Law firm: Ethical vegans may refuse jabs due to animal testing

A British law firm has argued that vegans could be exempted from compulsory Covid-19 vaccination rules since ethical considerations regarding animal testing means that they are protected by employment law.

UK law firm Lewis Silkin told The Telegraph that “some ethical vegans may disagree with vaccinations on the basis that they inevitably have been tested on animals.” Ethical veganism is legally viewed as a belief and thus incontrovertible in terms of employees rights.

Many vaccine sceptics welcomed the insight but others criticised the law firm. “It’s a vaccine. You’re not injecting a hamburger,” another user said, mocking vegans. The anti-vax movement and the non-GMO movement largely overlap, with anti-vaxxers pointing out that a GMO injection is actually more dangerous than ingesting GMO products.

Ironically, the business model for one of the UK’s most successful firms The Body Shop, has been to ban animal testing. It launched Forever Against Animal Testing, its largest ever campaign, aimed at banning animal testing in cosmetics everywhere and forever. By the end of 2018, the petition reached 8,3 million signatures and was taken to the United Nations.

In 2021, The Body Shop announced that all their products would be certified vegan by The Vegan Society as of the end of 2023.