks to the intervention by Vox,” said Olona. She described it as “an unprecedented blow to the Government” in the face of an “outrage”.

Olona has indicated that because of “this ruling there have been extraordinary political pressures” on the judges. The Vox spokeswoman said that the closure of the Congress of Deputies last year “meant the annihilation of the separation of powers” because the key of Congress had been handed over to the Government”.

Olona also pointed out the impact on the state coffers that this ruling could have. She estimated that 720 million euros in fines will have to be returned or no longer collected. In any case, for Olona “the greatest fine is the economic ruin to which thousands of small businessmen have been subjected”.