Pakistan, Denmark shut down cellphones, fast-food for unvaccinated

The governments of the Punjab and Sindh provinces in Pakistan have called for blocking the cellphones for unvaccinated people, blaming the them for a rise in Covid-19 cases. In Denmark, KFC refused to allow unvaccinated access to their establishment.

“At first this was only a proposal, but people have been very hesitant in getting vaccinated so the decision was made,” a spokesman for the Punjab Primary Health department told AFP in June.

Sindh Information Minister Syed Nasi Hussain Shah told the New York Timesthat the government wanted to force people to get the jab. The Sindh government has even stopped paying unvaccinated government workers.

“It will be hard for me if I can’t use my phone, but I am very scared about the vaccine,” a Pakistani told earlier. Many believe that the vaccinated could die in the coming months. “I have heard that people, after getting the coronavirus jab, will die within the two years […] It is the reason that in our extended family of at least 25 people, no one is willing to vaccinate themselves.”

In Denmark, an unvaccinated customer was thrown out of a KFC fast-food restaurant this week. A sign in Danish stated that only customers with a health passport and ID could eat inside. Users on Twitter pointed out that it was the same in Ireland and several regions in Spain, including Andalusia.

But as mainstream German news outlet Die Welt acknowledged, people who are fully vaccinated can carry the same viral load as the unvaccinated. This is according to a study on a Coronavirus outbreak in Massachusetts, where at the end of May all Corona restrictions were lifted.

In Provincetown – a tourist resort in the district with the highest vaccination rate in the state of Massachusetts – more than 900 Coronavirus cases were registered after the US National Day on July 4. About three-quarters of them were people who had been fully vaccinated, write the authors of the study.

Based on this study, the CDC, which is responsible for the entire United States, recommended a return to the obligation to wear masks in indoor spaces for all, while maintaning that “vaccines work”.

Do the COVID Vaccines Work or Not?

By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.

We are a year and a half into the world’s nightmare of COVID-19, also known as the Chinese coronavirus, based on where this demon virus originated and spread from, either intentionally or inadvertently.

We have been told to not wear masks, then wear one mask, then two masks, then no masks indoors. Now we are back to indoor masking and soon outdoor masking, too.

The same “experts” told us that the vaccines were safe and effective, the pathway out of this nightmare. If we were vaccinated we no longer had to wear a mask, at least as of last May, according to the CDC. Two months later they reversedcourse, recommending mask-wearing indoors even if fully vaccinated.

Celebrities, from Pele to Dolly Parton, are endorsing the vaccines, showing photos of themselves getting jabbed. Yet despite half of American adults being fully vaccinated, cases are rising, as this CNN headline screams.

Do the vaccines work or not? Depending on the day and pronouncement, it is hard to know.

First, the COVID “vaccines” are not true vaccines based on the definitions of vaccines. Rather than the “vaccine” containing attenuated virus, it is a strand of messenger RNA, based on genetic code provided by China and serving as the basis for these novel “vaccines” which cause the body to create spike protein which in turn supposedly generates an immune response in the vaccinated to supposedly provide short or long term immunity. How long that immunity lasts is anyone’s guess.

I say “supposedly” frequently as it seems no one knows anything for sure. The New York Times belatedly acknowledged, “There’s much to learn about how the virus spreads.” Tell that to the CNN and MSNBC anchors who think they have it all figured out.

Just because mRNA vaccines represent new technology doesn’t mean it won’t work or it’s bad. But it is a leap of faith assuming genetic code received from China is accurate and doesn’t contain any malicious bits. We can now 3D print organs. If an adversary country sent us computer code to 3D print a new kidney, would we rely on such code to be safe and effective?

Do vaccines prevent illness or simply mitigate things? The influenza or flu vaccine is about 50 percent effective, meaning many still get the flu. The COVID vaccine trials’ primary endpoint, confirmed cases at least two weeks post-vaccination, was met, as was the secondary endpoint of reducing severe cases.

Watching the news today, one wonders how effective the vaccine really is. Distrust was sowed early by President Biden and Vice-President Harris who didn’t trust the vaccines and would refuse to take them “if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it.”

No wonder there is distrust in vaccines. Biden, who we’re told got over 80 million votes, 25 percent more than Barack Obama in 2012, must be trusted and revered by many Americans. If he said he didn’t trust Operation Warp Speed and the resulting vaccines, many Americans followed his lead.

Hence lotteries and cash incentives to take the vaccine, as the carrot. Now the stick of getting vaxxed or being fired. This is the approach hospitals and businesses are taking. For a vaccine that works, Americans should be eager to receive it. Yet only half of American adults have been fully vaccinated.

It’s not, as the media likes to claim, that only MAGA country is unvaccinated. For example, Georgia, which voted for Biden over Trump, and elected two Democrat senators, ranks 45th in vaccination, with only 38 percent of its population vaccinated, far below the national average. Bronx and Brooklyn, hardly Trump country, are only 45 and 48 percent respectively, fully vaccinated, below the national average.

If the vaccines work, why do we see headlines like this? “Tennessee experiences 27 deaths in more than 1,000 breakthrough cases among vaccinated individuals.” Or from a solid non-MAGA blue state, “49 people who were fully vaccinated have died of COVID in NJ.”  From the Washington Post, “Three fourths of those infected in Mass. outbreak were vaccinated.” Do the vaccines work or not? Or were the vaccine expectations overly optimistic?

Chinese coronavirus cases peaked in the U.S. in early January, before anyone was fully vaccinated, and have been declining since, until a recent uptick in positive tests. Cases in India peaked in early May and then precipitously dropped despite only 7 percent of the population being fully vaccinated. In these cases, the vaccine could not have been responsible for the declines.

Maybe it’s the COVID test. A positive test is not necessarily a case, particularly in those who are asymptomatic or immune from previous infection or vaccination. How did 9 New York Yankees test positive after being vaccinated? Or number one golfer in the world Jon Rahm, testing positive and being booted from the Olympics despite having had COVID and being vaccinated?

This is the same test that was “positive” when a goat and paw paw fruit were tested in Tanzania last year.

The question is not only whether the vaccines work but also if the testing works? It seems we really don’t know.

Does the CDC want to investigate any of these issues? It seems they do not, declining to investigate mild infections in vaccinated individuals. Wouldn’t be relevant, especially when the vaccines are not yet FDA-approved, and their real-world efficacy would be relevant to the FDA in making an approval decision?

Not looking for or recording breakthrough cases is a good way to not have any, but that’s not science. It’s like the old medical school axiom, “If you don’t take a temperature  you won’t find a fever.”

The clown show continues. Now the CDC wants vaccinated individuals to be tested after COVID exposure even without symptoms.  Exposure might mean a few viral fragments in your nose, and with a PCR test using a cycle threshold of 40 or higher, you will test positive. And be sent home from work or the Olympics. Even if you are not sick or contagious.

How many of us are carrying insignificant and irrelevant bits of all sorts of bacteria and viruses? So what? Should we all live in a bubble?

The Surgeon General thinks so. He is now, “recommending fully vaccinated people wear masks outdoors to protect the unvaccinated.” His predecessor, a year and a half ago, said the opposite, that the general public shouldn’t be buying or wearing masks. So, which is it? Have decades of infectious disease science changed in a year?

If masks are effective, then why the concern over who is vaccinated or not? Those vaccinated should be safe and don’t need to wear a mask to protect themselves. Those unvaccinated shouldn’t be at risk from the vaccinated if the vaccines work. Confused yet?

If the COVID test is accurate, why are previously infected and/or vaccinated testing positive, upending their lives and livelihoods? Does the test distinguish between the flu and COVID, as the CDC quietly acknowledged that current tests may not? This might explain the absence of influenza this past season as those with the flu may have been misdiagnosed as having COVID.

We now hear from the CDC, via leaked documents, from the administration with the “highest standards of transparency”, that the latest Greek letter variant, “spreads from fully vaccinated people at the same rate as unvaccinated people.” In other words, those getting vaccinated from the virus are still getting the virus. Meaning the touted vaccines are accomplishing what?

The Los Angeles Unified School District acknowledges that the vaccines accomplish little. They are mandating all students and employees, regardless of vaccination status, have a weekly COVID test. So why get vaccinated, especially for those who already have antibodies? Half of LA County residents may have already had COVID, providing better immunity than a vaccine.

Imagine if the Chinese coronavirus was treated sensibly as previous viral pandemics were, without faulty tests, mass testing of asymptomatic individuals, inflated case and death counts, media censorship of any challenge to establishment dogma, discounting the potential merits of safe therapeutics, all in favor of a vaccine that may not be working as advertised. What if herd immunity was considered the pathway forward rather than QAnon conspiracy theory? Was it ever about the virus or furthering a political agenda?

How Many Paradigm Shifts Should We Expect with COVID-19?

By J. Allen Cartwright

Thomas Kuhn, a renowned philosopher of science, suggested in his 1962 work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions that scientific progress advances through a series of revolutionary cycles.  In each cycle, a dominant scientific model (“Normal Science”) is widely accepted by consensus within the scientific community.  Anomalies that contradict the model may emerge, causing the model to “drift” away from scientific consensus.  When new observations severely contradict the existing model, the model undergoes a “crisis,” leading to the emergence of new models (“model revolution”).  A “paradigm shift” then occurs in which a competing model becomes dominant, and the cycle repeats over time.

The philosopher Imre Lakatos provided an important critique of the Kuhn Cycle in his 1970 paper “Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes.”  Lakatos described scientific progress as a series of competing research programs that each had a “hard core” of scientific theories that cannot be undermined.  As anomalous observations are made that threaten core theories, a “protective belt” of hypotheses are developed to accommodate new observations while preserving the core theories.  Ultimately, a dominant research program may be superseded by a competing research program that produces greater scientific progress.

The dangers of blind trust in scientific consensus and the relevance of scientific philosophy have become increasingly obvious during the public health failuressurrounding COVID-19.  Indeed, we have witnessed several examples of a Kuhn Cycle in just the past few months!  The clearest and most alarming example is the so-called “lab leak theory,” which opines that COVID-19 originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  Following the worldwide spread of COVID-19, the scientific community acted quickly to suppress any suggestion that COVID-19 emerged from a lab.  In fact, a March 7, 2020 letter was published in “to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin,” signed by 27 public health researchers.

In the context of the Kuhn Cycle, the “hard core” is the theory that COVID-19 “originated in wildlife.”  Opponents of the “lab leak” theory had a protective belt that even Lakatos couldn’t imagine: massive public censorship.  Indeed, on January 31, 2020, researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi, published an article entitled “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag” on the preprint server for biological science, bioRxiv.  The authors noted four unique insertions in the COVID-19 spike protein that were similar to other contagious viruses, particularly HIV, which strongly suggested that the virus had non-natural or “man-made” origins.  Notably, the publication was still awaiting peer review.

The outcry was swift.  Two days after publication, Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, dismissed the findings as “outlandish.”  The authors were forced to withdraw the article that same day.  Yet the paper caught the attention of Kelvin Droegemeier, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), who, in a February 6, 2020 letter to National Academy of Sciences president Dr. Marcia McNutt, requested an investigation into the origins of COVID-19, citing the retracted IIT study.

A response from the presidents of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine dismissed any suggestion that COVID-19 came from a lab as “misinformation” and asserted that the virus evolved naturally.  Meanwhile, social media giants Twitter and Facebook quickly banned posts advocating the “lab leak” theory.  Corporate media dismissed any evidence of possible man-made COVID-19 origins.  Scientists were afraid to defend the lab leak theory over political concerns.

Yet, as summarized in a bombshell report from Vanity Fair, there is rapidly growing evidence indicating that COVID-19 likely originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  In the face of this new evidence, we have seen a “drift” from the natural origin theory of COVID-19, and indeed one could certainly argue that we may even be at the “model crisis” or “model revolution” stages of the Kuhn Cycle.  The notion that the virus originated in a lab is receiving increasing support from our Intelligence Communitypublic health officialspoliticiansscientistsmedia, and even entertainment figures.  Many within the scientific community still resist the lab leak theory, with a May 27, 2021 Nature article moaning that “[a]llegations that COVID escaped from a Chinese lab make it harder for nations to collaborate on ending the pandemic — and fuel online bullying.”  Our media are still cranking out op-eds condemning the lab leak theory.  Perhaps, then, we have not yet reached a full-on “paradigm shift” in scientific consensus.  At the very least, however, a shift in consensus on political policy has been achieved, with bipartisan calls to hold China and the World Health Organization under greater scrutiny.

Other COVID-19-related issues have undergone changes in their own Kuhn Cycles.  As I have noted elsewhere, the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 has faced similar censorship, receiving derision from public health officialsscientific institutions, and the media alike.  Yet a recent (albeit not yet peer-reviewed) study from the Smith Center for Infectious Diseases and Urban Health in New Jersey indicates that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZM) used in tandem significantly improved the survival rate of COVID-19 patients on ventilators, consistent with other peer-reviewed studies that focused on the use of both drugs.  The “hard core” theory that hydroxychloroquine is harmful for COVID-19 patients, championed by an articlein The Lancet, has all ready been redacted (although subsequent papers continue to wrongly cite the disgraced study).  A “paradigm shift” in policy is unlikely, however, given that discussions about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine are still censored.

Similarly, public health officials advocated mask mandates for the majority of the pandemic, and again social media banned posts questioning the efficacy of mask-wearing.  Public shaming of those who refused to wear masks became commonplace, sometimes resulting in violence, despite the fact that there is no consensus that masks are significantly effective at preventing COVID-19.  In at least one case, a peer-reviewed article that found masks were not effective at preventing the virus was retracted, which is concerning due to how politically charged the issue has become.  A more damning scientific rebuke of masking policy appeared in a recent article (currently awaiting peer review) from the University of Louisville, which ultimately concluded that “[m]ask mandates and use are not associated with slower state-level COVID-19 spread during COVID-19 growth surges.”  In terms of the Kuhn Cycle, the model that masks effectively prevent COVID-19 may move from the “model drift” stage to the “model crisis” stage as masking policy faces increasing scrutiny.

And yes, even with vaccines, we have seen a shift in scientific and political consensus.  Vice President Kamala Harris recently urged everyone to vaccinate, particularly with the spread of the delta COVID-19 variant.  “You have the power to save your life,” she noted in her attempt to fight vaccine hesitancy.  Yet last fall, Harris emphatically stated in a CNN interview that, when it comes to becoming vaccinated, she “would not trust Donald Trump.”  Dr. Fauci poured cold water on vaccination last fall, suggesting that vaccines were “not going to eliminate the need to be prudent and careful with our public health measures.”  In other words, he eliminated a major incentive for vaccination (e.g. mask removal and an end to social distancing).  He indicated that he did not expect the vaccines to be highly effective, stating last August that “[t]he chances of it being 98% effective is not great, which means you must never abandon the public health approach.”  Multiple public health officials suggested that, under political pressure from then-president Donald Trump, the Food and Drug Administration would rush vaccine approval before ensuring its safety.  Fast-forward several months, and any questions about vaccine safety are censored, Dr. Fauci has described the vaccines as “highly efficacious,” public health officials are urging vaccination, and former Democratic vaccine skeptics such as Andrew Cuomo are now promoting the vaccine.

The ever-changing science surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic exposes the danger of blind “trust in the science.”  One year ago, few scientists would have suggested that COVID-19 originated in a lab, or that hydroxychloroquine may have therapeutic efficacy for COVID-19, or that masks did not effectively prevent the spread of the virus.  In a short period of time, all three theories are gaining traction and support.  Scientific innovations throughout history have reaped extraordinary benefits for all of humanity.  However, for our scientific institutions to maintain public trust, scientific ideas must be allowed to face public scrutiny free of censorship and weaponization; science cannot be used as a cudgel to silence dissenting opinions.  With scientific issues becoming increasingly politicized, it is crucial to understand how science works and evolves, and that science is fallible and prone to groupthink and non-scientific influences.

Berlin police use extreme violence against anti-jab protesters – one dead

More than a thousand people gathered in the German capital Berlin on Sunday. According to the organizers, the rally called for “freedom and the restoration of basic human rights” in the Corona crisis.

The Berlin police had previously announced that they would strictly enforce the ban on such gatherings. Violent confrontations between demonstrators and police broke out. Dozens of arrests have been made, but no details are known at this time. A demonstrator was thrown to the ground and arrested by the police. According to the police, he collapsed during the arrest and died a short time later in the hospital.

German mainstream media, including Focus Online, Spiegel and Berliner Morgenpost accused demonstrators of attacking the Berlin police. The taz wrote of a “few hundred” participants who were all “conspiracy theorists”.

But one witness reported that he personally saw, with the exception of one scene, non-violent demonstrators. Also, the fraudulent attempts to portray the participants in anti-Corona demos as right-wing radicals seemed completely absurd in view of the composition of the protests.

In many cases, the particularly brutal police operation led to the backlash from the crowd. The Berlin police were apparently overwhelmed by the crowd of demonstrators and could not manage to prevent the march.

The real scandal was the ban on the demonstration because only days ago, a legal Gay Pride march had been allowed by authorities.

Muslims in Germany sabotage Corona vaccinations – German government wants to lure sceptics to vaccination with free fried sausages, bacon and other non hallal treats

If the state Corona apostles and impostors for the complete vaccination would follow their own logic that the “vaccination objectors”, with their alleged refusal to show solidarity, bear a significant share of the responsibility when it comes to renewed dangerous “waves” (of which Karl “Long Covid” Lauterbach and other pandemic psychopaths are already passionately warning again): Then they would not be able to avoid blaming one main social group: The German Muslims. Because there are particularly many vaccination sceptics in their ranks.

If German Corona policy were to judge objectively and follow its own argumentation, it would be the second time in this pandemic that the pampered “German Umma”, i.e. the community of Muslims living here, has turned out to be the main driver and strongest problem factor in the pandemic:First, in the last winter wave, they contributed disproportionately to the occupancy of intensive care units (in many places they made up the majority there, regionally even up to 90 percent of all patients); and even if the claimed capacity overload later proved to be a falsehood on the part of interested intensive care and clinical circles, this phenomenon, which was even confirmed not publicly by Robert Koch Institute (RKI) head Wieler, was never dealt with.

And now it is again the Muslim counter-societies in the country that do not want to know anything about vaccination and keep the vaccination rate low (as I said, always from the government’s point of view and logic!). The extent to which mistrust and restraint prevail in this social milieu, especially in the mosque communities where attitudes to vaccination are divergent at best, was reported just last Friday by the newspaper “Berliner Morgenpost”. Even in the Islamic communities in the networks, many reject the injection. This is actually a welcome development, although it is probably less the result of an enlightened questioning of dogmas than of a causal concern that the vaccination might not be in conformity with the word of the Prophet.

So far, even campaigns by the federal government about the allegedly halal vaccines – also in the languages of origin of the Muslims who “belong to Germany” – have not been able to change this behaviour. Apart from such timid advertising campaigns, the government has not done much to address the far too weak compliance with Corona regulations among Muslim citizens. It certainly does not dare to take the (then probably racist/Islamophobic) step of openly addressing the problem.

So the cosmopolitan-Islamophile political milieu does not dare to challenge this taboo, which quickly affects the deeper problem of disintegrated parallel societies (which is just as deliberately denied) – just as it did not dare to challenge the demonstrable but hushed-up Mohammedan dominance in the occupancy of intensive care clinics in the spring. It is much more convenient to pass the buck to the potato Germans and their own retarded compatriots – and to come up with more and more bizarre “vaccination offers” and combined campaigns to lure those who have been living here for a long time to the injection needle….

And it is precisely here that the sausage for free has established itself as the ultimate gimmick, which is now handed out for vaccinations as naturally as the glass of orange juice for blood donations. Alternatively, there are burgers, ham or a hearty breakfast sandwich. Even top politicians and well-established candidates for the chancellorship have apparently completely lost their minds:

It is quite astonishing what the average German will do for a free piece of meat. In any case, the number of people who took part in vaccination campaigns exceeded all expectations of the pharmaceutical-political pied pipers.

With fried sausages and other non-halal offerings, however, the target group that is most reluctant to vaccinate is excluded. Does German policy accepting a particular threat to the Muslim population?

Florida Covid cases explode despite high vaccination rate

Vaccination has not helped the US state of Florida in the least. It is now one of four states that accounts for 40 percent of America’s total infections, according to White House Covid-19 coordinator Jeff Zients. In July, the Sunshine State recorded one out of every five new cases.

Data from USAFacts listed the 16 states where less than 50 percent of the total population have received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine as of July 25 – Florida is not one of them. Some 61 percent of the population in Florida is fully vaccinated, according to the Florida Department of Health.

The 10 states with the lowest vaccination rates in the US:

Mississippi (38.64 percent)
Idaho (40.74 percent)
Louisiana (40.97 percent)
Wyoming (41.17 percent)
Alabama (41.99 percent)
Tennessee (44.06 percent)
North Dakota (45.06 percent)
Georgia (45.08 percent)
Arkansas (45.48 percent)
West Virginia (45.90 percent)

Over the last seven days, Florida saw a 50 percent weekly increase in new cases, according to the Florida Department of Health despite their high vaccination rate.

“There is no higher risk area in the United States than we’re seeing here,” Florida International University infectious disease expert Dr. Aileen Marty told CBS Miami. “The numbers that we’re seeing are unbelievable, just unbelievably frightening.”

When Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and professor, warned that the injections were triggering a phenomenon known as “antibody-dependent enhancement,” or ADE, effectively spreading the Coronavirus, he was dismissed as a conspiracy theorist.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that the vaccinated spread the disease. In areas with substantial and high transmission, vaccinated people should mask up to “help prevent the spread of the Delta variant and protect others” said CDC head Rochelle Walensky. “New science” prompted the CDC to change its mask guidelines once again at the end of last month.

In May the CDC said that vaccinated people do not need to wear masks, alleging that the vaccinated could not transmit the virus to others. Walensky now blames the “Delta variant”. But Robert Malone, the inventor of RNA biotechnology, cited Israeli data showing that the waning effectiveness of the jabs was responsible for the increase in cases. Malone also pointed out that “clinical trials were not designed to detect ADE, despite it being a major risk for Corona vax development”.

According to Malone, the FDA has specifically acknowledged that ADE was a risk, and suggested that focused trials were warranted – but curiously the FDA did not require them.