School principals in Berlin are horrified by the court decision that allows Muslim teachers to wear headscarves

Karina Jehniche has the opinion that the judgement is “fatal”. The headmistress of the Christian Morgenstern Primary School in Spandau, an educational institution with a very high percentage of migrants, would not have “expected the Federal Labor Court to overturn the obligation of neutrality at Berlin schools. The judges have decided that teachers may now also teach wearing headscarves, as long as the peace at school is not disturbed.”I wouldn’t have expected that neutrality could be seen as discrimination,” says Karina Jehnichen. And she is not just talking as the head of her school when she describes the verdict as “fatal”, she is also deputy head of the Berlin School Management Interest Group (IGB). She therefore also speaks for around 300 senior educators.

For Karina Jehniche, it’s all about the headscarf symbol. For her, her problem with the judgment in her own school is most obvious: “We have students who come from crisis areas where Islam is the state religion and where there has been fighting against infidels. When such a child sees a woman wearing a headscarf, it can be impressed by it and the tolerance towards other religions decreases, said Jehniche. Especially for children a teacher is a great confidant. “We must work to ensure that all religions are tolerated. We are a multicultural society, which is precisely why a school must show neutrality”.

At the Morgenstern School “students from 49 nations are being taught”, says Karina Jehniche, “all world religions are represented here”. It is absolutely clear that one can expect “neutrality as an attitude” from a teacher. If one was allowed to wear a headscarf, other religions would now also have to become visible. But she does not want that.

In any case, she has already noticed that Muslim fathers are annoyed at meetings of parents’ representatives that the school principal is not dressed in an Islamic manner, that is, with a long skirt. Karina Jehniche has also experienced that Muslim students put pressure on female Muslim students to wear headscarves.Tilmann Kötterheinrich-Wedekind also regards the verdict as a problem, at least for his school. “We as a school have benefited greatly from the obligation of neutrality in the school peace agreement,” says the head of the Ernst Abbe Gymnasium in Neukölln, migration rate: 94 to 97 percent. “A teacher wearing a headscarf would be fatal here,” he says, “because tensions arise again and again in our school because of the mutual cultural understanding and when dealing with young girls. At the school, he says, there are many students from Turkish, Arab and Bosnian-Muslim families.

In other words, if you dress western as a Muslim girl, you will get problems when confronted by students. Many of his “very strictly conservative Muslim parents regarded a teacher with a headscarf as a positive role model,” says Kötterheinrich-Wedekind. Conversely, teachers dressed in western style are seen as a bad example.

Kötterheinrich-Wedekind has already had discussions and conflicts on the topics of prayer, sportswear or the question of how far religion is allowed to influence school. For him, these are all topics that do not belong in his school, which distracted from the actual task of the school.

In another school in the Berlin district of Neukölln, the principal is “appalled” by the verdict. The school, she says, “is also there to help students form their own opinions. Above all, it preaches tolerance towards all religions. But this is no longer clearly recognizable, she says, if someone no longer appears clearly neutral. “There are also messages of a non-verbal nature.

She also witnessed that Muslim students put pressure on Muslim schoolgirls to wear the headscarf. Teachers then intervened immediately and held discussions with the students and their parents. “But this is a very difficult and long-term process.”She is familiar with the case of a nine-year-old who told a Palestinian kindergarten teacher dressed in Western clothes: “I don’t take orders from you, you don’t wear a headscarf, you are not a real Muslim. In such a case, the peace at school was considerably disturbed. Since the boy’s parents had shown no understanding at all, the boy had to leave school. The school authorities had written in their reasoning: “Disturbance of the peace at school.

Germany: Syrian stabbed a German in the back nine times in the streetcar

Because he allegedly stabbed two men at Riebeckplatz and in a streetcar at Rennbahnkreuz in Halle (Saale), the trial against a 20-year-old man from Syria began last Friday at the regional court. He is accused of grievous bodily harm as well as attempted manslaughter in unity of crime with grievous bodily harm.

The first crime took place on November 8 of last year. In a supermarket on Riebeckplatz, he is accused of having stabbed a fellow countryman several times with a jackknife. The victim allegedly stole money from him.

The second crime took place on March 6. Here he is said to have provoked an argument in a streetcar at Rennbahnkreuz and then stabbed a 32-year-old man nine times in the back with a knife from behind. The German suffered life-threatening injuries.

According to the court, the defendant partially admitted to the crimes. Because the accused was an adolescent at the time of the crime, the use of juvenile criminal law comes into consideration. Here sanctions up to a youth penalty of 10 years are intended.Initially, 9 trial days are planned. 27 witnesses have been summoned by the criminal court.

The Berlin police supports the Merkel dictatorship!

On its own initiative, it is blocking roads, imposing new regulations and blocking the march. The entire demonstration is endangered and the world is watching!

At the moment the team of lawyers from Querdenken is discussing with those responsible, but obviously without success.

It seems that an escalation is to be produced consciously and purposefully.

(It needs to be understood that Merkel’s government banned this demonstration but the ruling was overturned by the supreme court. The question was which way will police go? Now we know)

The system is behind it! ?? The police corrals the crowd and then criticizes the distance rule. If the march had been allowed to move, none of this would have happened?? Important to know that the police apparently also closed the side streets and thus prevented the crowd from taking evasive action in order to keep social distances.

Demo Berlin – Escalation desired? Large Blue water cannon trucks on Chausseestraße, near the street where police have stopped the march:

The police stopped the march at Friedrichstraße, won’t let any more participants continue on the planned route. They have heavy equipment in position at Wilhelm Straße. A clearing tank and three water cannons.

Sign in front of the American Embassy show Chancellor Angela Merkel and other politicians in prison clothing.

Jews may no longer enter Germany, but Muslim refugees may

Jewish immigration to Germany from the states of the former Soviet Union has been temporarily halted due to the Corona pandemic. The German embassies in Moscow and other capitals of the former USSR states have not been granting entry visas to Jews for some time. This was reported by the Berlin newspaper “Tagesspiegel” on Thursday. The Foreign Office confirmed the restrictive practice.

Recently, the Corona-related restrictions on entry to Germany have been relaxed for certain groups, including students, family members of refugees and so-called ethnic German repatriates with German ancestors. However, an “exception to the acceptance stop” for visa requests could currently “not be granted” to Jewish immigrants, according to the scheduling system of the Foreign Office for the German Embassy in Moscow. Anyone who tries to do so, however, will be temporarily blocked, according to the “Tagesspiegel”.The Chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, has already called on the federal government to “examine the facts of the case in order to put an end to this intolerable state of affairs as quickly as possible” and to allow those persons concerned to enter Germany as soon as possible.In a letter, 30 Jews living in Russia and Belarus have now addressed the federal government and criticized the negative practice. They had already been promised by the German government before the Corona crisis that their emigration to the Federal Republic was possible and had therefore already signed off in their old homeland, which was a formal requirement for immigration to Germany.However, this currently makes it impossible for them to find a temporary job. The same applies to apartments and school places, reports the “Tagesspiegel”. The medical care of those people affected is also so severely restricted.

Austria: Despite sexual harassment and coercion an Afghan is at large

A 26-year-old Afghan has repeatedly sexually harassed a girl in the last five years. Most recently, the man pursued his victim into a forest, held her down and harassed her again. The verdict: eight months in prison, two of which he must serve in jail – and 100 euros in compensation.

The accused Afghan came to Austria in 2015 as part of the migration wave and was accommodated in Gaming. The first incident occurred shortly after his arrival. The then 21-year-old approached the girl, who was just 15 years old, in the public swimming pool in Gaming, touched the still underage girl indecently and stuck her hand into his swimming trunks.”We can and want to do without this kind of ‘cultural enrichment’,” commented Freedom Party leader and club chairman Udo Landbauer on the recent conviction of a 26-year-old Afghan at the St. Pölten Regional Court. “Whoever attacks our women and children has no place in our society and must be taken out of the country immediately.”This is the bitter reality that Social Democrats SPÖ and Austrian People’s Party have agreed to allow to enter Austria in 2015. Of course nobody wants to take responsibility for this.For the Freedom Party club chairman, the not legally binding verdict of two months imprisonment and 100 euros compensation is “ridiculous” and “a slap in the face for the girl and the family”. “The Afghan is still on the loose, while other parents in the community are worried about their children. This guy belongs immediately in deportation custody and must be forcibly removed from the country”.”Nobody understands anymore why asylum seekers and foreign criminals are permanently treated with kid gloves. Many things are going terribly wrong here. Those responsible belong to the federal government, and prefer to turn a blind eye and harass our compatriots with unconstitutional punishments and curfews,” said Landbauer.

Historical Church of Our Lady vandalized in Koblenz

In the night of August 27, 2020, unknown persons broke the window in the right aisle of the Church of Our Lady in Koblenz (photo above) and managed to enter the church through it. The damaged window is a work of art depicting the women in ruins of Koblenz after the war. It has a value in the high five-digit Euro range. As far as we know, nothing was stolen from the church.

Furthermore, the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was broken into. Several doors and windows were damaged. Here the damage is estimated at about 8000 Euro. In one of the rooms, the perpetrator(s) found a beverage crate. Most of the bottles were emptied on site, the remaining bottles were taken away by the perpetrators. Here, too, there is no evidence to date that any other objects were stolen.Please give clues to the Koblenz police by calling 0261-1030.