CIA bribed pro-American Afghan warlords with Viagra to rape boys

The Taliban gained ground in Afghanistan by exposing male rape and pedophilia, rife among pro-American Afghans. “Honey traps” were set up by boys sent in by Taliban commanders to kill Afghan policemen.

AFP reported on how many crippling insider attacks on police in southern Afghanistan were mounted successfully by exploiting the pervasive practice of bacha bazi. These young spies infiltrated security forces linked to the US side and killed several high-ranking officials.

The rape of boys is prevalent across Afghanistan, especially in the province of Uruzgan, where “boys without beards” are objects of lust for powerful police commanders. In less than two years, at least six attacks were launched, killing hundreds of policemen, according to security and judicial officials in the province.

“The Taliban are sending boys — beautiful boys, handsome boys — to penetrate checkpoints and kill, drug and poison policemen,” confirmed Uruzgan’s police chief but he was soon removed “in a security reshuffle” for speaking the truth. “They have figured out the biggest weakness of police forces — bacha bazi,” he told AFP.

In 2019, a US-supported paedophile ring involved in the abuse of at least 546 boys from six schools was uncovered in Afghanistan’s Logar province. Those who had tried to speak out, were murdered according to the campaigners who first discovered videos of abuse posted to a Facebook page.

Tablet Mag has now reported on how these aging warlords maintained their taste for boys: “The reality is that America lost its war in Afghanistan more than a decade ago, roughly around the time when CIA officers began bribing aging warlords with Viagra. The Americans knew all about the young boys the tribal leaders kept in their camps; because the sex drug helped Afghan elders rape more boys more often, they were beholden to America’s clandestine service.”

The father of an American soldier killed in Afghanistan had described to the New York Times how his son could hear Afghan police officers sexually abusing boys they had brought to the base.

The Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley recounted the conversation with his son. His son told him: “At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it.”  The son was shot to death at the base in 2012 after he was urged by his dad to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”

Former Canadian soldier Tyrel Braaten said that during his tour of duty in Afghanistan in 2006, he also witnessed Afghan interpreters bringing young boys inside buildings at Forward Operating Base Wilson, a remote Canadian base outside Kandahar. The boys were then sodomized by the interpreters and Afghan soldiers, Braaten said. Other Canadian soldiers have also complained to chaplains and military medical personnel that officers told them not to get involved because the sodomy was tantamount to “cultural differences”, suggesting that this human right abuse was wide-spread and known to the “values-based” and “democracy-exporting” US-led mission.

Similarly, British forces were advised by a military study that paedophilia was widespread and culturally accepted in southern Afghanistan. Older, powerful men boosted their social status by raping boys, Fox News reported in 2010.

Patricia Gossman, associate Asia director at Human Rights Watchconfirmedthat powerful pro-American Afghans had been dabbling in this perversion: “There is impunity for child rape because very often the perpetrators are powerful men in the military, police, or other official institutions. Even though the practice has been criminalised, the law too often goes unenforced.”

These warlords quickly surrendered to the Taliban, suggesting that the CIA’s method of â€œwinning hearts and minds” was once again quite shortsighted.

The latest demand by EU Interior Commissioner Ylva Johansson for “legal and safe escape routes” for Afghans fleeing from the Taliban has irked at least Vienna. As the Oberösterreichische Nachrichten (OÖN) reported, Austrian Minister Nehammer has now demanded “clarification” from the politician and spoke of a “wrong signal” by Johansson. In 2015 and 2016 in particular, the mainstream media presented almost only women and children fleeing, although between 80 and 90 percent of male “asylum seekers” flooded into Germany. This time too, mostly men are fleeing the country.

Germany funded mosque in Afghanistan that became hotbed of radicalism

Germany provided funding for a mosque to be constructed in Afghanistan, which later served as a home of radical Islam and anti-Western sentiment, according to Rolf Tophoven, a German terrorism expert, who spoke to Focus weekly.

“A mosque was built in an Afghan village for German money that came from the [German] Foreign Ministry. It was later discovered that the most was speaking out against the West, and the site became a hotspot of Islamist propaganda. It was soon discovered that the ministries involved in the operation in Afghanistan did not communicate with each other. There was no coordination, no focal point. Everyone had their own projects,” he added.

According to him, the mosque serves as an example of how good intentions often had unintended consequences due to the West’s ignorance. He said that perhaps the biggest failing of the West is that it did not fully understand Afghanistan and quickly tried to install democracy there, which turned out to be a fatal mistake.

“Western politicians have never understood the country. For them, it was just a task in a vast, distant land. In a hurry, they wanted to establish democracy and human rights there. The mentality of the Afghans was not understood,” said Tophoven.

“Western values ​​cannot simply be imposed on a country like Afghanistan, and it is certainly not possible to build democracy overnight. It was a fatal misjudgment,” he added.

Why did Afghanistan fall so quickly?

Tophoven said there are several reasons why the Afghan government has surrendered to the Taliban so quickly despite training from Western allies.

“They were badly motivated and didn’t have the will to fight,” says Tophoven.

The army was ethnically mixed. Many soldiers were deployed far from their families and lacked family ties, which undermined morale.

They often did not receive a salary, and the “corrupt clique of army officials” did not care about the fate of the soldiers.

“Despite the training, the Afghan soldiers did not have the ability to fight operationally. They relied on the US, especially for air operations,” Tophoven noted.

In addition, according to him, the Taliban changed and improved combat tactics.

“After the Taliban lost its last base in Afghanistan in October 2001, it switched to guerrilla warfare tactics,” he pointed out.

According to him, a new generation of fighters has grown up, which has studied the guerrilla warfare of small wars of the US army.

“Small flexible cells with a very flat hierarchy have been created all over the country. The goal was to undermine the morale of the Western ‘occupying forces’ and strike at the national level, ” Tophoven explained.

“The guerrilla war has become more massive and professional and could not be won by conventional military means,” he added.

The total lack of coordination and communication in helping this country was also a problem.

The rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan and its future role regarding international terrorism is still largely unknown. The question is whether Afghanistan will become a terrorist hotbed, as it was before 2001.

Dutch banks deny vaccine skeptics a platform to counter ‘conspiracy theories’

In The Netherlands, banks and payment services will be blocking the accounts of organizations they believe spread “misinformation” about Covid vaccines. Over the past months at least eight online sites were either listed as deferred or simply had their accounts closed.

Dutch outlet NRC conducted its own research on the money flows from anti-vaccine organizations, also regarding the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act, according to the newspaper. The measure was taken to combat “extremism” and “dangerous” messaging. The financial service providers refusing these clients include the ING, Triodos Bank, Rabobank and payment platform Mollie.

A Rabobank spokesperson confirmed to NRC that it no longer accepted customers who spread “conspiracy theories and other proven disinformation” because the bank considers their actions “harmful”.

Anti-vaccine Dutch evangelist Jaap Dieleman saw his payment account with Mollie discontinued in February. Dieleman reaches millions of Dutch households. According to Mollie, Dieleman’s stance against getting vaccinated “do not fit with Mollie’s business operations”. Mollie also banned CafĂ© Weltschmerz, a popular YouTube channel that has called the Coronavirus narrative a conspiracy.

Other service providers have refused to open accounts for prospective anti-vaccine clients. Triodos bank has refused to allow action group Viruswaarheid as a customer, since the group “called for confrontations that are at odds with our values”. NRC quoted from the refusal email the bank had sent to Viruswaarheid.

ING had previously suspended the Viruswaarheid account of Covid critic Willem Engel, but a court had ruled that there had been no concrete evidence of money laundering or other criminal activities. In addition, the foundation’s interests – which had been threatened by the lack of access to funding – outweighed that of the bank, the court said, ordering ING to allow Engel access to the account – but only for four months.

Engel started Viruswaanzin [virus madness] in May 2020 after his business was shut down due to Corona measures. It was later renamed Viruswaarheid. Engel maintains that corruption in the government has ruined many people, and that the number of deaths from Covid-19 are on par with those during a normal flu season. In early 2021 he launched a court case to challenge the curfew that had been decreed by the Dutch government, and the court found that he was right to the extent that there had been insufficient legal justification for the government’s curfew.

The government appealed the ruling which had been in Engel’s favour and with a sped-up procedure passed a law that provided the legal fig-leaf for their illegal measure. The amendment was accepted by the House of Representatives on 18 February 2021, and by the Senate on the next day, the same day on which appeal was going to be heard by a higher court – which then nullified the lower court’s judgment.

Publisher De Blauwe Tijger also saw its services suspended with ING after anti-terrorism coordinator NCTV labeled it “a conduit for anti-government propaganda, fake news and conspiracy theories”. The publisher translated Camp of the Saints, a dystopian novel on mass immigration by Jean Raspail in 2016 after a Belgian edition appeared in 2015 by the publishing house Egmont, which is affiliated with Vlaams Belang.

Without a bank account, many platforms can no longer receive donations, which is often their only source of income. Other financial transactions also become impossible, which could mean the end of the organization.

ING’s fervour may be because of a settlement that it had reached for hundreds of millions with the judiciary because of criminal money transfers, ensuring that banks have started to shy away from “risky” customers. That now includes “conspiracy theorists”.

After the account of CafĂ© Weltschmerz was closed down by Mollie in mid-April, a similar channel Blckbx was put on hold. A Mollie employee told Blckbx that the move may be the result of criticism of government policy. Only when Blckbxpublished the telephone conversation with the employee online, an apology followed. Mollie now claims it made an “administrative error” and would still accept Blckbx as a customer, according to a spokesperson.

“We had been a customer of Mollie’s for several months. Suddenly we received an email that they were unilaterally canceling the agreement,” Flavio Pasquino of Blckbx explainedBlckbx receives donations through Mollie. “That’s not just an intervention. Donations are our most important cash flow. They basically flattened the lifeline.”

When Pasquino called Mollie to object, he was told that his critical attitude to government policy was a reason. The same day, the decision was reversed and another Mollie employee apologized. Pasquino published the phone calls online. “You see that these types of companies also have to deal with polarization internally,” he said.

Mollie founder Adriaan Mol says that there is no policy to “repel or close customers because of the customer’s opinion”. “That has never been the case. An employee may have said something different, but that is only one employee.”

CafĂ© Weltschmerz meanwhile has teamed up with another payment service. “We have an excellent relationship with our bank Triodos,” said Steven Lenderink, Weltschmerz’s financial manager – even though Trodios had banned Engel.

“Pure discrimination against dissenters,” Jaap Dieleman told NRC. In February, after the evangelist from Zeewolde distributed the magazine Eyeopener to millions of readers, payment service Mollie, which processes his donations, cancelled his account.

The same happened to the collective Artsen voor Waarheid [Doctors for Truth] run by Elke de Klerk, after the group sent a letter to all general practitioners warning them that they themselves were going to be held liable for the side effects of Covid-19 vaccines. Ali Niknam, a Canadian born in Iran, and founder and CEO of Bunq Bank, initially did not want to respond to the account closure of the medical collective, only stating that his bank wanted to comply with “the law”.

The account had been in De Klerk’s name, according to Niknam. “In general we don’t allow it to use a personal account for business purposes.” According to Niknam, this is done to prevent money laundering. Since the cancellation of the account, the collective has asked for donations via a foreign account and Bitcoin.

Financial service providers have thus actively been banning internet channels questioning the vaccine drive.

Department of Counter Terrorism Finance

Rabobank seems to be most over-zealous in closing down dissenters. The bank has a Counter Terrorism Finance department that actually investigates Corona “conspiracy theorists”. This was revealed from an internal message for bank employees entitled “How does Rabo arm itself against dangerous conspiracy theories and extremism?”

“Some of the extremists can already be prosecuted. That is usually the smallest group consisting of diehard radicals,” noted the bank. Reference is made to public attacks with fireworks bombs. “But there is a larger club that spreads the ideas and thus makes radical actions possible. 
What do we do with that?”, the bank wondered. They provided the answer in the same document: “Rabobank does not facilitate initiatives that actively spread conspiracy theories and other proven disinformation.” It even concerns customers who do not cross the line from a legal point of view: “We mainly focus on the activists, because the radicals can already be tackled via the Wwft [law against money laundering and terrorism, ed.].”

Afraid of negative publicity

The banks often spring into action after organizations become public targets of smear campaigns. Can banks simply cancel an account because of conspiracy thinking? No, says Yvonne Willemsen, head of security affairs at the Dutch Banking Association. “You can keep out new customers, but if you want to close an existing account, you have to arrive with good documentation, especially in court.” According to Willemsen, banks are wary of negative publicity. “If the media or the NCTV warn about corona extremists, banks will look at it very seriously. They include such a signal in their risk assessment of a customer.”

Banks more often go too far when canceling bank accounts of customers with a controversial profile, Gijs Bronzwaer, PhD student in criminal law at Radboud University in Nijmegen, told NRC. “They sometimes use anti-money laundering and terrorist financing legislation as an excuse to cancel certain customers when the law is not intended for that purpose.” According to Bronzwaer, financial institutions can draw up acceptance criteria on the basis of which customers are excluded. “For example, Triodos refused sex workers’ association Proud in 2015 because that organization would be incompatible with the bank’s mission.”

However, according to Bronzwaer, cancelling a bank account is more difficult. “There must be a valid reason for the termination of the relationship. The mere fact that someone is interpreting conspiracy theories does not seem to me to be sufficient grounds for closing an account. The bank will then have to demonstrate that its reputation is really at stake at the hands of the customer. Especially if such a customer cannot go to other banks.”

“Bacha bazi”, a paedophile custom suppressed by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Soon also in Europe?

Heavily suppressed under the Taliban, the custom of “bacha bazi” (“playing with boys”) spread explosively in Afghanistan when the Americans drove them out.

Today, with the Americans back at work and the European left scrambling to welcome a new wave of migrants to Europe (after the Afghans, Syrians, Africans
), we should focus on a custom that is not really compatible with our European civilisational values, but which has already done some damage, including in Brittany.

Bacha bazi, which literally means “playing with children” in Iranian-Persian and “playing with boys” in Afghan-Persian, is a form of sexual slavery in the form of prostitution of prepubescent boys and teenagers who are sold to rich or powerful men and usually married off to serve as dancers in shows offered to their spouses or to dance at wedding ceremonies, with the men always strictly separated from the women who stay in other rooms.

These boys also have to satisfy the sexual needs of their master. This custom flourishes in Afghanistan, where many men own them as a status symbol. Some of the young people involved report forced sex (rape).

The Swiss newspaper Le Temps explains:

“The Taliban strictly condemned ‘bacha bazi’ as all forms of sodomy. And when they came to power in 1996, they tried to eradicate the practice in Afghanistan by relentlessly prosecuting paedophiles and sentencing them to a punishment as severe as it is curious, originating somewhere in Muslim tradition: burial by means of earth masses (
) The American invasion at the end of 2001 immediately revived the practice (
) Men accompanied by their young lovers have also resurfaced.” Fifteen years later, there are countless officers and warlords practising “bacha bazi”. In the Pashtun province of Uruzgan, “at almost all of the 370 police checkpoints and posts [
] there is at least one young sex slave, sometimes up to four,” according to AFP research. This outbreak of paedophilia has horrified many in the US military. A soldier named Gregory Buckley told his father in 2012 in disgust that he could hear from his bed Afghan police officers abusing boys.”

No humanitarian worker, no NGO and no politician responsible for the safety of Europeans can promise and guarantee that tomorrow, when they take in thousands of Afghans who are officially “refugees” and “fleeing the Taliban” (one wonders how they will check the veracity of the facts), this practice will not invade our soil and claim victims among our native population as well. However, the years of abuse of white women (rape and prostitution) in the UK by Pakistani gangs – whose customs are sometimes similar to those of certain Afghan tribes – should by definition force our leaders to take a cautious approach and close our borders completely.

What happens in Afghanistan is not our business!

Scandal in Austria: One of the Afghan rapists and murderers of 13-year-old Leonie should still have been in prison

Drugged, raped, strangled, dumped like rubbish. These were the last moments in the life of young Leonie (13 years old).

The crime at the end of June this year was a shock almost for the entire country of Austria and also caused outrage beyond its borders.

It quickly became clear to the investigators who had inflicted the ordeal on the girl: four Afghans between the ages of 16 and 22. At least two of them have relevant criminal records, and one of them should have been deported from Austria in 2018. But this did not happen. All four men are in custody pending trial.

Now it turns out: One of the suspects should have been in prison at the time of the crime!

Sahel S. (23), who is said to have procured the drugs on the night of the crime, was given a two-year prison sentence by the regional court in St.Pölten in May 2020.

As the internet portal oe24 reports, the refugee was convicted of assault, aggravated coercion and sexual assault of a woman who is still traumatised by this.

Unbelievable: S. only had to serve a quarter of the sentence and was already out on parole after half a year!

After S. was released from prison in November 2020, he consistently blocked a probation officer who wanted to contact him, did not keep appointments. Because S. did not fulfil this important condition, his parole was revoked again – but he was not arrested until the night of the crime.

This was the only reason why Sahel S. was at large on the night of the crime and could commit the horrible crime!

According to media reports, the Afghan has been brazenly trying to deny guilt for weeks. According to oe24, S. initially claimed that he had only procured the drugs, but had never been at the scene of the crime. However, video recordings are said to show S. driving an e-scooter to the scene of the crime at the time in question, and all four suspects incriminate each other. According to this, the dealer S. also raped the girl.,view=amp.bildMobile.html

German feminist Alice Schwarzer demands with regard to Afghanistan: “Only accept women and children as refugees in Germany now!”

The feminist Alice Schwarzer demands: “Afghan terrorists will also be here very soon
 All the more reason to take in only women and children from Afghanistan now! The Afghan women
 are in the greatest need.”

“All those who are not on their knees, women as well as men, will now lose their lives or at least their freedom. But the first thing that will happen is that women and girls will be driven out of public; from schools and universities, from offices and from the streets. The rumour from Kabul is that the burqas are sold out.” This is what feminist Alice Schwarzer, founder and editor of the women’s magazine “Emma”, writes in an “Emma” commentary on the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. Twenty years later, Afghanistan is suffering the fate of Iraq, and the same mistakes have been made in both countries, wrote Schwarzer, bringing up the term “victims of Western arrogance”. In Afghanistan, the transparent pretext for the occupation was “to protect human rights, especially women’s rights (Hillary Clinton)”. In both cases, however, it was a matter of self-interest.”Afghan terrorists will be here very soon,” warned Schwarzer. They would mingle with the expected refugees “in a more targeted way than ever before. All the more reason to take in only women and children from Afghanistan now! Since Germany cannot give protection to all the people from the next wave of refugees anyway, it should limit itself to Afghan women. Because they are in the greatest need.”

Turkey’s Islamist Tyrant Demands Europe Take More Muslim Migrants

Erdogan, the butcher of Istanbul, finds Muslim migrants quite useful for blackmailing Europe. Now he’s at it again.

Faced with a potential new migration wave from Afghanistan, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on European nations Thursday to shoulder the responsibility for Afghans fleeing the Taliban and warned that his country won’t become Europe’s “refugee warehouse.”

In a televised address following a Cabinet meeting, Erdogan also said his government would “if necessary” engage in talks with a government that could be formed by the Taliban ” for the stability and security of this country.”

That’s Erdogan trying to make his embrace of the Taliban look like he’s trying to help Europe out.

“We need to remind our European friends of this fact: Europe — which has become the center of attraction for millions of people — cannot stay out of (the refugee) problem by harshly sealing its borders to protect the safety and well-being of its citizens,” Erdogan said.

Turkey has spent years building a border wall with Iran to “harshly” seal its borders. But no doubt that’s different.

A 243-kilometre (151-mile) concrete wall, topped with barbed wire and surrounded by trenches, is being erected along its 534-kilometre frontier with Iran.

Turkish officials told AFP that 156 kilometres have already been built, greatly limiting migrant flows.

It’s okay for Erdogan to try and bar entry for his fellow Muslim migranrs. But he’s demanding that Europe take them.

“Turkey has no duty, responsibility or obligation to be Europe’s refugee warehouse,” Erdogan said.

Europe has no responsibility or obligation to be Turkey’s refugee warehouse either.