The left-wing French intellectual Yascha Mounk calls for accepting the great ethnic replacement: “The only way to stop it would be a civil war or the expulsion of our fellow citizens”

Le Point: Instead of talking about ” great ethnic replacement “, a topic on everyone’s lips today, you prefer to talk about ” great experience “. Aren’t these two sides of the same phenomenon, one pessimistic, the other optimistic?

Yascha Mounk: The great exchange contains three ideas: that the ethnic diversity
of our societies will come to a bad end; that it is a conscious decision by the elites to eliminate the “ethnic” people; that it can be reversed if you change your policies. While the demographic change we are experiencing is a crucial challenge, its outcome can be positive if responded to appropriately. Second, the Great Experience is not a test on our population, but rather a process that has been set in motion since the 1950s without anyone making a conscious decision to do so.Thirdly, it is unrealistic to attempt to undo history.

Is this irreversible?

Our countries are already multi-ethnic. The only way to put an end to this movement would be extremely cruel: civil war or the expulsion of our compatriots. The big picture experiment is to realise, as we did after the French Revolution, that we don’t know exactly how it should work, but that it must work. The philosopher Pierre Manent has proposed in “Situation de la France” to make a treaty with French Muslims – a departure from the republican view.

Is this a way to make the great experience a success?

No. The idea that a citizen’s social status should depend on his or her ethnic origin or religious beliefs would amount to what the French are sometimes quick to point out: a betrayal of the values of the Republic. And if you look at history, conflicts do not become milder in societies where the civic status of individuals depends on their ethnic or religious background. We have seen what this has led to in Lebanon. Not least because it makes permanent social divisions that are tied to a particular era. Instead, we should interpret our basic principles in such a way that ethnic or cultural minorities can really be part of a society – for example, that one can feel fully French without feeling that one cannot be fully Muslim at the same time. Le Point

Germany: Iraqi asylum seeker raped 90-year-old physically disabled wheelchair user in hospital

What allegedly happened to the physically disabled widow Lili F. (90) in the toilet of the emergency room of the Dresden-Friedrichstadt hospital is shocking.

According to the indictment, the Iraqi Munthar Al L. (33) forced his way into the toilet and abused her severely. Now he is standing before the Dresden Regional Court “for rape with intentional bodily harm”, according to senior public prosecutor Lorenz Haase.

Lili F., who lives in an old people’s home, came to the emergency room for an X-ray after a fall. In the waiting area she wanted to go to the toilet: “At the door someone suddenly pushed the wheelchair, put me on the toilet. At first I thought it was a nurse. But when he wordlessly rubbed his hands between my legs and groped my chest, I got scared.”

He also allegedly touched the old lady in her private parts, and she has had nightmares ever since. To protect her from having to go to court, the police recorded her statement on video.

The accused (“I drink eight beers and a bottle of ouzo every day”), who lives in Gorbitz with his wife and daughter (9) who have kidney disease, denies everything: “She’s lying! I wanted to help, just lifted her to the toilet.” The trial will continue.

French court rules that voluntary vaccination against Corona is equivalent to suicide – Therefore, an insurance company does not need to pay out life insurance premiums in the case of voluntarily vaccinated customers

The case is currently causing a stir and sensation in France. A rich, elderly Parisian businessman from Versailles, who had taken out many life insurance policies (worth millions) for the benefit of his children and grandchildren, dies of a Covid vaccination (not disputed by the doctors or his life insurers). But now it gets worse: the insurance company does not pay out the insurance money because the deceased was acting at his own risk when he had the Corona vaccination.

The reasoning is quite clear: the insurance company refused to pay to the family because the policy explicitly excludes the use of experimental medicines and treatments (including the Corona vaccination). The family consequently sues the insurance company, but ultimately fails. The judge states:

Here is the judgment summarised mutatis mutandis:

“The court recognises the insurer’s classification of participation in the phase three experiment, the proven harmlessness of which has not been established, in view of the announced side effects, including death, as voluntary assumption of a fatal risk not covered by the contract and legally recognised as suicide. The family has appealed. However, the insurer’s defence is accepted as well-founded and contractually justified, as this publicly disclosed taking of a fatal risk is legally recognised as suicide, as the client was notified and agreed to voluntarily take the risk of death without being obliged or compelled to do so.”

Consequently, death after vaccination is now considered suicide by the courts (at least in France)! Insurers will now start not to pay out life insurance policies on a large scale, since taking a fatal risk due to vaccination de facto excludes them from the contract and it thus becomes void. Unimagined also are the consequences for bank loans etc. So far, nothing has been heard of this scandalous case in the French mainstream media.

The family’s lawyer, Carlo Alberto Brusa, posted the case on social media. (

France: A mosque close to the Islamists, which has been reported several times “since 2015”, spread “anti-Semitic and France-hating” statements, among other things

The place of worship may have become a “place of radicalisation”, according to the municipality, which refers to “statements made by the former head of the mosque”.

The prefecture recalls that a law “provides that the representative of the state in the department may order the temporary closure of places of worship where the statements made there, the ideas or theories disseminated or the activities carried out incite hatred or violence against a person or a group of persons, or tend to justify or promote such hatred or violence”.

It argues that the Al Madina Al Mounawara mosque “propagates Sharia law, supports radical Islam and thereby promotes separatist secession” and states that ” dubious relations have been established with persons belonging to the radical Islamist movement and advocating pro-jihadist views”. On social networks, the place of worship had spread “hate speech against France, its institutions and laws”, displayed “hate speech against homosexuals or transsexuals” and “explicit anti-Semitic hatred”, the authorities said.

“This decision comes after careful investigative work by the state authorities and numerous indications given directly by the municipality since 2015,” explained City Hall.

Incidentally, on CNews, Gérald Darmanin reported that he had spoken to LR mayor David Lisnard and that he “courageously” supported this decision to initiate administrative closure proceedings.

“For some time, several years even, the mayor has been sounding the alarm about what is happening there, what is being published on social networks,” the director general of services confirmed to 20 Minutes. According to Thierry Migoule, the authorities took this decision because the facility had become “a place of radicalisation” and because of “the opinions of the former head”. 20 Minutes

France: Six statues beheaded in a church in Poitiers

Photo taken by a parishioner of the damage to Sainte-Thérèse Church. Photo © Pierre Arnault

The head of the statue of the little Jesus, which was present in the church’s nativity scene, was carefully laid down in the straw next to the rest of the body. A few days earlier, another church less than two kilometres away had also been vandalised.

German left-wing minister calls for greater mass immigration to feed labor demands of big business

Germany will have to accept more migrants in order to prevent a massive shortage in its workforce and a decline in economic productivity, German Economy and Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck has claimed.

“We now have 300,000 vacancies, and we expect the number to grow to one million or more,” said Habeck, who is also a co-chair of the radical left-wing Greens.

He added that if Germany fails to fill this gap, any subsequent downturn in the German economy would jeopardize the nation’s transformation of the energy industry.

However, these claims come at a time of growing evidence that Germany’s existing migrant population is failing to enter the job market despite the German government investing tens of billions of euros in integration. Mass migration also creates difficulties for the education system and the housing market, with Germans struggling to afford housing and rent, and subsequently restricting their options for expanding their family or founding one in the first place, which has added to the demographic squeeze facing the country. Germany already has some of the highest immigration numbers in the world, and the country has already rapidly changed in terms of demographics.

Germany, which already has one of the highest population densities among developed countries, could also face further environmental degradation with a growing population. The Green party’s demands for more new arrivals would lead to more consumption, more cars on the road, and the need for more green space to be demolished in order to build housing and infrastructure.

Nevertheless, according to Reuters, the German Economic Institute (IW) estimates that the number of workers in Germany will decrease by another 300,000 this year. The country’s aging workforce has caused a situation whereby more people are leaving the labor market than entering it. In 2030, the German labor market will have reportedly contracted by approximately 5 million people.

After several decades of low birth rates and unequal immigration, the declining number of working people is a time bomb for the German pension system, Reuters reported.

Other countries in Europe, such as Hungary, have focused on growing their own population numbers rather than import immigrants en masse.

“In all of Europe there are fewer and fewer children, and the answer of the West to this is migration,” said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in 2018. “They want as many migrants to enter as there are missing kids, so that the numbers will add up. We Hungarians have a different way of thinking. Instead of just numbers, we want Hungarian children. Migration for us is surrender.”

Hungary’s pro-natalist and pro-family policies have produced positive results so far, with an increase in births and marriages, and a drastic reduction in divorces, which has caught the attention of countries like Japan. Meanwhile, countries like Germany, which have far more resources than Hungary, could potentially be even more successful with pro-family policies if the country made them a greater priority.

At the same time, other countries like Japan have made up for a shortfall in their aging workforce by utilizing AI and automation in order to avoid mass migration.

Last year, despite the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany, the number of people employed had risen to almost 45 million.

During the coalition negotiations, the parties in the current government agreed to make it easier for skilled workers from abroad to enter the German labor market, in addition to increasing the minimum wage to €12 per hour as an incentive to encourage more people into work.

Germany: New record set for Monday walks against forced vaccination

With 1 568 walks and demonstrations, more places in Germany took part in the Monday demonstrations than ever before. A week ago it was around 1500. And particularly noteworthy: More and more people who have been vaccinated are mingling with the critics of the measure.

An estimated 10 000 people took to the streets in Cologne, it was reported on Telegram. Three weeks ago there was “next to nothing going on,” said one participant. For news outlet Spiegel, who has called the protests a “mental plague”, this was certainly not good news.

It is allegedly only “a small, radical minority” revolting against Corona measures, according to mainstream politicians and the media. The new Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) said in his government statement to the Bundestag on 15 December 2021: “We will not put up with a tiny minority of disinhibited extremists trying to impose their will on our entire society. We will counter this tiny minority of haters, who attack us all with torchlight marches, with violence and death threats, with all the means of our democratic constitutional state. Our democracy is a defensible democracy.”

It’s not a ‘tiny minority’

In effect, the chancellor had declared war on the people he described as a “tiny minority”. To get to the bottom of this question, commissioned a representative survey from the opinion research institute INSA. Some 2 107 people from Germany aged 18 and over were asked the following question online or by telephone: “How do you feel about the following statement? I have sympathy for the walkers who want to use it to show their criticism of the current Corona policy.”

The result was enlightening: While the media and politicians give the impression that only a vanishingly small minority of people have sympathy for the anti-vaxx demonstrators, according to the survey this was true for 29 percent – almost one in three. Even if a majority of 55 percent said they had no understanding for the so-called “walks”, it also highlighted that 45 percent did not condemn the demonstrators.

The result also showed that Germany is divided, contrary to Chancellor Scholz’s assertions of a united front against vaccine critics.

The fact that 29 percent explicitly expressed understanding was a big surprise. All the more so since such an admission requires courage. By way of comparison, the SPD received 25,7 percent of the vote in the Bundestag elections. If one calculates the turnout based on the proportion of SPD voters among those eligible to vote (allowing no foreigners), it is 19,5 percent. Assuming there are 70 million adult inhabitants in Germany, according to the survey, around 20 million adults have sympathy for the protests – while only just under 12 million voted for the SPD in the 2021 federal election.

In this respect, Scholz’s words about the “tiny minority of disinhibited extremists” show how his grasp on reality is slipping.

The age distribution of the responses is particularly interesting. An unusually steep gradient is evident in the 60-plus age group: Respondents aged 60 and over, said that they felt no sympathy for walkers (73 percent). In no other age group do more than 50 percent express this view. Notably, most of these citizens use public media as their only source of information.

Only among AfD voters did an absolute majority have an understanding for the peaceful demonstrations (72 percent). Among the voters of the other parties, with the exception of FDP voters, a clear majority had no understanding for the protests.

The result of this poll is a slap in the face for Scholz, the big parties and the big media.

Antifa attack innocent in Leipzig

On Monday evening there were random assaults and mobbing in Leipzig against skeptics protesting Corona measures, but also against completely uninvolved passers-by. A self-proclaimed “anti-fascist action alliance” has been registering numerous counter-rallies and trying to radicalize the left spectrum of Leipzig society.

For January 10, the network Leipzig nimmt Platz announced the “end of patience” and announced 16 meetings in downtown Leipzig, to coincide with the walks of vaccination skeptics.

Instead of the expected 160 counter-demonstrators, around 300 appeared, and somehow the official restriction of ten participants per meeting is being ignored by law enforcement.

One of the perpetrators of the Islamist mass murders in France claims in court: “To me, this is regular Islam”

Mohammed Abrini is on trial in France accused of being involved in planning the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 15, 2015 and in Brussels on March 22, 2016 by being a member of the Islamic State. Here are some of the statements he made in court on January 11, 2022:

” To me, I’m not radical. For example, how do I explain it to you? There are places in the world, like in Saudi Arabia, you will find radical or strange things happening there, for me it’s regular Islam.”

When asked what he considered Sharia law, he replied without hesitation:

“Sharia is a divine law, it is applied in many countries of the world, and here. It is the divine law and for me it is above the law of men. If I were a free man, I would live in a country where there is Sharia law.”

He answered the question of whether Sharia should also be extended to Europe as follows:

“Jihad is a part of Islam. The Islamic State, the whole world regarded it as something new, but Islamic states have always existed. So it would have been better if historians had talked about it a little bit too.

Addressing those returning home to Syria, he explained:

“There are people who want to live according to God’s law, and I can understand that people move away with their families to live in such places.”

On the subject of suicide bombings, he admitted that he had not been able to “blow himself up” (faire sauter), but nevertheless stated that the attacks were understandable retaliations for Western policy in Syria.

“Those who blew themselves up did so in response to the bombings. Since we don’t have the ability to kill a soldier on the ground, we carry out attacks. It is bombing versus attack. I have always said I am not capable of this. I am capable of many things, but not this. Those who have decided to do this are people who have fought. The attacks are a reaction to violence.”

Anne-Laure Arruebo is one of the 130 people murdered on the night of terror in Paris on November 15, 2015. She was killed on the terrace of the Belle équipe at the age of 36. When Anne-Laure Arruebo’s family lawyer asked the accused if he had anything to say to the victims’ families, he first responded with a long silence. Then he said:

“That’s a strange question. I didn’t expect to be asked such a question.”

Then he remained silent again for a while and then explained:

“What I can tell them is that it is really sad what happened to them. They are victims twice over. Victims of France’s foreign policy and of the Islamic State’s foreign policy. (…) It is perhaps time to take to the streets to challenge France’s foreign policy.”

Addressing both the Islamic State massacres and the enslavement of women there, he said Napoleon and Genghis Khan would have done the same, if not worse. Asked about the Islamic State’s beheading videos, he countered:

“The beheadings were also carried out in France. They cut off the head of their king.”

The French news programme Quotidien had censored an investigation revealing that the government knew that its weapons sold to Saudi Arabia were being used against civilians in Yemen

Translation: ⚡🇫🇷INFO – Bowing to government pressure, #Quotidien (TMC) censored an investigation by Valentine Oberti [now at Mediapart], which revealed that the executive knew that arms sold to Saudi Arabia were used against civilians in #Yemen.
Translation: ⚡SUIVI – Eventually it was the independent investigative media Disclose that published a major investigation into this secret memo proving that the executive branch was aware of the massive use of French weapons by the coalition in the war in Yemen.

“Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Naomi Wolf and Dr. Malone Respond to Project Veritas BOMBSHELL (VIDEO)