Six out of ten police officers ready to vote for Marine Le Pen in 2022 second round

The president of the National Rally (RN) is far ahead in terms of voting intentions among the police already in the first round of French elections set for 2022, beating both Xavier Bertrand and Emmanuel Macron.

And this is not a novelty: Marine Le Pen is popular with the police. This popularity also seems to have increased in recent years. According to an Ipsospoll for the Sciences Po Political Research Center (Cevipof) and relayed by L’Opinion, the president of the National Rally could benefit from the votes of 60 percent of the police in the second round of the 2022 presidential election if her opponent is Emmanuel Macron.

The projected score is “a minimum” according to Luc Rouban, research director at the CNRS and a slight improvement compared to 2017, where 57 percent of police officers had voted for her.

In the first round, Marine Le Pen would also rank widely in the lead in voting intentions among the police. With 44 percent, she would be ahead of Xavier Bertrand (24 percent) and Emmanuel Macron (20 percent). But according to Luc Rouban, “there is a strong disparity” between the senior or retired police officers and the field police officers, “because the vote is linked to the level of education and the police environment remains divided between the commissioners and the agents”. Thus, “only” 51 percent of retired police officers would vote Marine Le Pen against Emmanuel Macron in 2022, against 74 percent of active police officers, the survey revealed.

Another insight from this survey: Some 48 percent of the police believe that the president of the RN “understands the problems of people like [them]”, against only 27 percent for Xavier Bertrand and 13 percent for Emmanuel Macron. At the same time, 52 percent of police officers believe that Marine Le Pen “really wants to change things” also ahead of Emmanuel Macron (32 percent) and Xavier Bertrand (27 percent).