UK college slammed for saying it will buy clothing, make-up for ‘transgender’ students

Sheffield College, Wikimedia Commons , Stephen Craven, CC-BY-SA-2.0

As the Cass Review released earlier this year noted, “social transitioning” — the practice of changing the given names, pronouns, and clothing of gender-confused youth to assist them in “presenting” as the opposite sex — is dangerous “because it may have significant effects on the child or young person in terms of their psychological functioning and longer-term outcomes.”

“Social transitioning” has become standard practice in many Western countries over the past few years, and that is why so many in academia have attempted to ignore the Cass Review’s findings entirely.  

Despite this comprehensive evidence, the U.K.’s Sheffield College is doubling down – and going further. Sheffield was the first college visited by the Labour Government education secretary Bridget Phillipson in July. According to the Daily Mail, the college is planning a “trial implementing a ‘gender affirmation fund,’ which will allow [so-called] trans and non-binary students to apply for financial support to buy ‘clothes and make-up.’” The phrase “gender affirmation” is trans-speak for “affirming” one’s desired gender in contradiction to one’s sex.  

Critics are condemning the move in harsh terms. “It is extremely concerning that Sheffield College leaders believe it’s acceptable to create a ‘gender affirming’ fund for students,” Lucy Marsh of the Family Education Trust told the Mail. “Most students will be under 18, so they are effectively socially transitioning children, which we know from the Cass Review is ‘not a neutral act.’ Instead of giving gender-questioning children and young adults money to present as the opposite sex, the college should be offering them counselling.”  

She added, “Further Education colleges are meant to provide fact-based education for their students, not indoctrinate them with contested gender ideology which can lead to a pathway of cross-sex hormone [drugs] and surgery which causes irreversible harm to their bodies.”  

Sheffield is set to provide thousands of pounds for so-called “gender affirming” grants, and there are other colleges doing the same. The University of Kent currently offers grants of up to £100 that contribute to “gender-affirming products” and even undefined “minor cosmetic procedures.” The University College London, the Mail reported, set aside close to £5,000 for gender-confused students to purchase “clothing, beauty products, or travel for medical or therapy appointments.” In short, educational institutions are literally funding cross-dressing. 

Angela Foulkes, chief executive and principal at Sheffield, stated that the new pilot project was intended to reflect that the college has “a diverse student community” and that they “are committed to inclusivity.” Foulkes detailed the plan in a statement:  

Funding has been allocated with the intention of running a pilot project to support our students. We anticipate that it will start by September 2025. The funds will enable disadvantaged [so-called] transgender and non-binary students access to financial assistance to buy gender affirming clothing and make-up with the aim of enhancing their wellbeing whilst promoting an inclusive and supportive college environment. We anticipate supporting a small number of students who would be referred by our pastoral support team on a case-by-case basis. 

These plans completely ignore the conclusions of the Cass Review, which observed that “social transitioning” “is not a neutral act, and better information is needed about outcomes.” Cass stressed that “transitioning” socially can profoundly alter the developmental trajectory of minors, and that it is likely a life-altering decision once embarked on. Many educators, however, appear disinterested in waiting for evidence on outcomes and more interested in kowtowing to transgender activists in the name of “inclusivity.” 

As always, the kids pay the price.

Berlin police advise LGBTQ and Jews to avoid Arab-majority areas

Barbara Slowik,screengrab youtube

Some areas of Berlin are not safe for ‘openly gay’ and Jewish people, a local police chief has admitted.

Barbara Slowik, head of the police force in the German capital, said: ‘There are areas, and we need to be honest here, where I would advise people who wear a kippah or are openly gay or lesbian to be more careful.’

‘Unfortunately, there are certain neighborhoods where the majority of people live are of Arab descent, who also have sympathies for terrorist groups,’ she told local outlet Berliner Zeitung.

She added that ‘open anti-Semitism’ was shown against ‘people of Jewish faith and origin’ in those neighbourhoods. 

Slowik said that Berlin police have initiated more than 6,200 investigations since October 7, 2023, although most cases relate to hate messages online or graffiti. 

About 1,300 investigations are concerning violent incidents, although Slowik clarifies that the majority of these were directed against police officers at gatherings like protests against Israel.

‘[The number of] violent crimes against Jewish people is fortunately low, although every crime is undoubtedly one too many. I can understand that fear and concern remain,’ Slowik said.

The police chief’s comments come a week after a Jewish youth football team had to be put under police protection after it was attacked by a pro-Palestinian mob armed with sticks and knives in Berlin

Players from Makkabi Berlin’s youth team have said they were ‘hunted down’ by Arab youths after a game against their local rivals. The team is made up of teenagers aged between 13 and 16.

The game was played in Neukoelln, a neighbourhood in Berlin known for its large Arab and Turkish population.

A father of one of the players wrote on X that his son was deeply shaken when he was spat at during the game and was harassed by adults and children who followed the team off the pitch.

He also posted a screenshot by one of the players, who said that they were chased by ‘Arab youths’ who shouted ‘Free Palestine‘ and ‘F***ing Jews’ and threatened the players with knives and sticks.

The president of Makkabi Germany, Alon Meyer, told the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper that other witnesses have voiced threats, with some chasing others with knives. The opposition club said they would identify and throw out the people involved.

The police unit responsible for investigating politically motivated crime, the Staatsschutz, has begun an investigation into the incident. 

Makkabi Berlin was set up in the 1970s by Holocaust survivors and was the German capital’s first Jewish sports club after the Second World War.

Earlier this month, a fan of Makkabi Berlin wearing the club’s scarf – which has the club’s logo including the Star of David on it – was taken to hospital after a man in a café asked him whether he was Jewish and punched him in the face.

The Guardian: Greedy farmers ‘hoard’ land, but government has a new tax to solve that problem

Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

By Olivia Murray

Time for the British people to brush up on Karl Marx and communist history.

From Will Hutton at The Guardian comes a new editorial in which he identifies a problem, i.e. greedy farmers who “have hoarded land for too long”, before he announces the solution to break-up the control that these little menaces have over their own property, so they will no longer “be enabled to own it in perpetuity”… which is more government and taxation of course.

Naturally, the farmers and landowners aren’t sold on this Labour Party idea but as Hutton reports, this new progressive inheritance tax will really only affect about 500 individuals, and it’s quite a compromising tax after all, so all the fuss is just ungrateful grumbling. Here’s what Hutton writes, in his own words:

Half a million people die every year. Under the reforms to inheritance tax relief on agricultural land proposed in the budget, about 500 individuals who inherit land worth more than £2m (£3m if they were married to the deceased) will join the rest of society and have inheritance tax levied on their bequest – albeit at half the rate, with an enlarged exemption and 10 years to pay it, concessions not made to the rest of us. How fortunate and privileged are they?

What a generous government that fines people just for owning land but then gives them ten years to pay off the debt! Here’s what else Hutton has to say about the scheme:

The hoarding of land that has gone on since the bung was introduced by Margaret Thatcher in 1984, which has so steadily driven up land prices and farmers’ rents, will at last be checked as some of the larger estates are obliged to sell parcels of land to pay inheritance tax, as they did before 1984 without the world falling in, rather than be enabled to own it in perpetuity.

Will this also apply to the estates of Charles III and his progeny? No, no it won’t, at least according to a Daily Mail item published earlier this month. For context, Charles III is the world’s largest landowner, and the “royal family” combined owns “more than 6,600,000,000 acres of land around the world” which amounts to “1/6 of the surface of the planet.” Oh, and if you’re wondering why Charles and his descendants get a pass on inheritance tax, despite owning the most land out of any person or institution in the world with properties that are “cash cow[s]” and “money-maker[s]”, they cut a deal with the government back in 1993, because as “conservative” then-Prime Minister John Major stated at the time, “the monarchy being salami-sliced away by capital taxation through generations” is something that “few people” in England “would welcome.” But it’s okay to “salami-slice” away the wealth of the little guy, right?

Yeah, this isn’t about a wealth distribution from most privileged to least privileged, it’s about wealth distribution from the middle class to the uber-wealthy, using “the sores of discontent” (recall Saul Alinsky’s strategy) of angry, useful idiots as the vehicle.

As you might remember, one of the most revealing themes of The Communist Manifesto, the communist revolution can only “be effected … by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property,” which is why Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Che Guevara, and Fidel Castro all came for private property, and particularly farmers—farmers feed people, and controlling the food supply means controlling the population.

Hutton says this “hoarding” of land has gone on for too long, but you know what’s actually gone on for “too long” though? Repackaging the neverending war against farmers, and the general public failing to notice that it’s the same old communistic song and dance. Do the British people supporting these politicians and policies realize what comes next? Apparently not enough.

Islamist was made a civil servant teacher in Germany

Teacher Ali Fakih was suspended after a WDR report was broadcast. Screengrab YT, WDR

It is a shocking example of failed integration: an avowed supporter of the Iranian mullah regime and speaker at the now closed Blue Mosque in Hamburg worked as a teacher at a vocational college in Wuppertal ( North Rhine-Westphalia). A year ago, he even became a civil servant.

Now he has been suspended from his job!
WDR had followed Ali Fakih on camera for over four years – until he broke off contact this year. The teacher of economics and Islamic religion fled to Germany with his parents from Lebanon 18 years ago.
In Germany, Fakih made it to the civil service as a teacher at the vocational college in Wuppertal-Barmen. He was held in high esteem by the pupils and in the staff room and seemed like a prime example of successful integration, but he told the German broadcaster WDR about the Hamas massacre at the Nova Festival of October 7, 2023 on camera: ‘I have to be honest, I wasn’t surprised. They were celebrating next to a prison of 2.2 million people (meaning the Gaza Strip, the ed.). I would be ashamed to celebrate next to a prison.’

It gradually emerged that Fakih was a regular guest at the ‘Blue Mosque’ in Hamburg, where he also gave speeches. In the footage, he calls it his ‘favourite place in Germany’.

The association, which runs the ‘Blue Mosque’, was banned in July by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (54, SPD) for spreading anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli hate speech.
Teacher Fakih openly admitted to worshipping the Iranian religious leader Ali Khamenei (85). He gave lectures in a backyard mosque and allowed himself to be filmed as a co-organiser of pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Düsseldorf at which Israel’s right to exist was called into question.
The district government relieved Ali Fakih of his official duties immediately after the report was broadcast. Disciplinary proceedings will be initiated and he will remain suspended until the matter has been clarified.

AND: ‘The Düsseldorf district government strongly condemns the statements and behaviour portrayed in the film and expressly distances itself from them. They violate the values of our free and democratic basic order and blatantly violate the duties of a civil servant.’

California Christian School Drops Out Of Championship Semifinals Match Against Team With Trans-Identified Male Player

A girls volleyball team in California has dropped out of the state playoffs after learning that their upcoming opponents had a male playing on their team. Stone Ridge Christian School announced the “heartbreaking” end to their season in a letter to parents sent out yesterday.

Stone Ridge Christian School had advanced to the California Interscholastic Federation State Girls Volleyball Championship regional semifinals after coming out victorious against North Hills Christian School on November 14. But what should have been a celebratory moment ahead of a critical game was quickly soured after the coaches at Stone Ridge became aware that their student athletes would be matched to play against a team with a biological male.

The match, which was scheduled for tonight, had been against San Francisco Waldorf, a school that has previously come under controversy for allowing trans-identified male players to compete with the girls.

“As many of you know, our girls won on Wednesday and advanced to the state playoffs. Unfortunately, we were just informed that our opponent, San Francisco Waldorf, has a male athlete playing for their team,” the letter sent out to parents by Stone Ridge Christian reads.

“At SRC, we believe God’s Word is authoritative and infallible. It is Truth. And as Genesis makes clear, God wonderfully and immutably created each person as male or female. We do not believe sex is changeable and we do not intend to participate in events that send a different message.”

The letter was first shared to X by women’s rights advocate Beth Bourne.

“As many of you know, our girls won on Wednesday and advanced to the state playoffs. Unfortunately, we were just informed that our opponent, San Francisco Waldorf, has a male athlete playing for their team,” the letter sent out to parents by Stone Ridge Christian reads.

“At SRC, we believe God’s Word is authoritative and infallible. It is Truth. And as Genesis makes clear, God wonderfully and immutably created each person as male or female. We do not believe sex is changeable and we do not intend to participate in events that send a different message.”

The letter was first shared to X by women’s rights advocate Beth Bourne.

San Francisco Waldorf will now automatically advance to the Northern California regional championship final.

Waldorf’s male player has been identified by Reduxx as Henry Hanlon, a senior who also plays for the San Francisco Waldorf girls varsity basketball team.

As previously reported by Reduxx in January, Hanlon’s participation in girls basketball prompted Averroes High School to forfeit a match against Waldorf. While Averroes declined to confirm Hanlon’s presence is what prompted the forfeiture, Averroes is an Islamic school, and sources close to the matter speculated that the hesitancy to compete against Waldorf was due to religious objections regarding the Muslim girls risking physical contact with the male player.

Reduxx has reviewed past game footage featuring Hanlon, which confirms he displays an obvious physical advantage over his female teammates.

San Francisco Waldorf Girls Volleyball TeamS

Speaking to Reduxx, Julie Lane of Women Are Real condemned Waldorf for allowing Hanlon to continue playing in girls sports.

“It is absolutely unfair for girls to have to compete against boys in their own sports category. Categories exist for a reason, including, in some sports, weight, age, and para-ability. Everybody – sports leagues, schools, parents, coaches – agreed with this common sense approach until very recently,” Lane says.

Lane’s group, Women Are Real, has been documenting Waldorf’s refusal to remove Hanlon from the girls team and has attended several games to confirm that he has a significant physical advantage over his female competitors.

In January, one member of Women Are Real reported that she was assaulted by Waldorf administrator Craig Appel while being prevented from peacefully attending a Waldorf game in support of the female students.

“Our members have been attending, as witnesses, these high school and college games where males have infiltrated. We heard girls on the opposing team last year discussing how the boy was using the girls bathroom the year prior. They had buddied up when they went to the bathroom together, just in case he did it again. And, we noted that the team with the boy avoided using the bathroom before their game, likely in ‘solidarity’ with their teammate. These girls have all been gaslit, and avoided a normal thing … going to the bathroom before a game … because one boy was allowed in.”

While disappointed that young female athletes are being forced to bear the brunt of the Waldorf’s decision to allow a boy to play on the girls team, Lane applauds the schools that have forfeited against Waldorf for taking a stance.

“For the opposing teams that are standing against this travesty, it is incredibly brave to stand up and say no … It is sad and traumatizing to work all your life at a skill, build a strong team, make it to the playoffs, and suddenly end your season and budding career due to one confused boy,” Lane continues.

“The adults in the room are to blame. Everyone has to stand up and say no to this dangerous and foolish idea that the feelings of a boy who is confused take precedence over the safety and dignity and opportunity of so many girls. It affects everyone and is a life-changing trauma to lose your hard earned chance to play and succeed, and even lose college scholarship opportunities. Women and society fought for female sports and spaces, and it’s up to everyone to bring them back. Male athletes can play on male teams. It’s that simple. And, no one gets everything they want all the time.”

Starmer Unmoved by Massive Farmer Outrage

Keir Starmer says he would defend his Labour government’s farmer-thumping budget “all day long,” despite one industry leader warning that anger within the community is “like I’ve never experienced before.”

As many as 20,000 UK farmers will descend on Parliament tomorrow to protest a Labour tax hike which threatens to endanger already-struggling family farms and, of course, national food security.

Some are also reportedly planning a coordinated “sewage strike,” which would force other industries to suddenly find new avenues for disposing of millions of tonnes of sewage, placing immense pressure on the government. Farmers use approximately 3.6 million tonnes of sewage sludge on agricultural land.

More than a hundred farmers already protested the Welsh Labour Party conference over the weekend, warning that what they have dubbed the “tractor tax” will mean the end of many family farms. The levy will see farms worth more than £1 million (€1.19 million) having to pay an effective inheritance tax rate of 20%, where they currently pay nothing.

Reform MP Rupert Lowe fumed that the levy will “force thousands of farming families to sell the farm to pay the inheritance tax bill,” adding that while a farm—because of its land—might be worth millions,

It’s worth NOTHING until it’s sold. So when the farm is passed down, and this huge tax bill arrives, what is the family supposed to do? They don’t have hundreds of thousands of pounds sitting in the bank…

Farming is not a lucrative career. It does not make much money. The land is valuable, but the returns are not.

Despite all this, Labour’s Steve Reed, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, insists that the tax is both “fair” and “proportionate,” adding that farmers should simply “check the facts.”

The cabinet minister cannot have been much pleased to find that Labour’s own Baroness Mallalieu, who is also president of the Countryside Alliance, has criticised the fact that “there was no impact assessment done,” and that the changes “smell of incompetence.”

Farmers blockade Paris over ‘unthinkable’ EU-Mercosur deal

Nosta Lgia

French farmers have taken to blockading Paris over a trade deal between South American Mercosur countries and the European Union.

Agricultural workers in the country have warned that the deal threatens to undermine local workers by flooding European markets with foreign produce.

According to a report by Le Parisien, numerous road blocks on November 18 had been set up by farmers the previous night, with one union describing 85 separate demonstrations as being held across the country.

One of the worst affected routes was the N118 to the southwest of the capital, with authorities describing dense traffic even after that demonstration was ended.

More disruptions are expected later on the evening of November 18.

Farmers taking part in the demos have defended their actions, saying their choice was either to protest or lose their livelihoods.

“I don’t earn a living, I have to have two jobs and most of the time I get into debt,” one farmer told the French media.

“We don’t make a living from our work even though we work 365 days a year, we are the forgotten ones of the Republic.

“For many, it’s either mobilization or the rope,” he added.

Numerous French politicians have echoed the sentiment, with there being broad consensus across both the Left and Right that the EU deal should not go through.

Such views appear to be being ignored in Brussels, with it looking likely that Eurocrats will bypass French opposition to the deal via a qualified majority vote at the European Council.

“A few years ago, it would have been unthinkable that such an agreement could be made against the opinion of the historic founding member that is France of the European Union,” one French mayor said regarding the situation.

“The voice of France is not credible, I regret it.”

French President Emmanuel Macron is now attempting to kill the deal via bilateral channels in South America, meeting with Argentina’s Javier Milei on November 17 ahead of the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro over November 18-19.

“I told the Argentine president very sincerely and very clearly that France would not sign the Mercosur treaty as it stands,” Macron said after meeting with Milei in Argentina.

He added that Milei had similar sentiments, with the French President claiming that the Argentine was also “not satisfied” with the current deal.

Farmers blockade Paris over ‘unthinkable’ EU-Mercosur deal

Don’t dare to criticize Islam in Europe or the police will come

by Giulio Meotti

Screen grab youtube

In 1984, Soviet dissident Gunnars Astra was sentenced to twelve years in prison in the USSR for possessing a copy of George Orwell’s “1984” and for secretly translating it. In our 2024, it is difficult to grasp the paradoxes of a new 1984. A clear mind and intellectual courage are needed.

We long for the days when the expression “politically correct police” was just an ironic quip by Philip Roth, not a literal description of what is happening in the West.

It was six o’clock on Sunday morning, when Allison Pearson found herself on her doorstep, in her dressing gown and slippers, facing two police officers.

The Telegraph journalist was facing a “Kafkaesque” police investigation for having “fomented racial hatred” in a social media post last year. Pearson, an award-winning writer and excellent much-read columnist for the English newspaper, had two police officers arrive at her home to tell her that she was under investigation for a post on X (formerly Twitter).

When Pearson asked what she had said that deserved the police attention, the officer said he was not allowed to reveal it. The officer also refused to reveal the name of her accuser. “It’s not the accuser,” the officer said, looking down at his notes. “They are called victims.”

Maybe “Big Ben has fallen” and we didn’t realize it.

Three police officers assigned to investigate a journalist for a post on social media? Something is rotten in the country called England.

That’s all it takes in George Orwell’s country for the police to knock on your door.

Six months ago, Allison Pearson warned on TV about the “Islamisation of our country”.

The repression of the few who still dare to speak out about the ongoing disintegration reminds me of the treatment the cultural establishment reserved for anti-Soviet writers in the 1950s.

Reading Allison Pearson made me understand the point of all those courses on “Islamophobia” that the British police are subjecting themselves to. Last February it emerged that many of these thought control courses are run by Jihadists.

British police websites have just advertised “November is Islamophobia Awareness Month.”

British police have even decided to investigate a banner by Newcastle fans protesting the Saudi takeover of the club. It shows a man in Saudi attire brandishing a bloody sword and about to decapitate a magpie, while fans chant in the background: “We’ve got our club back.” The banner then lists the crimes that the Saudi regime is accused of by all human rights groups: terrorism, beheadings, violations of civil rights, murder, censorship and persecution.

“This is appalling,” said Boris Johnson. “How can Starmer’s Britain lecture other countries about free speech when an innocent journalist is knocked on the door for a tweet? Our police are forced to behave like a woke Securitate – and this must stop.” The Securitate was the secret police of Ceausescu’s Romania.

10 Downing Street had to intervene in the Pearson affair.

If it’s not an ideological regime, it’s very close. And the repression says they’re afraid of the truth. And that Musk wasn’t entirely wrong when he coined a nickname for Labour Prime Minister Keir Starmer: “Two Tier Keir”.

England is the same country where the authorities (prime minister, judges, police, ministers) hid from the public for four months that a child killer was an Al Qaeda terrorist who manufactured chemical weapons.

This is the same country where Tony Blair’s spin doctor Alastair Campbell directed police to investigate Douglas Murray’s book, “The Strange Death of Europe”.

This is the same country where a protester carrying a “Hamas is terrorist” banner was arrested multiple times in London for holding up the anti-Islamic fundamentalist sign as pro-Palestinian Arab protesters walked past him.

This is the same country where a teacher had to change his house and name after showing pupils a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad in a civics lesson.

Pearson risks a trial like Christoph Biró, editor-in-chief of the best-selling Austrian daily, the Kronen Zeitung, who wrote an article accusing “young Syrian men with a high level of testosterone, who carried out very aggressive sexual assaults” (even before the sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Hamburg and other cities). The Graz prosecutor’s office has charged Biró with “incitement to hatred.”

Britain’s experiment in controlling “hate” has become both farcical and authoritarian.

In Spain, a priest who criticized Islam was investigated for “hate crimes.”

German Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger was sentenced to six months in prison for “incitement to hatred.” He criticized political Islam and its “atrocities.” Then an Islamist tried to kill him in a Mannheim square.

Dutch cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot spent a night in jail. The police confiscated his computer and summoned him to the prosecutors. Investigated for “incitement to hatred.” Because in his drawings he mocked Islam.

The late philosopher Roger Scruton was fired by a government committee before he died for saying that the word “Islamophobia” was invented by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Even the winner of the English Booker Prize, Shehan Karunatilaka, has censored himself on Islam. “I had written a story about a radicalized teenager for a collection I was preparing and my wife suggested I delete it. It only takes one person to be offended and suddenly you’re an Islamophobic writer.” And when he heard about the attack in New York against Rushdie, he had no doubts: “My wife said, ‘You have two small children, take that story out.’”

Love is hate. Winston Smith. Big Brother. 1984. Ministry of Truth. It all sounds very, far too, current.

“Take that story out,” the Western surrender party keeps telling us.

Swastika sent to Jewish students, labelled non-hate crime by UK police

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in London, 5 October 2024 (credit: SCREENSHOT/X)

Police in Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, refused to arrest a man who sent Nazi swastikas to Jewish students, the Telegraph reported on Saturday.

The suspect sent an image of the Star of David mixed with the Nazi swastika on social media to the Union of Jewish Students with the caption “The irony of becoming what you once hated.”

The offender wrote there was “nothing endangering Jewish students” and claimed that the UJS was “exploiting them to push pro-genocide propaganda and deflect Israel’s responsibility for murdering 40,000 civilians”.

Still, the Cambridgeshire police force deemed the antisemitic act not offensive enough to be a crime. 

The Telegraph reported that the incident was labeled as a non-crime hate incident (NCHI).

According to Alex Hearn, co-director of Labour Against Anti-Semitism, this isn’t the first antisemitic incident against the UJS that was reported to the Cambridgeshire police. In October, a man used X/Twitter to send offensive messages to him and the Jewish students. 

Similarly, this incident was labeled as non-criminal. An officer’s emailed response read that according to UK law, a digital message had to be “grossly offensive … a very high legal threshold to pass.”

Hearn responded, saying, “I fail to see how posting the image of race-hate swastika at Jews is not grossly offensive, particularly when the Met Police are arresting people for holding exactly that image,” the Telegraph quoted.

UK antisemitism 

In April, a protester carrying a swastika sign was arrested at a Pro-Palestinian march in London on Saturday, but the outrage was sparked by a video in which a Metropolitan Police officer told a pro-Israel counter-protester that that the swastika sign had to be taken in context.

“The law is very clear – anyone displaying symbols, wording or otherwise indicating their support for a proscribed organization risks arrest,” the Metropolitan Police wrote.

The officer claimed he wasn’t sure how “everybody would feel about that sign.”

In October, antisemitic words and signs were found written in the sand of Hendon Golf Club in North London, which has a significant Jewish population. 

Additionally, on the anniversary of the October 7 massacre, tens of thousands of pro-Palestine protesters marched through London holding banners expressing support for Hezbollah and Hamas, as well as several signs depicting the star in the Israeli flag replaced with a Nazi swastika.

During the protest, officers made 17 arrests, according to the Met, including one person on suspicion of supporting a proscribed organization.

Switzerland: Afghan desecrates Black Madonna in Einsiedeln and crowns himself (Video)

An asylum seeker has caused a riot in Einsiedeln, Switzerland. He is said to have burst into the church service in the parish chapel on Saturday and attacked the statue of the Virgin Mary, as reported by the Tagesanzeiger newspaper.

In the process, the Afghan allegedly hit the Black Madonna and stripped her of her clothes. According to reports, he completed his attack by placing the crown of the statue of the Virgin Mary on his head.
Priests and police are said to have finally stopped the young migrant. The officers from the canton of Schwyz took the Afghan into custody, who is now in a psychiatric ward.

Einsiedeln Abbey, Canton of Schwyz (Switzerland), Wikimedia Commons ,
Markus Bernet
, CC-BY-SA-2.5

The monastery has since responded to the attack on its website. However, there is no information about the alleged perpetrator. Instead, there is talk of an ‘unfortunate incident’ by a ‘confused person’.

The monastery also said: ‘We deeply regret this incident and think of the many people who have had their religious feelings hurt on site. Our prayers and thoughts are with them, as well as with the person taken into custody by the police.’ The motive for the attack is still unclear.

In response to the attack, the monastery called for a rosary prayer on the following day. This would be in the spirit of ‘peace and reconciliation’.

Meanwhile, the Black Madonna is said to have suffered only minor damage. The late Gothic image of grace made of lime wood dates back to the 15th century and is also venerated by numerous pilgrims in the pilgrimage church.