Refugee shoots woman to death who had fled to Germany to escape ISIS militias

A man has been standing before the Göttingen Regional Court since Tuesday for having shot his sleeping wife in Einbeck (Northeim district) in April 2020. After the bloody deed, Cemal A. (49), completely drunk, called 911 and declared that he had accidentally shot his wife Besma († 27) while cleaning his pistol. The accused possessed the gun illegally. Strangely, he had not removed the magazine, among other things, before cleaning his pistol.

The prosecution considers the accident version a poor excuse and assumes murder.

Sadly, according to Kurdish women’s rights activists, the Yazidi woman had fled to Germany to escape the ISIS militia. Here, the mother of three apparently became a victim of her violent husband. It is suspected that she wanted to separate from him.,view=amp.bildMobile.html