“Infidel, I will slaughter you”: Long imprisonment for Islamist knife attacker in Austria

At the Innsbruck Regional Court, a suspected Islamist was sentenced to 14 years in prison on suspicion of membership in a terrorist organization and for attempted murder of an acquaintance.

Even though there is disagreement about his exact origin – the newspaper Krone calls him a stateless Palestinian, the newspaper oe24 a Syrian – it is clear: The man, who had already been in Austria since 2005, became more and more radical in Tyrol. This was confirmed by a local woman who had taken him in – in the end he did not even shake her hand. At the turn of the year he then attacked an acquaintance.After being placed with a family in the Außerfern area with stopovers in the Traiskirchen asylum camp and in Vienna, the ” skilled worker” made a living from gardening. And became more and more religious by the way. The accommodation provider tells how he suddenly grew a beard, loaded more and more anti-Israel symbols onto his cell phone. Flags of the terrorist militia “Islamic State” hung in his room. Finally he announced to his hosts: “I do have to hate all enemies of Allah”.He probably saw one of the latter in an Iraqi who was repairing a car in a garage in Höfen (district of Reutte) on New Year’s Day. The two men got into an argument before the presumed stabber threatened to kill his friend on religious grounds. He said: “Infidel! Why do you not pray, why do you drink? I have told you many times – I will slaughter you!” Then he stabbed – and his victim remained unharmed only by skilful defense of the attack.During a raid, the officials then realized how far radicalization had progressed at that time. Because in addition to the flags in his room, the migrant even advertised for the “Islamic State” on the mailbox of his cell phone! He was also in contact with jihadists from Vienna who were wanted by the police.The man himself tried to placate in court: “I am only interested in religions, but I am not a psychopath. The jury did not allow itself to be misled by this and passed a unanimous – but not yet final – sentence: 14 years of imprisonment.Why the Intelligence Service only became aware of the man after the attack remains unclear for the time being.


Germany: Syrian footballer without residence permit kicks referee hospitalized and then flees the stadium by car

Brutal attack on a referee at the district league soccer game of TSV Eller 04 II against Garather SV on Sunday in Düsseldorf. After his yellow-red card a Garather player beat the referee Seyit C. (59 y/o).

“I fell on my back and couldn’t breathe anymore”, Seyit C. told the newspaper Rheinische Post, adding:”I had already had to send one player off the pitch early because of repeated foul play. The player who was cautioned and then attacked me, I sent him off the field after another foul. Then the blows began to beat him and the referee fell to the ground. With a crushed larynx, the man is taken to the university hospital.The perpetrator, a Syrian (23 y/o) without current residence permit, jumps into his car, flees, but is quickly caught. He is under investigation for dangerous bodily injury. On Monday he was brought before the magistrate because of the risk of absconding, but he remained at large.Peter Heinen (56 y/o), first chairman of Garather SV, said to the tabloid BILD: “The player does not have to appear on the premises of our football club for the rest of his life”.


Germany: Previously convicted Syrian for putting counterfeit money into circulation only sentenced to a ridiculous suspended sentence and community service

The district court of Freudenstadt sentenced a 21-year-old asylum seeker from Syria to a 16-month suspended sentence and 150 hours of community service. He had ordered counterfeit 50 and 200 euro bills in China.

In the course of the trial before the Court of lay assessors, the man had confessed more than the court had been able to prove. The case, which was just about to be judged a minor case, ended with a suspended sentence. Due to his full confession, the judge did not consider him a ” ice-cold, hardened gangster”. His offense is made noticeable by the fact that he has to serve a total of 150 community service hours. He agreed to the sentence.In January, the 21-year-old had ordered 20 fake 50 euro bills and another 200 euro bills via the app “Wish” in China, which he received in a traceable manner by evaluating his cell phone data. He went shopping with two of these fake 50s and was successful in one case, receiving a pack of cigarettes and the change. With the second attempt to procure cigarettes with the counterfeit money, the store owner became suspicious due to the missing silver lining and called the police.The young Syrian then left the store in a hurry, but could be caught on the basis of his fingerprints. According to his statement to the police, he claims to have burned the remaining banknotes. In court, however, he testified that he had given them to friends to destroy. The police investigator reported about increased number of incidents of this kind, where cheap replicas of euro notes with Chinese characters appeared. The man from Syria came as a 15-year-old alone with traffickers via Greece and Turkey to Germany. He speaks well German, but did not manage to graduate from a Freudenstadt educational institution. He had obtained the counterfeit money because he had no income at that time and the job center had blocked his payments because he had not participated in compulsory measures. For 14 days, he said, he had been working as a warehouse clerk in a mail order company in Lahr via a temporary employment agency.For counterfeiting and fraud, the prosecutor said, a prison sentence of up to five years was to be imposed. In favor of the accused his comprehensive confession was considered, incriminating for him were several previous convictions with a high recidivism rate, which he had committed as a juvenile.The accused was sentenced to one year and four months with probation, as demanded by the prosecutor. During the two-year probation period, he is placed under the supervision of a probation officer and must serve 150 hours of community service on weekends. He remains at large, so the argumentation of judge Jennifer Dallas-Buob – if nothing more happens.


Refugees for only two days in Germany – they have already molested girls

Two girls were sexually harassed by three young men in downtown Bad Arolsen on Wednesday afternoon.

The police officers very quickly succeeded in arresting the three suspected young suspects, aged 17, 18 and 19 years, from the initial reception facility in Mengeringhausen, who are now under investigation for violating Section 184i, which also makes so-called grabbing a criminal offence. The paragraph was only included in the penal code in 2016 following the incidents on New Year’s Eve 2015 on the Domplatte in Cologne.A spokesman for the Korbach police confirmed that the three suspects have been residing in the first reception center of the state of Hesse in Mengeringhausen for only a few days. They are now being investigated by the criminal investigation department.

Mayor Jürgen van der Horst explained that he had already made contact with the Giessen Regional Council. He expects that everything will be done there to prevent such incidents in the future.

On Friday afternoon, the Regional Council informed the Mayor that the three young men had been taken separately to three different initial reception facilities in the state at 4 p.m., under the escort of the police.

The mayor announced that during a follow-up meeting on Monday there will be very intensive discussions on how such attacks can be prevented in the future.

The initial reception facility of the state of Hesse for refugees in Mengeringhausen was officially established as recently as Monday. The buildings, which actually have more than 500 places to sleep, are to be occupied by only 350 people in order to comply with the corona distance rules. One apartment block each is reserved for families with children, for single men and for women with children.


Islamic Republic of Germany: Marry or you die – hundreds of girls have been married as a child

Imported foreign customs as a result of immigration, including child marriages, which are generally prohibited in this country, but the ban does not bother Muslims from patriarchal communities and they abide by Islamic law.

The women’s rights organization Terre des Femmes assumes that every week a marriage of minors is entered into in Germany, and that in fact many more minors are married or living in child marriages than is currently known.”All of this takes place largely undetected by the authorities in the communities concerned. It is enough to make the marriage vow in front of a large number of witnesses and be taken to the man’s home.No official approval is required”.Actually, those affected would have the possibility in Germany to free themselves from their arranged marriages. But there is a reason why so many girls and young women in this country remain in their child marriages: Many either do not know their rights – or they fear losing the reputation of their family, explains Monika Michell from the Women’s Rights Organization:”The girls know what they will be facing as honorless women. It can become very dangerous for them.”


Germany: “Allahu-Akbar” yelling Syrian attacks police officers

On Friday afternoon around 3:45 pm, the police were called from the Post Office at the Louisencenter in Bad Homburg. A man had beaten on furnishings and insulted customers. A police patrol of three officers was sent there. When they arrived, they could still find the highly aggressive man, a 34-year-old Syrian living in Bad Homburg, in the Post Office.He immediately attacked the police officers, insulted them and claimed that he wanted to shoot the postal worker with a service weapon of the police officers. During the subsequent arrest he resisted strongly. He kicked and punched at the officers and carried on insulting them severely.Finally, the man was arrested.On the way from the shopping mall to the police car he shouted “Allahu Akbar” several times. In the police car, on the way to the police station, he said that he wanted to kick a female officer in the face and tried to give her a head butt. He did not succeed, however, so that nobody was hurt. Since there were strong indications that the man was under the influence of drugs, a blood sample was taken and criminal proceedings were initiated against him.


Public prosecutor’s office in Austria wants to indict one of the presidents of the National Council for criticism of Islam

The statements of the third-chairman of the National Council and Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Norbert Hofer regarding the Koran are under investigation by the investigating authorities. The Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office has made a request to the National Council to agree to an official prosecution, the Austrian Press Agency learned from the parliamentary chamber. It is not yet clear when the Immunity Committee will decide to waive parliamentary immunity. During a demonstration of the Freedom Party at the Viktor Adler Market in June, Hofer had said that the Holy Book of Muslims was more dangerous than the Corona virus: “I am not afraid of Corona, Corona is not dangerous. Representatives of Islam and the political competition were outraged and reacted with charges for incitement and disparagement of religious teachings.


Germany: Arab families attack each other with iron bars and knives – One person with life-threatening injuries

In a dispute between two families in a residential accommodation in Hamburg’s Neuenfelde district, a 32-year-old was fatally injured by several knife wounds in his upper body. After an emergency surgery, he is now out of danger again, the police announced on Monday. It was not clear at first why the families got into a fight with each other. According to initial police findings, the members of an Iraqi and an Egyptian family had been fighting for several days before the dispute escalated during the night to Sunday.Initially several men had attacked a family man with iron bars and injured his cheekbone. According to the information, his three sons attacked the men thereupon with a knife. A 32-year-old man was injured. The police were on the scene with several patrol cars. The homicide squad took over the case.The three 14-, 16- and 19-year-old sons of the father, who had been attacked with iron bars, were first temporarily arrested and later released due to lack of grounds for arrest. Among other things, they are now being investigated to determine whether they could have acted in the context of helping their father in an urgent state of emergency. The fugitive attackers with the iron bars are being investigated on suspicion of dangerous bodily injury.
