Once again, husbands make death threats against women refugees in Berlin, Germany

According to information from the Tagesspiegel newspaper, there were again death threats against women in Berlin on Thursday and two days before, presumably in connection with an allegedly violated sense of honour. On Thursday, an Afghan man allegedly threatened his wife, who was living separately from him, that he would kill her.

He tried to enter the shared accommodation in an eastern district where the woman, a native of Iran, is currently living. However, security personnel prevented this. Before the police arrived, the man fled. He was reported to the police.
According to information from the Tagesspiegel, he had already threatened his wife with murder by telephone via a family member a few days earlier. At that time he was still abroad.

The man is said to have threatened to kill the woman several times before. The police confirmed a deployment at the accommodation because of the threat of domestic violence.

The Afghan and the Iranian woman had previously lived in a flat in a shared accommodation. After they separated three years ago, the woman moved into her own flat within the facility.

Two days earlier, according to information from the Tagesspiegel, a refugee from an Eastern European country had threatened by telephone to murder his former wife and her two daughters, who live in a shared accommodation. The man wanted to show up at the accommodation, but did not come.Die Frau hatte sich an die Heimleitung gewandt, für sie wird eine sichere Unterkunft gesucht. Die Frau hatte sich von dem Mann vor einiger Zeit getrennt. Er soll sie früher körperlich massiv attackiert haben. Auch gegen ihn läuft eine Anzeige. 
