Sweden: Afghan asylum seekers force local boy to bark like a dog, insult him as a ‘Swedish whore’ and rape him

A boy in Småland, Sweden, was cowardly attacked by a group of Afghan migrants.
They forced him to bark like a dog and called him a ‘Swedish whore’.
They then raped him by shoving a stick up his anus.
He is not allowed a visit from the Swedish monarch.
As in France, presidential visits are reserved for racist offenders who resist arrest by insulting and threatening the police.

Nosta Lgia

The 2050 Net Zero Climate Scam

Image via Pixabay.

By William Levin

Twenty fifty is the official date for net zero emissions.  According to the experts, it is the last chance to stop a catastrophic rise in temperature.  The leading source for climate change science, the U.N. IPCC, says so.  Corporations run commercials helpfully informing the public that net zero is a top priority.  Few can outdo Delta Air Lines, which promises compliance using “a fully sustainable long-haul aircraft [that] has yet to be invented.”

The urgency is palpable and the science compelling.  Humanity itself is at risk without net zero CO2 and non-CO2 emissions.

Politically, 2050 is the ideal climate date because it is close enough to justify immediate action, and just far enough as to be unprovable for climate disaster.

For a science so settled and a date so specific, there must exist a wealth of data scientifically supporting the hypothesis that 25 years from now marks a deadline and turning point for the Earth’s future.

An A.I. query provides the answer:

The target year 2050 for achieving carbon neutrality is primarily driven by scientific consensus and international agreements aimed at limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Paris Agreement outline that reaching net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050 is crucial to avoiding catastrophic climate impacts.

A.I. is correct that the IPCC and the signatories of the Paris Agreement are the parties responsible for promoting 2050 net zero.  But who exactly are these organizations, and do they deserve our trust?

The IPCC is a political body consisting of 195 member-governments, charged with providing assessments in support of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.  In theory, the IPCC mandate is to collect the best available climate science.  The IPCC expressly commits that its “reports should be neutral with respect to policy.”   And by its own admission, “the IPCC does not conduct its own research.”  Its role is to summarize the objective science.

The signatories to the Paris Agreement are likewise 195 nations convened under the auspices of the U.N.  But unlike the IPCC, the Paris Agreement signatories make no pretense to being a scientific body, and indeed, no one is confused on this point.  The signatories are a political body and the Paris Agreement a purely political document.

With an overlapping membership, it should come as no surprise that the two organizations coordinate their efforts.  In the process, the IPCC has become the loudest and most strident advocate for existential change in human activity.  In the latest IPCC report, deepening red gradient shadings convey that the Earth is a looming inferno.

According to the IPCC, the danger of imminent collapse due to rising CO2 and non-CO2 emissions, particularly methane, requires immediate action.  Humanity must downsize and restructure the global economy, including, in their modest terminology, “governments, private sector, and civil society.”  Everyone is responsible, and everyone must contribute.

Not only must GDP be lowered, but the world must immediately and drastically curtail fossil fuels; limit global agriculture output based on emissions, not feeding the world; spend and redistribute upwards of $125 trillion; rely on expensive, unreliable, discredited solar and wind for global power needs; and virtually ignore nuclear power, all the while “prioritizing equity, climate justice, social justice, inclusion and just transition processes.”  To make the math work, governments and the private sector must implement on a global scale yet-to-exist carbon capture technologies, of unknown cost and consequence.

There is no imputation here that climate science is not real.  It is the political choices of the IPCC at issue, specifically the 2023 Sixth Assessment’s Summary for Policymakers, as opposed to the physical scientists reporting as Working Group 1.  As summarized by scientist Roger Pielke, “it is not within the IPCC’s mandate to call for action or to implore urgency.”

The IPCC task is to vet and summarize thousands of complex models and scientific papers produced annually.  In each instance, a climate model incorporates assumptions not easily aggregated.  The IPCC solution groups the models into five arbitrary scenarios based on forecasted warming in 2100.  At no point does the IPCC ever declare one set of scenarios more likely than another.  Indeed, as aggregators, they have no scientific basis for making any such assertion.  In these scenarios, 2050 does not exist as a scientifically significant year.  It is simply a point on the curve connecting the current temperature to the 2100 end point.

To get to 2050, and urgency, the IPCC needs to import the political findings of the Paris Agreement.

In 2015, the Paris Agreement signatories reviewed the then most current IPCC report, the 5th Assessment.  These 195 government actors arbitrarily concluded that “well below 2 degrees Celsius” of warming was the maximum threshold the Earth could survive.  Nothing in the IPCC 5th Assessment supports the “well below 2 degree warming” as a scientific consensus.  No IPCC evidence identifies a scientific threshold for global warming beyond which the Earth tips into collapse.  Especially relevant, the signatories to the Paris Agreement in no manner highlighted 2050 as a year of special climate meaning, nor would it matter, scientifically speaking, if they had.  Following the 5th Assessment, the Paris Agreement target date is merely a “long-term temperature goal,” with one reference to “the second half” of the century.

The Paris Agreement signatories went farther, deciding by imperial fiat that the temperature goal needed a guardrail, the now infamous, endlessly repeated 1.5-degree-warming “limit.”  In popular parlance, many, many people will swear that 1.5 degrees of warming is a scientifically valid statement of the limit to global warming, beyond which climate catastrophe ensues. 

As important to note, all IPCC warming targets, including the Paris Agreement, start from the pre-industrial period 1850–1900.  According to the IPCC, 1.1 degrees of warming has already occurred, meaning the Paris Agreement target at present is a mere 0.4 degrees over 75 years to the IPCC 2100 model date.  This equates to an imperceptible 0.005 degrees of annual warming — hardly the stuff of headlines and catastrophic collapse.  And nothing compared to the 10 degrees of warming observed in the Earth’s last interglacial warm period in Siberia some 115,000 to 130,000 years ago.

It needs to be said as loudly as possible.  The 1.5-degree climate tipping limit has no basis in any finding of the IPCC.  It is the arbitrary finding of 195 political actors, in defense of the non-scientific “well below 2 degree” catastrophe, magically transported by the IPCC from 2100 to 2050.

How does the IPCC move the climate clock back 50 years, in violation of its 2100 science?  By intentional sleight of hand, the IPCC provides a science answer to a policy question.  How much CO2 can be emitted before the 1.5-degree target is breached?  The sole source of the 1.5 degrees is the Paris Agreement.

Pro-IPCC climate scientists confirm that the global warming limit, whether it be 1.5 degrees from the Paris Agreement or some other number, is based solely on “value judgments and choice,” not “climate science.” (See page 7 chart.)  The IPCC would have readers believe the exact opposite: that the global warming limit is scientifically determined, and those who disagree are “science deniers.”  It is a deception of massive consequence. 

Twenty fifty, as it turns out, is a long con between 195 governments and the IPCC. 

As part of his Day One actions, President Trump needs to, once again, remove the U.S. from the Paris Agreement and disavow the overtly political IPCC Sixth Assessment Summary for Policymakers.  The IPCC global prescription is not scientific, and it most certainly is not benign.


Arson at the nativity scene of the municipality in La Roque-Gageac, France


On the night of Friday (27th) to Saturday (28th) December, a fire completely destroyed the nativity scene set up under the market hall in La Roque-Gageac (Dordogne). Thanks to the intervention of the fire brigade, which had been alerted by a motorist, the market hall and the surrounding chalets remained undamaged. The town council suspects a ‘deliberate act’ and intends to press charges.

The nativity scene, which had been set up there every Christmas for around 20 years, was ‘a remarkable trompe-l’œil work of art designed by a local craftsman’, explained the mayor Jérôme Peyrat on Facebook. It was traditionally erected by volunteers with the help of municipal employees.


The municipality says it will press charges and suspects ‘a deliberate act’ due to ‘the cold, the frost, the humidity, the absence of a candle or an electrical system’. However, this cannot be confirmed at this stage. […]

‘Very badly understood secularism? Violence against a Christian symbol? Blatant imbecility? A bit of all of the above? Whatever the real question is, it will find the same answer,’ wonders Jérôme Peyrat and announces that he will be filing a lawsuit. A new installation is to be set up. ‘We will not be intimidated and will preserve our traditions and values,’ concluded the mayor.

Sud-Ouest ; Le Figaro / La Roque-Gageac (24) : une crèche de Noël, conçue par un artisan, entièrement détruite par un incendie. Le maire suspecte un acte volontaire – Fdesouche

Opinion Editor at Conservative German Newspaper Die Welt Resigns After Article by Elon Musk Defending and ‘Normalizing’ Rightwing AfD Party

Elon Musk. Wikimedia Commons, Steve Jurvetson, CC-BY-2.0. Image detail

While tech Billionaire and upcoming DOGE director Elon Musk was battling part of the MAGA base over the validity and need for H-B1 Visas, he was also causing waves on the other side of the Ocean, where his opinions and endorsements are causing real-life repercussions.

In Germany, the opinion editor at ‘conservative’ newspaper Die Welt has resigned after it printed an article from Elon Musk defending and explaining his support for the rightwing AfD party.

Journalist Eva Marie Kogel reportedly handed in her resignation as soon as the newspaper went to print on Friday.

Musk’s article was commissioned by the boss, Mathias Döpfner, head of Axel Springer, publisher of the paper.

Musk has made significant investments in the Germany’s industrial and technological industries, including a gigafactory in Brandenburg, so he feels he has earned the right to speak his mind.

He also manifested support for AfD’s policies of deregulating the market, reducing bureaucracy and lowering taxes.

Musk opined that AfD is not ‘far Right’, saying it’s ‘political realism without the political correctness’.


A wanted Islamist was arrested after he stole a mobile phone in the Paris metro

Wikimedia Commons, Luidger , CC-BY-SA-3.0-migrated

A man with an entry in the file on dangerous Islamists has been arrested in Paris. The man was arrested by an off-duty police officer on the platform of Paris metro line 7 towards Ivry at around 9.34 am on Thursday the 26th of December, as reported by CNews. The man had stolen the mobile phone of a Japanese tourist.

The suspect was handed over to the Brigade des Réseaux Franciliens (BRF) and taken into police custody. The man is well known to the French judiciary, as he has been on the list of suspects for terrorism since the 9th of February 2017. According to the news channel, he is said to have travelled to Syria in 2015 to fight alongside a terrorist organisation ‘that can operate in France and abroad’. In addition, he has been under house arrest in the Seine-Saint-Denis department since the 18th of December 2024.
He is also wanted by Algeria. An international arrest warrant has been issued for him by the court in El Harrche on the 24th July 2018. In addition, the court in Algiers is said to have requested his arrest ‘’for extradition in a terrorism-related background‘’.

For his part, the Japanese tourist got his phone back but did not press charges against the thief due to a lack of time, as he had to leave for the airport.

Un fiché S pour terrorisme et recherché par l’Algérie, interpellé à Paris après un vol – Valeurs actuelles

Arrested Iraqi was apparently planning attack on a church in Berlin, Germany

Police in Brandenburg have taken a teenager into custody for allegedly attempting to carry out an attack during the Christmas period. This was announced by the investigators. The suspect was arrested on Christmas Day and has been in custody ever since. Special police forces had previously searched his home in the Teltow-Fläming district.

The Potsdam public prosecutor’s office and the police have withheld further information in view of the young man’s personal rights. A spokeswoman for the public prosecutor’s office said that more detailed information could not be provided at present due to the ongoing investigations and the protection of privacy. The authorities also did not provide any further information on the plot.
The investigators had become aware of suspected politically motivated plots during the Christmas period and on Christmas Eve the information had intensified, it said. The public prosecutor’s office also refused to say how the police obtained the decisive tip-off.

The newspaper ‘Tagesspiegel’ reported, citing security circles, that the suspect was 15 years old. He has German citizenship and his parents have an Iraqi migration background. Investigators are assuming an Islamist motive, even though the teenager is only said to have made vague plans to attack a church in Berlin during the Christmas period.

The German broadcaster rbb also reported that the target of the attack was a church in Berlin. The teenager had been in contact via Telegram with people suspected of belonging to the Islamic State (IS). According to the German public broadcaster ARD, a foreign intelligence service is said to have provided the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution with the decisive information.
According to the Tagesspiegel, the Brandenburg law stipulates that a detention period of two weeks can be ordered in cases of suspected terrorism to avert danger, with the possibility of a two-week extension. Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Katrin Lange (SPD) emphasised: ‘It is necessary to comprehensively investigate all indications of a possible threat to public safety. This has been done.’ Lange expressed her gratitude to the officers involved for their efforts. The results of the further investigations now remained to be seen.


42% of German Teens are Foreigners – Germany is gone

Germany has wiped itself out. Numbers like these show how quickly mass migration can eliminate a country’s future.

In Germany, 42% of people under age 15 were either foreign-born or had at least one foreign-born parent

Not all of these are third worlders. Germany, like the rest of Europe, has a lot of Eastern European immigrants. And it always did. When I was in Europe, I would find the number of ‘More-German-Than-Thou-Germans’ sneering at ‘Auslanders’ while their own last names were clearly Eastern European like Kapusta a little ridiculous. The numbers have increased though.

Germany can absorb Eastern Europeans. It has in the past. (Whether or not they want to is another matter.) But it can’t absorb a sizable number of the Jihadist immigrants that Frau ‘Wir Shaffen Das’ Merkel, currently peddling her oversized tome of memoirs, allowed in.

The above statistic shows why focusing on the overall population is misleading. It’s the under 15 population that matters. Bring in 1-2 million migrants with high birth rates and the rest is history.

So are you.

Here are some more statistics from the Wall Street Journal article.

More than 60% of the people in Germany who depend on government benefits for income are foreign-born or are second-generation migrants. Noncitizens, who make up 15% of the population, perpetrated 41% of all crimes in 2023, up from 28.7% in 2014, according to police statistics.

It’s only going to get worse unless Europe starts removing them.


UK: Human Rights Charity Sues British Transport Police Over Policy Allowing Trans-Identified Males to Strip Search Women

British Transport Police participating in diversity and anti-hate crime campaigns over the years.

A human rights charity is taking legal action against the British Transport Police (BTP) over a new guidance which allows men who claim a transgender status to strip search female detainees. The policy, implemented in September, permits male BTP staff to intimately search women on the condition that they have obtained a document which declares them to be legally female, known as a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC).

The charity behind the litigation, Sex Matters, works to “promote clarity about sex in law, policy, and language,” according to the organization’s mission statement, and contests that “people with beliefs about gender identity cannot impose them on others. A statement issued by the charity yesterday announced that Sex Matters had sent the BTP a letter detailing how the new guidance “is a breach of women’s rights and unlawful,” and asking that the policy be withdrawn.

BTP’s Transgender and Non-Binary Search Position guidance was issued internally on September 30 and obtained by a Freedom of Information (FOI) request the following month. According to the guidance, staff are urged to treat the possession of a GRC as a condition which takes precedence over certain sex-based rights guaranteed under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE).

“Certain provisions in law explicitly state that searches and other procedures may only be carried out by, or in the presence of, persons of the same sex as the person subject to the search,” acknowledges the policy. However, it goes on to state that “in law, the sex of an individual is their sex as registered at birth unless they have been issued with a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) under the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA), in which case the person’s sex is their acquired sex.”

Additionally, BTP states that it “recognizes the status of Transgender and Non-Binary detainees/staff from the moment they identify in that gender with or without a GRC.”

The policy then sets out the two types of searches that are performed by officers and states that the guidance is applicable to both. “More Thorough Searches (Strip) in the context of searches involve the removal of more than, jacket, outer coat, gloves, headwear, and footwear. EIP Searches are searches that expose buttocks, genitalia, and (female) breasts.”

Regarding Strip and EIP searches, “BTP officers will only search persons of the same sex as either their Birth Certificate or GRC.” The BTP policy further states that “any information relating to a person’s GRC or original gender” is classified as “protected information,” and therefore staff are prohibited from disclosing the biological sex of an officer when it differs from the information provided on a GRC.

Sex Matters sent a pre-action letter to BTP Chief Constable Lucy D’Orsi on November 22 warning that the policy breached established law via PACE, which stipulates that strip searches must be conducted by an officer of the same sex as the detainee. The human rights charity proposed that BTP authorities respond by the end of the month on the matter in order to avoid a legal claim.

The pre-action letter asserts that it “may be humiliating and frightening for a women to be strip searched by a male officer,” and similarly, that “female officers would be likely to experience humiliation and degradation if required to carry out a strip search of a man.” Therefore, legal counsel for Sex Matters insisted that BTP withdraw the new guidance and confirm that strip searches will be “carried out on the basis of same biological sex only.”

Maya Forstater, the chief executive of Sex Matters, told Reduxx that the charity is requesting that the High Court determine whether BTP’s policy is lawful, given that it violates women’s right to be strip searched by an officer of the same sex.

“Sex Matters is asking the High Court to consider whether BTP’s policy is lawful, both in relation to female detainees being searched by trans-identifying male officers, and in relation to female officers being pressured into searching trans-identifying males,” Forstater said.

“In developing the case we interviewed several female officers who agreed to speak only under terms of anonymity. This illustrates the power imbalance and fear they feel.”

“Those officers described the risks, humiliation and lack of dignity involved in searches with a trans-identifying man. Only 22% of BTP officers are female, and most of those searched are male,” Forstater continued. “They explained that it would be very difficult for a female officer to object to searching a trans-identifying male detainee because she would fear being perceived as transphobic, weak or unprofessional.”

“They emphasized that custody sergeants have great authority and that it would be hard for a young female officer to refuse an order. If she did refuse the order, the search would simply be passed on to another woman.”

Forstater, who was subjected to an employment tribunal after her work contract was not renewed in 2019 due to her former employers claiming views she had expressed on social media were “offensive and exclusionary” in regards to gender identity ideology, was at the center of a court decision which found that beliefs critical of gender identity “must be tolerated in a pluralist society.”

“BTP is gaslighting both female detainees and female officers with its statement that when a trans-identifying man searches a woman, ‘the female is being searched by a female’, and with its denial of the role sexual fetish can play in cross-dressing and trans identification,” Forstater remarked.

“Rules that are supposed to protect women from humiliating and degrading situations are instead being used to subject them to abuses while denying that this is happening.”

As an example of a trans-identified male police officer who has influenced gender identity policies within the legal system, Sex Matters has previously highlighted the case of Skye Morden, an officer with the West Midlands Police.

Morden, director of activist group Trans in the City, has served as both a Police Constable and a Tactical Training Officer with a focus of creating policies for authorities that prioritize the “inclusion” of men who claim to be women.

In a previous statement issued to MP Chris Philip at the start of the year, Sex Matters pointed to two other trans-identified male police officers: Cherry O’Donnell, with East Herts Police, and Steph Calvert of the Border Force. The letter asserts that “misrecording the sex of any police officer is not compatible with implementing the policies that are needed to respect human rights, to maintain public trust and confidence, and to police professionally.”

Men who claim to be transgender have influenced policing policies in the United Kingdom, and a number of forces have previously come under fire for their support for trans-identified males.

As previously reported by Reduxx, Sussex Police once came out in defense of a transgender serial pedophile following “hateful” comments about his gender identity on social media. On September 26, 2022, Sussex Police issued a status update on the case of John Robert Dixon, who was sentenced to a minimum of 12 years in prison following a conviction on 30 charges related to the sexual abuse of multiple children.

Sussex Police referred to Dixon as a “woman” in their update, prompting backlash from women’s rights advocates. In response, the force issued a scolding reply to at least three X users in which they condemned “hateful comments” towards Dixon’s gender identity, and suggested a hate crime investigation may be opened into those who misgendered the pedophile.
