Austria: By order of Allah, an Afghan was planning to cut off the head of a woman

Not only in Germany is the diversity and richness of uncontrolled mass migration becoming more and more apparent. Muslim culture is also showing its full splendor when it comes to the neighboring country, Austria: Last Tuesday, the special police unit Cobra arrested a 31-year-old Afghan on suspicion of terrorism. As the magazine “heute” reports, the Austrian Ministry of the Interior confirmed that the public prosecutor’s office is investigating on suspicion of supporting a terrorist organization. The man is alleged to have carried out propaganda for the Taliban’s Islamic terrorist group and to have advertised for it via various social media channels (among other things, he also operated his own YouTube channel).Among other things, he is said to have threatened a woman who burned the Koran that he would “cut off her head by order of Allah”. Decapitation orders from the highest authority seem to frequently be received by Muslims who have “fled” to Austria or Germany or who are already “integrated” there. In 2017, for example, a rejected asylum seeker from Afghanistan repeatedly stabbed a female compatriot in the neck in front of her children, so that it seemed as if he had literally wanted to cut off her head.His problem: The woman had driven him mad by asking him to convert as well. A Muslim who had been legally sentenced to nine years in prison as an IS terrorist was on trial in mid-September because he threatened to cut the head of a fellow prisoner in the prison whom he did not consider a “good Muslim”. In 2013, the Afghan Muslim Harun P. threatened the critic of Islam Michael Stürzenberger in front of running cameras to cut off his head.This small, incomplete selection reflects the Islamic ” head off in the name of Allah” custom imported to Europe. The Muslims refer to the customary practice that has been in use for 1400 years, the “Qata al-raas” – the cutting off of the head, which their Bedouin founder of religion Mohammed had already practiced frequently and extensively, and which is recorded in detail in the Koran.

Germany: Syrian insults policewoman as “whore”

In the night from Saturday to Sunday, federal police have temporarily arrested a 17-year-old Syrian. The boy was in the main station in Hanover without a face mask. When a policewoman (44 years old) pointed him out, the situation continued to escalate and ended up in the prison cell.The man from Sahlkamp was completely stubborn, aggressive, and constantly demanded more respect for him on the part of the female police officer. He did not want to identify himself either. In the end, the Syrian was forcibly taken to the police station. The boy resisted considerably in the process. His companion constantly interrupted and recorded the police actions.After two hours in the detention cell, the lad was handed over to his family.Because the face mask rejecting person also called the policewoman a whore, the officers initiated preliminary proceedings for resistance, insulting and violation of the Infection Protection Act.

The Muslim Ajdin V. murdered three Germans out of anger that his W-LAN was switched off

The suspected triple murderer of Holzgerlingen made a confession at the start of the legal proceedings.

The Bosnian Ajdin V., who is 31 years old today, deeply regrets the crime, said the man’s lawyer in a short statement on Tuesday before the Stuttgart Regional Court.

It was not a planned attack. His client had acted in the heat of passion. The public prosecutor’s office accuses the defendant of having killed his landlord and two other people out of anger over a switched-off connection for the W-Lan in his apartment.

The lawyer of the suspected perpetrator said that the loss of control was triggered by a mental illness.

Since the beginning of the lease, the computer scientist had been in a depressive phase. The defendant resided in the attic apartment of the apartment building.On March 18, the bodies of a 27-year-old woman and her 33-year-old partner and his father (62 years old) were located by the police. All the victims were German citizens.

On March 18, the bodies of a 27-year-old woman and her 33-year-old partner and his father (62 years old) were located by the police. All the victims were German citizens.

Before that, the mother of the 27-year-old killed had called the police because her daughter had not kept an appointment and could not be reached by phone.

Germany: Despite Corona security measures about 100 asylum seekers celebrate a wild party

In a refugee accommodation in Landshut, police ended a party with about 100 people on Saturday evening.

Around 7 p.m., the Landshut police received a 911 call informing them that the asylum-seekers’ home in Niedermayerstraße was excessively noisy and that many people were drunk. The police moved in and broke up the party due to hygiene regulations and to protect the residents, a police spokesman said.

It was partied with noisy music and lots of alcohol. One man had been unconscious due to his heavy alcoholisation, and an emergency doctor had cared for him. 20 people were expelled from the building. Because they did not live in this accommodation, their stay was forbidden – they will be reported for trespassing.

According to the police, the deployment ended at 9:15 p.m., and the situation in the asylum-seekers’ home was then calm again.

Austria: Because he was not satisfied with the work performance of his employee, a Syrian business owner poured gasoline over him and attempted to set him on fire

Dramatic scenes took place in the night to Saturday in a firm in the Vienna district of Wieden. A 32-year-old is under strong suspicion of having doused a 28-year-old man with gasoline and tried to set him on fire – which the suspected perpetrator did not succeed in doing. As it turned out, the suspect is the man’s boss. The Syrian citizen was arrested. The reason for the crime: The 32-year-old was not satisfied with his work performance.The incident happened in the night on Saturday at about 3.25 am, as the police reported on Saturday morning. After the 32-year-old suspect had doused the 28-year-old victim with gasoline, “he probably tried to set the man on fire with a lighter,” according to police spokeswoman Barbara Gass. With the help of a 20-year-old witness, who was also present at the scene of the crime, the victim “was able to stop the suspect from his intention”.A scuffle subsequently ensued, it was said further, after which the suspected perpetrator first fled, only to return to the scene of the crime a short time later. There, however, he was already awaited by the police. The 32-year-old suspect was arrested.The interrogation of the suspected perpetrator on Saturday brought some light into the darkness: Thus it came to an argument between the 32-year old and the 28-year old first, because the older one was not satisfied with the work performance of its employee, reported Gass in the afternoon from the first interrogation. The 32-year-old Syrian denied that he intended to kill the employee and also denied having poured gasoline on the person in question. The man was taken into custody. The Vienna State Criminal Investigation Office, Mitte branch office, is investigating.

BREAKING: Terror alert in Cologne – bomb found in train compartment

Tonight, a cleaner made a shocking discovery in the train depot Cologne-Deutzerfeld: A bomb was placed in the car of a regional train. It is said to have been hidden in a cardboard box.

The dogs of the alarmed federal police then immediately barked at the place where it was found. The box was x-rayed by special forces and the homemade explosive device was finally defused on site by the bomb defusers.

According to the police, it is a so-called “unconventional explosive and incendiary device”, which according to information from the BILD newspaper consisted of a fuse, fireworks, black powder bullets, nails and screws.

According to initial investigations, the ” self-made device” was explosive and could have caused serious injuries to passengers standing around in the compartment due to the splinter effect.The State Office of Criminal Investigation’s Crime Squad is on the scene and securing traces. In addition, all 27 other trains parked there in the depot are searched. According to BILD information, it is still unclear whether this is a failed terrorist attack or a threat or blackmail.

The regional train concerned left Gummersbach for Cologne on Friday. Anyone who has observed anything suspicious should urgently inform the police.

It is still unclear how the perpetrator or perpetrators acted: It could be that the explosive device was only deposited at the terminus in the evening in order to detonate it with great symbolic power the next day, the Day of German Unity.

It is also possible that the bomb was placed on the regional train on Friday and luckily did not explode, so it was only found at night by the cleaning crew.

If it really is a failed terrorist attack, the experts of the State Security consider a right-wing extremist as well as an Islamist background possible. However, the investigations are still in their early stages.

Germany: Afghan asylum seeker attacks angler with a knife, because the latter did not want to lend him his fishing rod

A 22-year-old man attacked an angler with a knife in Taufkirchen (Erding district) because he did not want to lend him his fishing rod. The 32-year-old angler was not injured, as the police announced on Friday. The suspect is in custody because of an attempted homicide.

According to the police, the 32-year-old had been fishing with his father on Thursday on the banks of the Grosse Vils, when a young man asked them for one of their fishing rods. After they refused, the Afghan became angry, but went away. A short time later he returned with a knife. The 56-year-old father was able to fend off the attack until the attacker fled. The police finally arrested the man in a shelter for asylum seekers.

Germany: An Albanian on the road with a machine gun

POL-K: 201002-5-BAB Mit Selbstladegewehr im Kofferraum unterwegs - Festnahme

In the course of a traffic control on the highway 3, civil investigators seized an unregistered semi-automatic self-loading rifle and several hundred rounds of ammunition (photo above) from a driver of a Mercedes car in the early afternoon of Thursday (October 1). The police arrested the man from Albania. He is to be brought before a magistrate today.According to the latest findings, the highway patrol officers stopped the car at 11:30 a.m. at the Königsforst junction. After a drug test on the 39-year-old was positive as a result, the officers and a drug detection dog searched for drugs in the vehicle. In the process, the police found the gun and ammunition in the trunk of the car in a suitcase camouflaged with clothing. The civil investigators also secured several thousand euros in cash and two smartphones and ordered a blood sample. The origin of the weapon is subject of the still ongoing investigations.

Islamism pundit warns: High number of undetected Taliban terrorists in Austria

The inhabitants of the city of Wels are shocked. The suspected Taliban terrorist has been in the country since 2012. At the beginning of the week, the Afghan was finally arrested by the special unit Cobra. In an interview with Irfan Peci, an expert on Islamism, he explains that the danger with the arrest of this single suspected Taliban is far from being averted.Irfan Peci used to be an Islamist himself and knows how seductive the promises made by radical groups can be to young migrants. Today he is a staunch opponent of Islamization. Recently he revealed the connections between the Vienna Migrants Party SÖZ and Erdogan’s AKP. He is certain: the problem is uncontrolled immigration from Islamic countries.

Irfan Peci explains that the arrest of this single Islamist does not eliminate the danger. He suspects that due to immigration there are a large number of Islamists among us. Irfan Peci: “We know that there is a considerable number of Islamists among the so-called refugees. So terror suspects, Islamists and terrorists are increasingly among them. The estimated number of unreported cases must be large. But we cannot measure how many of these Taliban fighters are in our country. These people were checked too little or not at all when they arrived in 2015 and before. We therefore know nothing about these people.”The problem of this uncontrolled immigration of asylum seekers is also evident in the case of the Wels terror Taliban, Peci said. It is “remarkable that the Afghan has been in the country since 2012 and has not been detected”, explains Irfan Peci in conversation. “He was only caught because he was busy on the Internet. He didn’t behave completely conspiratorially, but was conspicuous, carrying out propaganda on the Internet. Peci suspects that if the alleged Taliban had been more restrained, the authorities would still not have been able to catch him.Cases like that of the Taliban in Wels are the most dangerous, because they have already entered the country as ticking time bombs, says Irfan Peci: “He was already a Taliban fighter before. So when he came to the country eight years ago, the Afghan was already highly radicalized and ideologized. He had gained fighting experience and came to Austria. Those are the most dangerous. They are then in the country and can cause a lot of damage here.The Bosnian-born man with a German passport regards the admission of Afghans as problematic in principle. Of course, the number of thwarted attack attempts alone would be sufficient reason not to accept people from countries like Afghanistan. But it is not only Islamism that makes Afghans a problem group: “Especially in Austria, however, Afghans are a large group among the refugees. And they predominantly get negative attention. Because of sexual offences or for example territorial fights with Chechens. In addition, Islamism makes them an additional security risk.The Vice Mayor of Wels, Gerhard Kroiß, is also appalled about the revealed facts: “If the media reports are all quite correct, it is absolutely unacceptable that an asylum procedure in Austria takes eight years. Should the suspect prove guilty, he should be deported, the vice mayor demands: “And not at some point, but immediately! Whoever threatens someone else with violence and death has forfeited his right to remain in Austria.At the latest now the state security is needed to present reliable results of extremist activities in Wels mosques, so that one can take action against them.

Asylum and housing: Secret Service brought Syrian torture general to Austria

In Austria, the authorities were possibly hoping for some information from a high-ranking Syrian ex-officer, who is said to have quite a record.It is an unbelievable case, which the Internet portal Fass ohne Boden uncovered on Wednesday. One thing that may well be considered a state secret turned up in a file by the Economic and Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (WKStA) – and provides revealing insights into the work of the domestic secret services. According to the documents, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counter-Terrorism (BVT) helped to lure a war criminal into the country.The reason behind this was that it was hoped that the former general would provide “information on activities of the Syrian intelligence services in Austria”. However, one still had to get past the red tape in order to actually bring him into the country. To rent an apartment, one needed a bank account – and for this, in turn, one needed a certain asylum card. According to the ” Fass ohne Boden” the Office for the Protection of the Constitution gave him a little help. After all, the hoped-for insights would have “immense significance”.As an informant from diplomatic circles confirms, the former Syrian general entered Vienna with the help of a partner service and the BVT. However, due to the short time span, a little improvisation was necessary. And so the torturer general was hidden in a small apartment that belonged to the father-in-law of the head of counterintelligence.Not least thanks to the BVT assistance, the former general received his asylum status after only six months. In Austria he was then apparently given a new identity.Furthermore, an application for social welfare was filed – but under his real name. Several hundred euros in food money were thus received between October and December 2015 – although the partner service wanted to take care of all monetary matters.It soon turned out that the man known as Khaled H. was allegedly involved in human rights violations in Syria as an officer of the Syrian State Security. Proceedings in this regard are pending with the Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office. Shortly thereafter, an NGO expressed concerns to the Ministry of Justice. However, these concerns were dismissed – and the cooperation was continued until 2018.And the accusations against the man are not exactly a trivial matter. As the head of a notorious department for state security, he is allegedly responsible for the “brutal suppression of demonstrations and rallies by members of the Syrian opposition.The general would even have been guilty of “active participation […] in suppressive measures”. According to an incident report, units under his command were subjected to “torture with electric shocks, rape and other psychological and sexual abuse.Even though the presumption of innocence applies to all parties involved, the case is strongly reminiscent of a current case in Germany. There, a former torture chief of the regime has to answer for alleged crimes against humanity. There, the accusation of involvement in the killing of 58 people and in more than 4,000 cases of torture has been raised. Neither, by the way, was a reason to deny asylum to the alleged defector to the opposition. On the contrary: without a detailed hearing, Anwar R. was granted asylum in Germany after only six days. There the Foreign Office was apparently involved in the easy way to come to Germany. He never delivered the promised information…