Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) Chairwoman Claims Islamism Not “Group-Related Misanthropy”

According to its own declaration, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) has been fighting fascism “for 158 years”. For the reason why the fight against Islamism does not play a role in the party programme and also in practice, the SPD chairperson Saskia Esken found a remarkable explanation in a television talk show on public broadcaster ZDF: Islamism is a “radicalised form of Islam”, which, however, “does not per se express group-related hostility towards people”. Apparently, for Esken it does not only play a decisive role whether an ideology is directed against certain groups of people – she also cannot recognise such an orientation in Islamist perpetrators.

The attack by a Syrian Islamist on Thomas Lips and his life partner on October 4, 2020 must have apparently completely escaped Eskens’ attention. In this knife attack on the gay couple, the perpetrator, who by his own admission was inspired by the “Islamic State”, murdered Lips and seriously injured his partner. The Islamist who murdered three gay men in Reading, UK, in June 2020 was also on a “religious jihad”, according to the prosecution.

Not only gays clearly represent a group of people who deserve death according to the ideology of Islamism. Western women are also part of the clear concept of the enemy: the knife murderer of Würzburg, for example, deliberately sought out female victims.

In the Islamist terrorist attack in Vienna in November 2020 with four dead and 23 injured, and in many other massacres in Nice, Paris and London, the largest group of Islamist terrorists was the target of the murders: “infidels”, i.e. all non-Muslims.

In France, there was a whole series of bloody Islamist attacks directed against Jews and Jewish institutions.

Another group persecuted by Islamist hatred is all those who, in the view of Islamists, have “fallen away” from the faith, such as the Berlin imam Seyran Ates, who is under permanent police protection, as well as critics of the Islamic claim to power, such as the author Ahmad Mansour, who is also under police protection.

He was also among the first to sharply criticise Esken for her confused and ignorant statement:

Translation: How should someone who has been living under #personalprotection for 6 years react to this, please? #Islamism #Integration #Esken

Seyran Ates also expressed similar views:

Translation: When asked why Islamism does not have a place in the current SPD election manifesto, @EskenSaskia answers
that “Islamism (…) per se does not express group-related misanthropy.” Does anyone understand what exactly Ms Esken is trying to say? (1/3)

Twitterers from the SPD environment immediately claimed that Esken’s statement had referred to Islam and not Islamism. However, she was explicitly asked by the moderator why Islamism does not appear in the election programme. Moreover, the concepts of the enemy – gays, “infidels” and apostates – can also be found in everyday Islam. The statement that group-related hostility does not exist there would therefore also be wrong. Esken also followed up in the broadcast with the sentence: “And Islamism is not discrimination, it’s a terrorist organisation, if you like.”

Esken’s statement leads to an actually logical consequence: no one from the target groups of Islamist hatred listed above should vote for Esken’s party as long as she leads the SPD.

Law firm: Ethical vegans may refuse jabs due to animal testing

A British law firm has argued that vegans could be exempted from compulsory Covid-19 vaccination rules since ethical considerations regarding animal testing means that they are protected by employment law.

UK law firm Lewis Silkin told The Telegraph that “some ethical vegans may disagree with vaccinations on the basis that they inevitably have been tested on animals.” Ethical veganism is legally viewed as a belief and thus incontrovertible in terms of employees rights.

Many vaccine sceptics welcomed the insight but others criticised the law firm. “It’s a vaccine. You’re not injecting a hamburger,” another user said, mocking vegans. The anti-vax movement and the non-GMO movement largely overlap, with anti-vaxxers pointing out that a GMO injection is actually more dangerous than ingesting GMO products.

Ironically, the business model for one of the UK’s most successful firms The Body Shop, has been to ban animal testing. It launched Forever Against Animal Testing, its largest ever campaign, aimed at banning animal testing in cosmetics everywhere and forever. By the end of 2018, the petition reached 8,3 million signatures and was taken to the United Nations.

In 2021, The Body Shop announced that all their products would be certified vegan by The Vegan Society as of the end of 2023.

What do you mean, the virus mutates?

By William Dodd

In a press conference on July 28, 2021, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stated that “[t]he big concern is the next variant that might emerge, just a few mutations potentially away, could potentially evade our vaccines.”

For Walensky to say the CDC has a “big concern” that the COVID virus might be a few mutations away from being a version that is not susceptible to vaccines is likely a de facto admission that such mutations already exist.

This could explain the reason for the CDC’s sudden shift in its recommendation that widespread use of masks should be reinstated.  But beyond the mask policy change, there is a much more significant indication here.  If we are now dealing with a version of the original COVID virus that cannot be rendered benign or killed by vaccines, then there are two significant conclusions:

– The resurgence of virus cases is not due to the unvaccinated as the politicians would like us to believe; the unvaccinated made the correct choice in avoiding inoculation.  The new cases are from a virus mutation that has been caused by the DNA/mRNA-based vaccines.  A vaccine forces a virus to mutate in order for the virus to survive — remember from Darwin’s evolutionary theory, “survival of the fittest.”

Billions of dollars may have been wasted on these vaccines that may have serious untested long- term medical issues and may be the cause of virus variants that are more dangerous and untreatable.

The better course, as many had recommended, would have been to leave the virus alone and treat the symptoms with readily available hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, or azithromycin, which were known to be effective in dealing with the original virus.

Have we not learned that government interference in arenas in which there are no certain solutions — e.g., use of not fully tested vaccines — always assures the worst possible outcome?

– Mandating use of the current vaccines on the market or any future untested vaccines should cease immediately.  First, the vaccines now being distributed are likely ineffective in dealing with the current mutated viruses, and second, these vaccines are causing the ongoing mutations of the original COVID virus.

Recipients of placebo jabs to have same privileges as the fully vaxxed, UK minister says

The British Vaccine Deployment Minister Nadhim Zahawi stretched the incredulity of his subjects once again by announcing that people who have received placebo jabs would be regarded as “fully vaccinated”. According to Zahawi, fake shots would be considered proof of vaccination status.

The UK government would grant the recipients of fake jabs all the privileges granted by the NHS Covid Pass, the minister said in remarks given before Parliament on Thursday, because the health pass has an “important role to play in slowing the spread of the virus”. Zahawi urged public venues to adopt the NHS in order to “keep their clients or their customers safe”.

The private medical information on the NHS app used to grant social participation, shows vaccination status, negative test results or natural immunity.

Zahawi made the same nonsensical statement about fake jabs conferring privileges in two separate exchanges in Parliament after Labour MP Rupa Huq pressured Zahawi about her constituents who took part in Novavax trials. The participants were “now being treated as if they are vax deniers with the texts they get from the NHS,” she complained. She said it was on account of “xenophobia” that trial participants were being excluded. “People think that they are being punished for doing the right thing. Will the Minister rectify that?”

Labour MP Barbara Keeley voiced a similar concern over the “wonderful volunteers” who had joined the Novavax trial.

Zahawi responded by stating that the participants in clinical trials, including the Novavax one, would have their status on the NHS Covid app recorded as “fully vaccinated” even if they received the placebo and not the vaccine. “We are working with other countries to make sure that that is recognised, but as far as the UK is concerned, they will be considered fully vaccinated, whether they have had the placebo or the vaccine,” he promised.

The US-based Novavax shot has not yet been given emergency use authorisation in the United Kingdom.

Zahawi’s remarks certainly obliterate the argument for vaccines and by extension privileges for the vaccinated. Moreover, the CDC has admitted that vaccinated people have just as large amounts of virus in their nose and throat as unvaccinated. And if the virus load in infected vaccinated people cannot be distinguished from the virus load in the nose and throat of unvaccinated people, transmission is possible. Yet vaccines continue to justify privileges according to mainstream politicians.

Austrian psychiatrist Raphael M. Bonelli, a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard Medical School, University of California, Los Angeles and Duke University, was banned from social media after he said that he knew of two deaths in his circle of friends related to the Covid vaccination.

Conversely, according to Bonelli, he did not know anyone who died of or with Corona. His YouTube intervention on July 26, spurned 6000 comments, mostly citing similar experiences. Very few commentators reported Covid deaths in their environment. On the other hand, most described severe vaccination reactions and deaths of people they knew.

The RPP institute, of which Raphael Bonelli is a co-founder, responded on Telegram after his video was deleted from YouTube due to “incorrect medical information”. Bonelli had explicitly stated that he did not consider any causality between vaccination and death.

Instead he warned that if 5000 users reported similar experiences, it warranted a closer look. The psychiatrist noted: “They are only subjective reports, but 5000 subjective reports are also something […] This is extremely dangerous in terms of democratic politics, it should not be this way.” Bonelli now wants to take legal action against YouTube.

Who financed the escape of the Afghan rapist and murderer of the 13-year-old Austrian girl Leonie to London?

The manhunt for a suspect in the Leonie murder case ended with a bang on Thursday. Targeting investigators tracked down the fugitive Afghan (allegedly 22 years old) in London. His arrest raises many questions. How did the man get to England despite the international arrest warrant? And above all – who paid for the trip?

He allegedly gave little Leonie drugs at the Danube Canal, drove with his suspected accomplices to a flat in the Donaustadt district and raped the girl there several times. The young girl from Tulln died, her body was simply dumped on a grass verge, the Afghans fled. Three of them were quickly caught by local investigators. The fourth was only caught in London on Thursday.

“Until August 2, no exemptions from the quarantine obligation for the 3G target group and also no exemption from the testing obligation for recovered or vaccinated persons.” This passage on the page of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs is still valid. Only for law-abiding citizens? It is not yet known whether the Afghan urgently suspected of the crime had to be quarantined. The fact is that he seems to be incredibly well linked. After all, he was tracked down in the Afghan community. And a young asylum seeker will hardly be able to escape abroad without help from the investigators – in the middle of a pandemic.

Do smugglers have their hands in this? Or an NGO? Admittedly, all of this is currently the subject of speculation, which also brings with it some political explosiveness. Not least because Austrians are severely restricted in their freedom to travel because of Corona. And of course, the question of financing will also have to be clarified. For a spontaneous flight to London, several hundred euros often become due. Especially since one has to assume that he will not have simply boarded a cheap plane in the airport of Schwechat. In any case, we can promise one thing: The eXXpress will keep asking these questions until we have answers.