Spain: Arrest of Moroccan migrant Mohamed M., who used his 16 TikTok accounts to forward content calling for jihad and recruit people

The judge of the Audiencia Nacional, Joaquin Gadea, ordered the pre-trial detention without bail of a man of Moroccan nationality, Mohamed M., who was arrested in Malaga on Monday for disseminating content from the terrorist organisation Daech in successive TikTok profiles calling for jihad.

The judge of the Central Investigative Court 6 attributed indoctrination and glorification of terrorism to him and agreed to his detention due to the risk of absconding, as he is a habitual resident of Spain, has significant links with his home country and had already bought a plane ticket to Nador, court sources told EFE.

The investigation revealed that Mohamed M. started profiles on the social network Tiktok, where he disseminated pro-terrorist content from Daech calling for jihad. He also contributed to the indoctrination and recruitment of third parties as well as incitement to terrorist attacks. The accused had opened 16 accounts in the above-mentioned social network.

He was investigated as part of preliminary proceedings 49/2023 of the Court of the Audiencia Nacional, before which he appeared after his arrest, according to the legal sources consulted. His arrest took place on Monday morning in the Nuevo San Andrés neighbourhood of the capital Málaga, where officers came across numerous documents that now need to be analysed. Dozens of members of the Guardia Civil, including officers from the Rapid Action Group (GAR), were deployed there. Viva Malaga

Malaga (Espagne) : interpellation de Mohamed M., un migrant marocain, qui relayait des contenus appelant au djihad et recrutait des personnes grâce à ses 16 comptes TikTok – Fdesouche

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