So much for “France fights Islamic separatism”: a new book reveals that Macron’s party officials promote Islamism

The presidential majority boasts of fighting “Islamist separatism”. Is this the case? The truth is that radical mosques are being inaugurated and sometimes their construction supported by local deputies of the République en Marche and their allies behind a communication strategy that seeks to reassure the French. The thousands of foreigners registered in the file for the prevention of radicalisation of a terrorist nature (FSPRT) are deported only in dribs and drabs. The most extreme Islamist movements are still allowed in: the Muslim Brothers of Musulmans de France with their 200 mosques and schools, the Turks of Millî Görüs and the Tablighi, who have rejected the “Charter of the Principles of Islam in France” presented by the Ministry of the Interior, not to mention the Salafists who control over 150 mosques.Immigration, which has fed the Islamist magma for forty years, has not dried up and hundreds of hotels are used by the state to house illegals. This worrying record springs from a political cowardice that should warn citizens against the false pretence of Macronism. The author: Jean-Frédéric Poisson has a doctorate in philosophy and a master’s degree in social law. As a deputy, he chaired the National Assembly’s committee of enquiry into Daech’s funds and financing. He is president of the party VIA, la voie du peuple (The Way of the People) and has published several essays, including most recently L’islamisme à la conquête de l’Occident (Islamism Conquers the West). Actualitté