Serbian Populists Win Belgrade Elections AGAIN, to the Despair of the MSM and Globalists

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

All over the world, any government or leader that does not share the same Globalist principles to the letter is subjected to endless scrutiny, non-stop allegations, and harassment.

Take the Serbian populist government, for example.

After President Aleksandar Vucic’s party won the municipal election for Belgrade mayor in December, a season of protest was held, with the usual suspect Western NGOs and ‘Watchdogs’ denouncing irregularities.

Well, the elections for capital Belgrade were re-done, and AGAIN, the Government won, to the chagrin and revolt of the liberal Globalists in Serbia and abroad.

Serbia’s victory over the opposition happened in a vote for Belgrade city council and partial local elections across the country.

The electoral process was marked by scuffles between opposition and government supporters.

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