Spain: Muslim migrant teen manufactured ‘Mother of Satan’ explosive, plotted major jihad massacre at his school

The Information Services of the National Police believe they have aborted what would have been the largest terrorist attack in recent years in Spain with the capture last Sunday in the Sevillian town of Montellano of a young Syrian refugee, only 16 years old, who intended to immolate himself this week at the school he attended, the Castillo de Cote Secondary Education Institute (IES) in that Seville municipality.

The order of José Luis de Castro, head of the Central Juvenile Court of the National Court, with which he has sent S.T. to six months at a “closed center,” reveals that this minor managed to manufacture “Mother of Satan,” the very unstable and deadly explosive that jihadist groups have been using in the last decade. The same explosive that blew up the house in Alcanar (Tarragona) in August 2017 where the terrorists of the Catalonia attacks were preparing their bombs.