Japanese pharmaceutical researchers confirm that Ivermectin works

The Japanese pharmaceutical company Kowa has confirmed the antiviral effect of Ivermectin on Omicron, in a clinical phase III. The same applies to the virus strains Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. Kowa wants to make the active ingredient available as a new drug as quickly as possible. In Japan, Ivermectin is used “off label” to treat Covid-19.

Western pharmaceutical shills have tried to get Ivermectin banned because it works and is much cheaper than their toxic mRNA graphene-laced brews. When popular American media figure Joe Rogan successfully treated himself with it, he was accused of spreading dangerous “disinformation” on the treatment of Covid. And a malicious campaign to remove Rogan from Spotify has been gaining ground.

In a press release of January 31, 2022, Kowa announced that in its joint research with Kitasato University (Tokyo Medical University) it verified the “safety and efficacy” of Ivermectin.

As Kowa reported in July 2021, “Nobel laureate in medicine Satoshi Omura (he developed Ivermectin and was recognized for it in 2015) asked the company to “test Ivermectin in clinical trials as a new therapeutic for infection with the new Coronavirus”. The pharmaceutical company Kowa said it believed its mission was to contribute to and protect people’s health.

The statement continued: “Ivermectin has been prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the treatment of parasitic infections for 30 years – especially in African countries. It has proven to be safe to distribute the drug directly to affected people. Kowa referred to reports that Ivermectin suppressed the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells and inhibited replication (multiplication). It is therefore expected that Ivermectin will become a new therapeutic agent (tablet) for the treatment of Coronavirus infection.”

In Kowa’s clinical trials, the dosage and administration differed from those that are approved and customary for parasite infestations, but the effectiveness and safety have been proven beyond doubt. Kowa reminded consumers that in conducting clinical trials in humans, it has also set a correct dosage standard.


French politician indicted after criticising Islamism

“I received the notification of the indictment yesterday on my way home”. Jordan Bardella made the announcement in an interview with Europe 1 on Wednesday February 2. The interim president of the Rassemblement National (RN) was charged after speaking out about Trappes in the Yvelines department in October 2021. He was accused of comparing the commune to an “Islamic Republic”. Speaking to journalist Sonia Mabrouk, Jordan Bardella said: “I regret that today the French justice system is pursuing the same goal as the Islamists, namely to silence those who denounce what is happening and those who refuse to see how countless neighbourhoods in France are changing.”

The RN MEP pointed out that his indictment came at a time when “we learn that journalists (from M6) and a Roubaix resident (the lawyer Amine Elbahi, who testified on M6) have been placed under police protection”. This was because they had “described the reality and highlighted the advance of Islamism in the city of Roubaix” via a report on the Zone Interdite programme on Islamism, broadcast on M6 on Sunday January 23.

In October 2021, Jordan Bardella reacted in a press release to the re-election of the mayor of Trappes, Ali Rabeh, who he said brought about “the domination of Islamism over the city of Trappes”. Ali Rabeh had just been re-elected after his first election in March 2020 was declared invalid by the State Council due to violations during the election. A victory that Jordan Bardella had equated with the “establishment of mini Islamic republics”. In his communiqué, he had finally called for “stopping this conquest of our territories” and placing Trappes under “state guardianship”.


35 people live under police protection in France because they were critical of Islam

From now on, they live isolated from the public. According to information from the Protection Service (SDLP), which is affiliated to the National Police, as reported by the newspaper Le Point on Wednesday February 2, one third of the police protection measures are related to an Islamist threat. These people who have been forced to be protected have made critical, negative or ironic remarks about Islam, Islamism or Muslims and now, unfortunately, have to suffer for it.

Le Point reports that 35 “French or foreign” men and women living in France are under personal protection organised by the SDLP. Among them are many journalists. This is the case, for example, of the former director of Charlie Hebdo, Philippe Val. He has been protected since 2006 and is classified as Uclat 2 (which means high risk), as Le Point reports. There is said to be a screened room in his house equipped with a telephone line and a walkie-talkie for alerts. Journalist and writer Zineb El Rhazoui lives away from her relatives because of the threat from Islamists posted on the Internet.

As for Mila, the young woman lives ” in the manner of a bunker “. Her new social life came about after she criticised Islam on social networks in 2020. Mila now feels “dead while remaining in this world”, as she told Le Point in January 2021. For his part, the imam of Drancy, Hassen Chalghoumi (comma), is forced to leave the house wearing a bullet-proof waistcoat and live separated from his family. He was subjected to a veritable fatwa by the Islamic State for advocating peaceful Islam, Le Point reminds us. After the M6 channel broadcast Zone Interdite’s investigation into Islamism in several cities – notably Marseille, Trappes and Roubaix – the presenter Ophelie Meunier was also under police protection after becoming the target of threats. This also applies to the lawyer Amine Elbahi from Roubaix, who testified candidly in this documentary.


The petit Islamic Republique in France

by Giulio Meotti‏

The television program Zone Interdite took its cameras to Roubaix, in the north of the country, with 100,000 inhabitants of whom 40 per cent are Muslim. The result is a shocking picture of Islamization, which the TV extends to Marseille, Paris and other cities (at the University of Bobigny they show a place to pray in silence).The documentary is worth the two hours it takes to view, but by the end of the first twenty minutes, you understand what a European country becomes where Islam is massively present.

Islamic prayers on the street, full veils everywhere, Islamic bookstores and butchers on every corner, shops that come with niqabs, soft toys and children’s books without faces because in Islam it is forbidden, restaurants with areas reserved for women alone, mayors colluding with proselytism, Koran and Arabic lessons in schools…

Faceless toys sold to parents anxious to respect an ultra-radical version of Islam that prohibits the representation of human beings caused a particular sensation. A saleswoman says the children are adjusting and that it “doesn’t bother them at all.”

Zone Interdite has brought to light a reality that many still refused to see, but which now no one can deny. The situation is much more serious than some believed. Thus, the habits and customs of totalitarian Afghanistan take root under the gaze of the French public authorities.

“As we procrastinate entangled in our concern for the law and our fear of being racist, Islamists know what they want,” comments journalist Elisabeth Lévy. “Afghanistan is two hours from Paris,” writes Eric Zemmour.

Today there are 10 percent Muslims in France. What do the French think will happen to their country when they will be 20-30 percent?


Former UCLA ‘Philosophy of Race’ Lecturer Arrested For Threatening to Commit Mass Shooting Against White Members of Philosophy Department

Austria Embraces Communism: ‘To Fight a Chinese Virus, We are Introducing the Chinese Social Model’ (Video)

Austria Embraces Communism: ‘To Fight a Chinese Virus, We are Introducing the Chinese Social Model’ (Video) | Austria’s vaccine mandate law will take effect on February 1, 2022. Despite the evidence that the “vaccine” does not protect people from Covid but increases the chances of infection from Mild Omicron and hospitalization, last week, the Austrian Parliament approved mandating the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections. From mid-March, the law will see adults (residents aged 18 and older) who refuse the jabs […]

France: Aurélie, who miraculously survived 59 stabbings by Mohamed, who was ” hurt in his pride as an Algerian “, must pay the €32,000 outstanding rent of her ex-life partner – His lawyer warns against Islamophobia

Who is the man who stabbed his ex-girlfriend 59 times in the car park of a school in Toulon on December 13, 2017? Mohamed Meghraoui was sentenced to 30 years in prison on appeal on Friday.

The second trial in Aix-en-Provence allows insight into the motive of the family man found guilty of the “attempted murder” of Aurélie , the mother of their three children.

That day, the nurse went to pick up her youngest son from the kindergarten “Les Œillets”.

She had just buckled him into his car seat when she was stabbed several times. Miraculously, Aurélie survived her injuries.
“They were empty words from her,” defended the man for whom Aurélie had “accepted religious marriage and wearing the veil” .His lawyer, Pavel Debanne, warns the jury against xenophobic or Islamophobic prejudices.(…) Nice Matin
