A new trend on the video platform TikTok aims to make the headscarf attractive to girls in Germany and Austria

The girls are told they look much prettier now – Screenshot @hijabiofficial

A new trend on the video platform TikTok is meant to make the headscarf attractive to girls in Germany and Austria. For this, young women are “restyled” with a hijab in a pedestrian zone. The videos are very popular in radical Muslim circles.

Currently, videos titled “Hijab Transformation” are storming the TikTok charts and are being seen and shared by hundreds of thousands – but the message is questionable. The short clips, which at least at first glance appear to be advertisements for a Frankfurt-based dealer in hijabs, are also being circulated eagerly in radical Muslim circles.

They always follow the same pattern: a friendly voice approaches young, usually lightly dressed women on the street and asks if they would like to try out a headscarf. And then the ” hijab transformation” starts in the style of a before-and-after styling show. Afterwards, the young women look at the result in the mirror with great enthusiasm. Not only their hair is covered, but also their shoulders and décolleté. They are assured how well the hijab would look on them. And in the comments, hundreds of male users confirm how “much prettier” the girls look after the transformation.

The clips are shared thousands of times and have even conquered the TikTok charts. But this content is also spread by supporters of political Islam, along with the message that the young women are now much more attractive to men: “Wallah so pretty”, the comments echo in many languages.

It is doubtful that the videos are all authentic. Rather, the scenes seem staged, which is not unusual on TikTok. The problem is that the platform is particularly popular with children and young people who have not yet acquired sufficient media competence to be able to judge content for its authenticity.

Like no other religious community in the German-speaking world, Islam has understood how to recruit followers on TikTok. In addition to completely innocuous videos that simply educate people about the Muslim faith, more radical content can also be found there time and again – but they are presented in a way that appeals to young people. For example, teenagers tell how they have found a supposedly better life thanks to the Koran. Videos often pop up in the charts that address the issue of forced marriage – and do so favourably.

Many parents are not familiar with TikTok and do not know exactly what content their children watch there. As a rule, “trending videos” with many positive reactions are recommended, including the “Hijab Transformation” clips. In plain language, this means that the children come into contact with the content by chance.

Last year, TikTok was the most downloaded app worldwide. It is believed to have more than one billion users worldwide.


Taharrush in Witten, Germany: “Yallah, yallah” – group of Arabs try to rape woman

On Friday, 13 August, at around 00:30, a young female pedestrian was assaulted at the street Dortmunder Straße in Witten.

According to her own statements, the woman from Witten was on her way to a petrol station. Near the gravel car park, the woman encountered a group of four to five males.

The young men grabbed the Witten woman by the arms, pushed her into the car park and pulled at her clothes.

When a truck drove into the car park, the group let go of the victim and fled with the words “Yallah, yallah” along the footpath in the direction of the “Wittener WerkStadt”.

A short time later, the woman, who did not suffer any physical injuries, reported to the police.

Two of the men dressed in dark clothes wore beards, one of them had an upper lip and thin chin beard. One of the persons was dressed in a sporty cap, another is said to have been wearing dark shoes with white stripes running parallel to the sole.

The Bochum police department for sexual offences (KK 12) is asking for information by calling 0234 / 909-4120 or 0234 / 909-4441 (police station). In particular, the driver of the truck is urgently asked to contact the police.


Allahu Akbar: Paty/Westergaard commemoration rally in Cologne banned because it is allegedly a “serious provocation of the Islamic world”

Wrong place, missed the point. In Cologne, a demonstration in front of the Ditib mosque was banned. A private citizen wanted to commemorate the Islam victims Kurt Westergaard and Samuel Paty. For the police, this is a “serious provocation”.

Apparently, the right to demonstrate is no longer worth protecting for the Cologne police. They are caving in and see the demonstration registered by a private citizen as a “serious provocation of the Islamic world”.

The organiser wanted to hold his rally parallel to the Islamic Friday prayer in front of the Ditib mosque and wanted to commemorate the French teacher Samuel Paty and the Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.Apparently, the alarm bells were sounding at the police station. It was to be expected that Mohamed caricatures would also be shown, they said, justifying their ban in advance. A violent backlash was expected. This suspicion could not be refuted by the person organising the demonstration, according to public radio station Deutschlandfunk.

The private citizen wanted the event to commemorate, among others, the 48-year-old French teacher Samuel Paty, who had been beheaded in the afternoon of October 16 last year near his middle school located in a Paris suburb.

Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard was also a victim of Islam believers after the publication of his legendary cartoon showing Mohammed with a bomb in his turban. Violent Muslim protests broke out worldwide over his and other “blasphemous” depictions of the prophet.

In mid-July, the Danish cartoonist Westergaard died at the age of 86. Kurt Westergaard lived under police protection for a long time. Three bodyguards accompanied him at every turn. Nevertheless, an assassin managed to break into the house of the cartoonist and former teacher of German language with an axe in 2010. Westergaard, who worked for the Danish newspaper “Jyllands-Posten” until the end, only narrowly escaped the attack. Only a few months later he decided to retire from cartooning for reasons of age.

Westergaard has never regretted his cartoons – nor has he apologised: “I did nothing wrong, I kept to what applies in Denmark. Here we have the right to vote, to express one’s opinion and to demonstrate,” he explained again and again.


Afghan asylum seeker tries to push 12-year-old German girl in front of an arriving train because she was laughing

The girls were in mortal fear.

Charges were brought against the Afghan (30), who had violently attacked two girlfriends (12, 13) at the Schwerin-Mitte bus stop on May 14 – for assault, coercion and damage to property.

“However, the first charge of attempted manslaughter was dropped,” said public prosecutor Jörg Ebert. The intention to kill could not be proven. However, there is still a risk of absconding, so the suspect remains in custody.

The asylum seeker – with a temporary residence permit and no permanent address – told investigators that he had felt taunted by the two girls and had therefore “wanted to scare them”.

According to the public prosecutor, however, nothing is known about a serious insult having occurred before. Apparently, the Afghan was angered by a whisper, a laugh or certain looks.

The Afghan had pulled the 12-year-old girl from the station bench over a security line on the platform in the direction of a passing goods train. The girl was able to fight back with the help of her friend and eventually free herself. The schoolgirl was injured in the process, suffering abrasions. Her jacket and trousers were torn during the struggle.

A witness immediately called the police. The Afghan was then arrested near the crime scene.


Aid workers warn that three million Afghans could flee to Europe

The German aid worker Sybille Schnehage, in an interview with German site WSR, warned that three million Afghans were about to flee to Europe. The security situation in Afghanistan has sparked an exodus as a result of a ruinous US foreign policy. And thanks to NATO’s involvement, Europeans will have to endure the consequences of masses of ill-adapted young Afghans flocking to Europe.

Schnehage has worked with humanitarian aid in Afghanistan since the 1980s, and in 1994 founded the organization Katachel, which, among other things, has helped establish 31 schools in Afghanistan.

“One can assume that up to three million Afghans will come to Europe within the foreseeable future,” Schnehage told German regional broadcaster WDR. “I always ask people: ‘Why won’t you go to Saudi Arabia, where there are Muslims; it is your culture.’ The answer is always, ‘No, Germany is better.’”

“Yes, we absolutely must help Afghans build a future in the countryside. If not, the consequences for Germany and Europe are predictable,” says Schnehage.

In the interview, Schnehage also said that lawlessness was a bigger problem for the Afghan people than the Taliban, and that aid organizations like hers could work with the Taliban in the areas where they hold power.

“I have operated girls’ schools under Taliban rule. The foremost problem has always been security. How do we get girls to school unharmed? In the Afghan countryside, there are many young men without work who cannot afford to buy a wife. It costs at least €5000.

“Because of this, girls are often kidnapped, including on the way to school. The Taliban say that girls must be safe. If we can guarantee that they can get to school safely, they have no problem with guaranteed education, up to about the 6th grade,” Schnehage concluded.

After the announcement of the withdrawal of American troops, the Taliban launched a rapid attack on the positions of the US-supported Afghan army. In the past week they were able to take the capitals of 16 provinces. Last Thursday, the Taliban brought Kandahar and Herat, the second largest and third largest cities, respectively, under their control.

France, Germany, and the Netherlands have meanwhile suspended deportations of Afghan migrants from their soil. Two days earlier, however, together with Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Greece, these EU countries had demanded that the European Commission allow deportations. In a letter to the EU executive, they said that stopping deportations would “send the wrong signal and is likely to motivate even more Afghan citizens to leave their home for the EU”.

Denmark as well as Spain have since stated their responsibility to help the Afghans who are now threatened due to their connection with the EU’s involvement in Afghanistan. And Afghans who worked with the British military will be offered relocation to the UK, the government announced. This move is expected to facilitate the relocation of thousands more.

“The US spent over $2 trillion on the war and $143 billion propping up Afghanistan’s puppet government over nearly 20 years only to see it all fall in a matter of days with little resistance,” blogger Chris Menahan pointed out.

The Chancellor candidate of the Greens in Germany, Annalena Baerbock, unsurprisingly called on the EU to make arrangements for the admission of a flood of migrants from Afghanistan. The same mistake should not be made as in the Syria conflict, when the EU was unprepared for the wave of migrants, she said.

Europeans must prepare “to join forces with the European countries that want to, and above all with the Americans and Canadians, so that we can agree on clear quota rules together,” Baerbock told Deutschlandfunk.

At the same time, the federal government and NATO member states should remain in contact with the Afghan government to see how they can be supported on the ground. The task now is to do what “was fatally not done in Syria,” warned the Green politician.

The Afghan local staff who had been in German service in the past, should be brought to Germany with an airlift. “These people are now in these hours, in the days, threatened with their life, because they are considered traitors, because they have worked with the NATO troops, with our Bundeswehr. The crisis is now about saving human lives”.

“And that’s why the most important thing for me now is to get these people out of there so that we can guarantee them a life at all.”

The UNCHR has urged countries to keep their borders open, despite rumours of a “fourth wave” of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Why all the ‘climate crisis’ mumbo-jumbo doesn’t add up

By Mark C. Ross

Fear is a great motivator, but it comes with a catch.  It tends to inhibit good decision-making.  Demagogues love it because it works so well.  Right now, the Northern Hemisphere is having serious heat waves in many locations.  Oy, vey!  But wait…let me look at this here calendar.  Oh, gee — it’s the middle of August.  Just a coincidence, I guess.

We used to learn in school that there were these things called ice ages.  The last one, the Pleistocene, ended about 10,000 years ago, and it lasted only about 2.5 million years, give or take.  At its peak, 30% of the Earth’s surface was covered with ice.  The oceans were way lower, too. 

The jury is still out on why ice ages happen and why they end.  Back in the 1970s, it was established that the sun goes through a 22-year intensity cycle…sort of.  The hockey stick guy, Michael Mann, wrote an article for Scientific American explaining that his bungled warming prediction was the result of forgetting to include the solar cycle in the data used for his computer model.  I commented online that that was a pretty amateurish mistake for someone who gets paid to be a scientist.  They then yanked my commenting privilege, thus demonstrating the corruption of science by politics.  I didn’t renew my subscription after having one for 30 years, and they spent a bunch of money junk-mailing me to send them the next check.

There’s also this pesky thing called tectonics, in which the Earth’s land masses move around slowly, sometimes bumping into each other, causing large-scale buckling such as the Himalayas.  One of the tip-offs for the establishment of this concept is the uncanny way that South America fits right into the west coast of Africa, just like a part of a giant jigsaw puzzle.

Somehow, it seems, change is now a bad thing, although it’s always been inevitable.  Oh, yeah — there are the demagogues and engineered ignorance, courtesy of your local union-thug teachers.

“Atmospheric heat trapping” is scary stuff, right?  If it didn’t happen, however, everything would freeze solid every night, just as it does on the dark side of the moon.  How exactly does carbon dioxide trap heat?  I’ve been told of some kind of molecular mumbo-jumbo, which doesn’t exactly add up.  The warmest part of the spectrum is the infrared.  And yet, sunsets and sunrises appear red because sunlight has the greatest distance to travel through the atmosphere to reach the observer.  The other components of the spectrum are filtered out, leaving the red to penetrate the farthest.

Carbon dioxide is at about 0.04% concentration in the atmosphere.  If you had a bottle that held 250,000 molecules of air, on average, only one of them would be CO2.  About 70,000 would be oxygen.  Yes, burning fossil fuels such as coal or gasoline releases CO2 into the atmosphere.  But where did the carbon in the fossil fuels come from in the first place?  (You’d better be sitting down for this.)  It was extracted from the very same atmosphere by plants doing photosynthesis many years before.  For plants to thrive, they need CO2 in the air and water around them.  During that process, they produce oxygen, which I’ve been told can come in handy.

Nowadays, practically every newsworthy weather event is attributed by the corrupt media to human-caused climate change.  At the end of 2004, Michael Crichton published State of Fear, in which he described this whole process of making ordinary weather appear to be an apocalyptic catastrophe.  In his epilogue, he pointed out that a century before, eugenics was the sexy new fad that was sweeping the intelligentsia.  Margaret Sanger and Adolf Hitler were two of the more prominent adherents of that hoax.  Prior to that, phrenology was all the rage.

Civilization has no perfect immunity to goofball nonsense.  But “herd” immunity is always within reach.


Once again, husbands make death threats against women refugees in Berlin, Germany

According to information from the Tagesspiegel newspaper, there were again death threats against women in Berlin on Thursday and two days before, presumably in connection with an allegedly violated sense of honour. On Thursday, an Afghan man allegedly threatened his wife, who was living separately from him, that he would kill her.

He tried to enter the shared accommodation in an eastern district where the woman, a native of Iran, is currently living. However, security personnel prevented this. Before the police arrived, the man fled. He was reported to the police.
According to information from the Tagesspiegel, he had already threatened his wife with murder by telephone via a family member a few days earlier. At that time he was still abroad.

The man is said to have threatened to kill the woman several times before. The police confirmed a deployment at the accommodation because of the threat of domestic violence.

The Afghan and the Iranian woman had previously lived in a flat in a shared accommodation. After they separated three years ago, the woman moved into her own flat within the facility.

Two days earlier, according to information from the Tagesspiegel, a refugee from an Eastern European country had threatened by telephone to murder his former wife and her two daughters, who live in a shared accommodation. The man wanted to show up at the accommodation, but did not come.Die Frau hatte sich an die Heimleitung gewandt, für sie wird eine sichere Unterkunft gesucht. Die Frau hatte sich von dem Mann vor einiger Zeit getrennt. Er soll sie früher körperlich massiv attackiert haben. Auch gegen ihn läuft eine Anzeige. 
