Islamic Republic of Germany: Marry or you die – hundreds of girls have been married as a child

Imported foreign customs as a result of immigration, including child marriages, which are generally prohibited in this country, but the ban does not bother Muslims from patriarchal communities and they abide by Islamic law.

The women’s rights organization Terre des Femmes assumes that every week a marriage of minors is entered into in Germany, and that in fact many more minors are married or living in child marriages than is currently known.”All of this takes place largely undetected by the authorities in the communities concerned. It is enough to make the marriage vow in front of a large number of witnesses and be taken to the man’s home.No official approval is required”.Actually, those affected would have the possibility in Germany to free themselves from their arranged marriages. But there is a reason why so many girls and young women in this country remain in their child marriages: Many either do not know their rights – or they fear losing the reputation of their family, explains Monika Michell from the Women’s Rights Organization:”The girls know what they will be facing as honorless women. It can become very dangerous for them.”