A report in a major Austrian newspaper has claimed that the country’s new regime of forced vaccination has had no positive effect on jab uptake in the nation’s capital.
The new regime of forced COVID vaccination in Austria has had no positive effect on jab uptake in Vienna: this is the claim made by Austria’s best-selling newspaper. Furthermore, the government figures the paper claims to have seen shows there was actually a drop-off in the numbers being jabbed since the legal mandate came into force on February 5.
According to the Kronen Zeitung report, instead of increasing the uptake of jabs, the number of vaccinations actually declined, starting the day before the new forced vax rules came into force.
“There is no mandatory vaccination effect – and if there is, then rather in the other direction,” the publication claimed.
In particular, the publication notes significant lows for those getting jabbed on February 6 — one day after the obligation came into force — and February 12, which both reportedly saw major drop-offs in the number of first, second and booster jabs being administered.
The source of the figures released by Kronen Zeitung is reportedly the office of City Councilor for Health Peter Hacker, which has since criticised the new vaccination rules.
“All in all, the Austrian instruments relating to measures and vaccination do not result in a well-rounded strategy and have no recognizable goal,” the office is reported to have told Kronen Zeitung. “That is why no run on vaccinations is to be expected in the coming days and weeks.”
While the released figures do appear to run with the publication’s claim, Breitbart London was not able to independently verify Kronen Zeitung’s claim, as the data is not yet publicly available as of the time of writing.
While mandatory vaccination rules aimed at curbing the Chinese Coronavirus may not have caused a spike in the number of Viennese getting jabbed, it does appear that it has resulted in a spike in the number of unhappy Austrians attending anti-lockdown protests.
Since the announcement of the forced vaccination measures last year, thousands of people have attended anti-mandate demos in Vienna and beyond, with many demanding an end to the nation’s various anti-COVID measures.
Of particular note was a recent Convoy demonstration that took place in Vienna that bore a striking resemblance to “Freedom Convoy” anti-lockdown protests taking place in Canada and beyond.
According to a Kronen Zeitung report, columns of vehicles — some equipped with flags — moved through the city centre, honking their horns as they drove past police.
This is despite the demonstration being banned in advance by authorities, with the publication also claiming that a general ban on honking is also in place in Vienna.
Despite the government bans, however, the convoy-style demonstration looks set to become a regular feature on Viennese streets, with one reporter claiming that the dates for future demos are already being established online.