‘Racist’ mathematics should be ‘decolonized’

A new project of the anti-white agenda is now being reported from Great Britain. Mathematics must be “decolonized” as it is “racist” in its traditional form.

This is what the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) claims, a charity that acts in an advisory capacity to the higher education regulator. It called for “decolonizing” the math curriculum in colleges.

In future, students should be taught what connections mathematicians had to the slave trade, racism or Nazis.

However, the request did not go unchallenged. Leading British scientists expressed concern in an open letter that maths and degrees are being “politicised”. The letter stated that while the signatories “abhor racism, one can abhor racism without subscribing to the theory of decoloniality”. Moreover, “decolonization theory” is not mathematics.

In 2021, against the background of the Black Lives Matter activities, the accusation arose that mathematics strengthened “white supremacy” and was racist. In the US, the education initiative The Education Trust recommended that teachers not even ask their students for the right solution when solving arithmetic problems. The reason: since mathematics is mainly dominated by “whites”, blacks could feel discriminated against if they did not know how to solve problems.

The trust argued this on the basis of the controversial Critical Race Theory (CRT), which assumes that the entire West is subject to systematic, “structural” racism.

But the theory is considered racist by its critics. After all, people are assigned characteristics and positions based on their skin color – in the current debate, for example, the assumption is that black students are inherently bad at mathematics.
