Germany: Mediterranean looking migrants stone older homeless woman

Last Thursday in Siegburg, Germany, a 62-year-old homeless woman and her companion were pelted with stones and beaten with an object by “young people”.

The perpetrators are said to be so-called Mediterraneaners.

An elderly homeless woman and her companion were thrown stones by a group of youths on September 24 at 9:30 p.m.Afterwards the men beat the woman with an object. On that occasion, they also stole the woman’s purse with a few euros in cash.A 28-year-old motorist witnessed the situation and intervened. When he declared to call the police, the gang ran away. With bicycles and a rented electric scooter, the five to six suspects fled across the streets of the small town. The scooter was later found and confiscated. The police are now looking for witnesses who might have seen the ” Mediterranean” thugs. They are said to be between 15 and 18 years old.There are hardly any more incidents in Germany where the origin of the perpetrators is openly revealed. With the significantly greater willingness to commit crimes, which can statistically be proven to exist among migrants from certain countries of origin, the population is now only unsettled by anonymous official reports. The current phraseology in mainstream media is that “year-olds get into arguments”.In Germany more and more native people are living on the streets. Reception camps, homes and apartments are provided for immigrants.

Videos of the war between Turkish backed invaders, Azrbaijan, and Russian backed defenders, Armenia

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2500 people following a large Turkish wedding were quarantined in Hamm, Germany

In the municipality of Hamm, which has the highest number of new corona infections in Germany, the value continues to climb. After a nationwide peak of 94.9 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days on Wednesday, the figure rose further to 95.5 on Thursday.Lord Mayor Thomas Hunsteger-Petermann (CDU) was very angry: The damage to the city was caused by a single wedding celebration three weeks ago. “We will take recourse here with all the legal possibilities we have,” he stressed in a video message on Monday.”I am angry about this incident. A single family has brought the entire neighborhood into this situation, putting the coexistence of the different ethnic groups at risk,” he also explained in an interview with the daily newspaper “WAZ”.The Corona epidemic there was triggered by a large wedding and other associated celebrations that took place in Hamm and Dortmund in early September and a week later in Werl. At the Turkish large wedding, 46 women celebrated together the evening before at a so-called Henna feast. Later it turned out that two women were already infected with the Corona virus.A total of at least 309 participants from Hamm were present at the large wedding, all of whom had to be quarantined and undergo testing. At least 100 infections were detected after the wedding. As the newspaper “Westfälischer Anzeiger” reports, the proportion of celebration guests and their surroundings in the total number of infected persons is currently around 75 percent. But that’s not all: the newspaper also reports that a total of eleven schools are affected. This means that around 2500 people are now in quarantine, and there are currently 196 infected people in Hamm.”We are in the process of finding out who the people responsible are and investigating how we can hold them accountable,” explained a city spokesperson. This applies above all to the bridal couple and the operator of the location in Hamm. Fines or damages are conceivable. The Lord Mayor made it clear: “It is not acceptable that a small group should subsequently have a significant impact on the life of an entire municipality. In the interview with the newspaper “Bild” he continues: “This outbreak has overpowered us and it also makes me angry. Because at the Henna Feast, the minimum distances were definitely not obeyed.”In an interview with the magazine “Spiegel” he added: “Because a few celebrating people have put aside all decency, distance and even their masks, 180,000 people are now suffering. They have behaved as if Corona did not exist. That must not be.”The Lord Mayor said that a total of 151 people were infected in Hamm, and there could be even more as soon as all suspected cases were cleared up: “And all this because of one single family celebration. Of course I am angry.” The Christian Democratic Union politician strongly reproaches the bridal couple: “We can trace almost all infections back to this. But the worst thing is actually that the said celebration took place three weeks ago. That makes it incredibly difficult to trace.In an interview with the news magazine, Mr. Hunsteger-Petermann describes what all went wrong: “The starting point was probably a hen party, where people danced very closely and also cried tears. Afterwards there was the actual wedding celebration with several hundred guests, during which one likewise did not adhere to distance and hygiene rules”. This made Corona transmissions possible in large numbers, the Lord Mayor continued.Since Wednesday, only five people or people from two households are allowed to stay together in public areas in Hamm to protect against the pandemic. Pupils and teachers in secondary schools must also wear a mouth-and-nose protection during lessons if a minimum distance of 1.50 meters is not ensured. The regulations adopted on Tuesday will initially apply for two weeks. “We were stunned by this outbreak,” says the Lord Mayor of Hamm in the “Bild” interview.In addition the following applies: Private celebrations must be announced two weeks in advance and then also be approved with a certain number of participants. To stem the Corona epidemic in Hamm, the city has already banned three private celebrations, according to the mayor. These are two hen parties and one engagement party. The basis for the prohibition is the provisions of the city’s new general ordinance. The decree imposes a permit requirement for private celebrations with 51 to 150 participants. Celebrations with 25 to 50 participants must be notified.

German mainstream daily newspaper, Darmstädter Echo, calls on Jews to leave Germany

Source: Darmstädter Echo
Translation: Why do we never get words of thanks from the German Jews that they are living better here than anywhere else in the world? Our highly honored and highly respected politician from the CDU, Walter Lübcke, has courageously said: “Anyone who does not like it in Germany can leave our country at any time.

Although the editor-in-chief published an apology today, the author of the commentary above makes it clear what kind of person the advocates of Merkel’s policy of open borders are. For the “highly praised” Christian Democratic Union (CDU) politician Walter Lübcke addressed his demands “Anyone who does not like it in Germany can leave our country at any time” to the critics of Merkel’s migration policies. Once again it becomes clear that the so-called anti-racists are in reality anti-Semites.

Members of the German Parliament dare to visit a Berlin Islamist stronghold and display a banner with the sentence: “The Sharia does not belong to Germany!

In the heart of the Berlin district of Neukölln, which is mainly dominated by Islam, there was a large banner today with the inscription “The Sharia does not belong to Germany”. Responsible for this was the member of the German parliament Beatrix von Storch.

The Berlin Hermannplatz square is the center of the Berlin district of Neukölln. Because of its increased crime rate, many parts of the square are considered a no-go area and a prime example of Berlin’s failure to integrate its inhabitants, who are mainly non-religious and Muslim, with the values of the West.

It was precisely here, in a lion’s den for advocates of the crtitic of Islam, that the brilliant Beatrix von Storch ventured out today. And brought a clear message with her: “The Sharia does not belong to Germany!

Our Tweet of the day therefore comes from the Twitter account of the AfD politician. All those who think her action is great – also independent of party-political issues – should send a signal for it on Twitter as well.

Philosophia Perennis

Austria: Turk slaughters sheep without anaesthesia in the middle of a housing estate in broad daylight

A 48-year-old Austrian with Turkish roots is said to have slaughtered four sheep in the garage entrance of a multi-party house in Haid on yesterday’s Saturday around 12.35 pm.The man therefore tied the sheep to their legs and killed the apparently not anaesthetized animals with a butcher’s knife by cutting their throats. The 48-year-old was charged with cruelty to animals.

Germany: Muslims insult and threaten a young Israeli woman because she displayed an Israeli flag. Now the police in the Merkel State is going after this courageous woman

Ana Agre, a young Israeli musician, has lived in Germany for some time to work here.

On July 1, 2020 she came across an anti-Israel demonstration near her home, organized by the pro-Palestinian organization Samidoun. She went up to her apartment, fetched an Israel flag and stood with it on the square across which the demonstration procession of young Muslims and their German sympathizers passed. As can be seen on the video, which was taken by a friend, it was not even a particularly large flag, about the size of a kitchen towel.Ana Agre did not make any further statements, did not shout, did not speak (if only because she does not speak German, ” solely” English, Hebrew and Russian), yet the protesters obviously felt attacked by her, perhaps even insulted in their “dignity” – “dignity” is, as you can learn from her website, one of the basic demands of the Arab movement Samidoun. Several of the marching groups approached Ana and addressed her with slogans, including “Nazis get out!” In the minds of these young Muslims and like-minded Germans, an Israeli flag is obviously a Nazi symbol.A Frankfurt policeman approached Ana Agre in English, recorded her personal details and advised her to leave the square because her appearance provoked the young Muslims. Ana apparently engaged in an English discussion with the policeman, which the policeman finally concluded with a sending-off. When she wanted to know why she was not allowed to display her Israel flag here in Frankfurt, the officer replied: “Because I don’t like it.(„Weil mir das nicht gefällt.“)

Ana Agre is thus threatened with ” prosecution”.

Ana finally decided to withdraw, as ordered by the police, and believed that this was the end of the whole thing. Far from it. A few days later, a letter came to her house, a police subpoena from the Frankfurt Criminal Investigation Department for “insulting behavior according to paragraph 185 of the German Criminal Code” for October 7, 2020. The document with the file number ST 0697601/2020, drawn by Chief Police Commissioner J. Schmidt, concludes with the remark: “If you do not appear for your interrogation/hearing or do not name obstacles in time, it will be assumed that you do not want to make any statements to the police. The case will then be handed over to the responsible prosecuting authority (…)”.

Ana Agre is thus threatened with “persecution” because she displayed an Israel flag in Frankfurt on the Main. As a matter of course, the police take the side of the Muslim protesters and their leftist German supporters. What would have happened if not them, but right-wing radicals had shouted at and insulted the young Israeli woman? Then the incident would just as obviously have been classified as “anti-Semitic” and recorded in the statistics of “right-wing radical anti-Semitic crimes”.In Ana’s case, the “anti-Semitism” accusation is dropped (although what has happened could certainly be interpreted in this way: a Jewish woman was insulted as a “Nazi”, an Israel flag was called a Nazi symbol) and the crime is blamed on the Jewish woman. Germany in the year of the Lord 2020 under the rule of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Autor: Chaim Noll –

WATCH: The “George Floyd” scam is now also being used in South Tyrol – African mugger falls into the depths and dies while fleeing – His fellow countrymen riot in Bolzano in the manner of BLM and accuse the locals of being responsible for his death

His death triggered protests: The circumstances of the death of a 24-year-old Gambian in Bolzano could now be cleared up.The man may have lost his life while fleeing after a robbery committed by himself. Last week a man from Gambia was found dead in an underground garage in Bolzano. Several compatriots protested in the capital, and the police had to keep an eye on the screaming protesters who were marching through the streets.According to a report from the state police, the death of the 24-year-old now appears to have been resolved. Video footage from a surveillance camera helped to do so. According to the report, the young man, together with a Senegalese man, allegedly threatened and robbed another man from the Ivory Coast with a knife. According to the investigators, the Gambian man climbed into a light shaft of the parking garage ramp while fleeing and fell to the ground. He suffered fatal injuries.The 26-year-old accomplice of the fatally injured man, who had several previous convictions, was arrested by the police.