Germany has not deported a single Syrian terror suspect, although there is no longer a ban on deportations

Last year, not a single deportation to Syria took place. And this despite the fact that the deportation ban, which had been in place since 2012, expired at the beginning of the year. Initially, the then Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer ( Christian Social Union, CSU), had announced that the non-extension of the deportation ban to Syria would make it possible to send potential terrorists, dangerous persons and serious criminals back there.

But apparently no use was made of this, as an answer of the federal government to a question by AfD member of parliament Stephan Brandner, which is in the possession of the newspaper JF, shows.

According to the answer, there were between 60 and 70 Syrians in Germany throughout the year who were officially classified as dangerous. In January 2021, for example, there were 65 Syrian dangerous persons, in June 67 and in December 69. The fact that their numbers remained relatively constant is also due to the fact that, according to the federal government, “deportations to Syria from the area of responsibility of the federal states” did not take place in 2021.

It had already become clear in the middle of last year that the end of the block on deportations had no effect and that the controversy was therefore unfounded. Already at that time, a question by Brandner had revealed that there had been no repatriations to Syria so far.

The AfD MP therefore now has all the less understanding for the fact that nothing has changed. “Throughout 2021, there were 60 to more than 70 Syrian dangerous persons in Germany every month, and 69 at the end of the year, all of whom must be considered ticking time bombs,” Brandner told the JF.

“The fact that not a single dangerous person has been deported to Syria and that we therefore have to live with the enormous and constant danger of attacks in Germany is unacceptable.” All foreign dangerous persons must be deported immediately, even if they are from Syria.

Covid positive and no school thanks to cooldrink

Schoolchildren in Berlin produce positive SARS-CoV-2 test results with the drink “Capri-Sun” and thus get a few days off from school.

It has already been proven how unreliable the SARS-CoV-2 tests are. This applies to both the PCR tests and the antigen tests.

Tanzanian President John Magufuli, who mysteriously died last year, achieved worldwide fame when he had the effectiveness of the PCR tests checked. Among other things, Magufuli had samples taken from animals and fruit and tested while “disguised” as human samples. A papaya and a goat then gave positive results.

Later, the antigen tests were also “tested” by scientists and politicians in Italy and Austria by dripping various fruit juices and other drinks on them. The result: Some fruit juices, Coca-Cola and Red Bull could produce a positive test result.

Since a positive test result currently means quarantine in Germany, the unreliability of the tests is now being used by students to allow themselves a few days off from school. This is what happened in Berlin, as reported by the Berliner Morgenpost. There, students would inconspicuously dissolve one or two droplets of “Capri-Sun”, a cooldrink, into the quick test liquid and then dribble it onto the test cassette. The trick was filmed for TikTok and is considered an “open secret”.

This is possible because in Germany, due to a lack of capacity, a positive antigen test result no longer has to be confirmed by a PCR test. And as the RKI explained, a subsequent negative antigen test cannot overrule a positive one.

Little Castro: Justin Trudeau Is Now Threatening Tow Truck Drivers – Those Who Do Not Cooperate with Canadian Regime, Could Face Arrest

France: Ten years after the murderous rampage outside the Jewish confessional school Ozar Hatorah in Toulouse, a former pupil publishes a shocking book

A terrible drama that will never be forgotten. Ten years after the Islamist attack on the Ozar Hatorah Israelite school in Toulouse, perpetrated by Mohamed Merah, a former student is publishing a shocking book to commemorate the horror, reports France 3 Occitanie. The book, titled: ” March 19, 2012: the attack on the Ozar Hatorah school by those who witnessed it”, delves into the tragic events that left the City of Roses in mourning. On that day, the Islamist terrorist Mohamed Merah attacked a teacher and three children at the Jewish confessional school in Toulouse, killing them with shouts of “Allahu akbar”.

The author, Jonathan Chetrit, was a boarding student at this institution at the time. The intention of this book: to overcome the horror by remembering this tragic episode in contemporary history. Page by page, the author recounts the terrible events, the murders, the chaos that raged in the school, the arrival of the forces of order, and then the grief, the sadness. And finally, years later, the trial of Abdelkader Merah, the brother of the Islamist terrorist. And above all, subliminally, the guilt of being a survivor. In conclusion, the author poses an essential question: that of Islamism, the question of the “beginnings of a growing threat to the whole country”. A growing threat that, in his opinion, neither the media nor the politicians could or would have foreseen and tackled.

Canada and the tyranny of emergencies

By Johannes Karl Otto Danneskiold-Samsoe

Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared a “state of emergency” against his own citizens in what has become the latest fashionable trend to crush dissent and demand obedience to the state.  The BBC reports:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken the unprecedented step of invoking the Emergencies Act to crack down on anti-vaccine mandate protests.

Mr Trudeau said the scope of the measures would be “time-limited”, “reasonable and proportionate” and would not see the military deployed. (snip)

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said at Monday’s news conference that banks would be able freeze personal accounts of anyone linked with the protests without any need for a court order.

Vehicle insurance of anyone involved with the demonstrations can also be suspended, she added.

Ms Freeland said they were broadening Canada’s “Terrorist Financing” rules to cover cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding platforms, as part of the effort.

Such a declaration sets a dangerous precedent, whereby Charter Rights, the Canadian version of the U.S.’s Bill of Rights, can now be sidestepped at the whim of a single individual.

Is there any historical proposition more dangerous than a powerful apparatchik revoking your rights under the pretense of necessity?  Have we learned nothing since the conception of the Twelve Tablets and the Magna Carta?

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”

—William Pitt

Many of our Supreme Court justices have recognized that liberty is not absolute and that there are times when the exercise of one’s liberty may infringe upon the liberty of another — for example, in the case of a truly deadly disease with an extraordinarily high fatality rate (Jacobson v. Massachusetts), or in the case of conscription, whereby a citizen is expected to defend and preserve the inalienable for all (Kneedler v. Lane).  However, these prudent restrictions were invariably designed in good faith — that is, to protect the substructure of rights, not to violate them.

When courts state that “emergency powers” can be invoked to stop a tangible and “grave threat” to our way of life, or to what threatens the glue that binds our democracy, then it should be clear that the words “grave” and “threat” represent a significantly high threshold.  None of the virtuous justices who thought long and hard about these exceptionally complicated cases ever imagined that a group of thugs — calling themselves representatives of the people — would seek to exploit legal opinions for personal machinations at the expense of liberty.

In many U.S. states, and now in Canada, politicians are invoking these powers to avoid negotiation with the people they serve.  Should a democratic government violate the inviolable whenever a group of citizens protest draconian mandates?  Should one individual have the power to freeze personal bank accounts or imprison you indefinitely because you ask, politely, not to be jabbed with an experimental vaccine?  Are dancing, flag-waving truckers a grave danger to society?  Are viruses with fatality rates lower than 2% a threat to our Constitution?  If so, it would follow that our government has the right to declare an emergency over the common flu, heart disease, cancer, or a number of other ailments that cause more deaths than COVID-19.  Grounded on this folly, the mayor would have the power to imprison New York taxi drivers for their incessant honking, or garnish wages from those who decide to forgo new heart medications.  Is such a revocation in keeping with the spirit of the law?

“A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.”

—Thomas Jefferson

The Libertarian and Republican view of government has always rested on the precept that individuals are rational beings, capable of self-expression and self-determination, best able to calculate their risk, and best able to choose how to exercise their liberty, provided that they don’t destroy or diminish the rights of others.  In other words, the sole purpose of government is to protect the inviolable, which exists outside the scope of influence and is rooted in the state of nature (Locke) or dignity (Kant). 

The left likes to talk a great deal about obligations.  But on the issue of societal rights and obligations, there is a significant difference between the two.  A right is what the government owes me, whereas an obligation is based on what you think I owe the government.  To force me to comply with your conception of “ought,” and to bind me into an obligation to you, requires a great deal of coercion and force.  And that abstractness should be left to the rational will of the people and their representatives, not dictated to them by the whims of an individual. 

Justin Trudeau has no moral right to coerce millions of people to take a potentially fatal vaccine in lieu of taking their chances with a potentially fatal virus.  Only arrogant fools, suffering from hubris, believe they are in a position to make that decision for someone else. A democratic government should not be in the business of using its citizenry as a means to an end.

“The individual is a repository of all value, and exists as an end in himself. If we value anything, we must value the existence and endeavors of rational beings.”

—Immanuel Kant

The very untimely death of Luc Montagnier

The renowned French biologist and virologist, Luc Montagnier, who isolated the HIV virus and received the Nobel Prize for it in 2008, died in Paris on February 8 at the age of 89 as FWM reported. The cause of his death is not yet known. On February 12, Montagnier would have given an expert witness statement at the hearing at Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion on “Covid-19 crimes against humanity”.

He was an outspoken opponent of Covid-19 mRNA gene therapies, calling them “poison”. The Grand Jury was set up by international lawyers to conduct criminal investigations into those actors who had helped devise and execute a collective plan to launch a pandemic. The charge is that world governments have fallen under the control of corrupt and criminal power structures which had been planning the pandemic for years.

Witness to “Crimes Against Humanity”

The evidence is being presented to a citizen jury. Montagnier’s expertise would have been very valuable and insightful. In 1983 he discovered the lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV), later referred to as the HIV virus, and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008. The HIV virus attacks the body’s immune system and can lead to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). To date, there is no vaccination against it, only drug treatment.

Laboratory virus – mutations due to vaccination

Montagnier rejected the current Covid-19 gene therapies. He spoke of “scientific error, medical negligence and an unforgivable historical error”. As early as 2020 he described SARS-CoV-2 as an artificially generated “chimera virus”, the starting point for its construction was a natural virus, he said in an interview for the Corona virus documentary Hold up – return to chaos. According to Montagnier, the virus variants are triggered by the vaccination. Because the virus is then looking for a way out, it therefore mutates.

Professor Montagnier also drew parallels between Covid and HIV viruses. According to him, “at one time, while studying the HIV virus, I found that it acts in tandem with a bacterium. So, in the case of Coronavirus, we are dealing with exactly the same symbiosis”.

mRNA – terrible unknowns

At the beginning of January, Montagnier said at a hearing in the Luxembourg Parliament: “These vaccines are poisons. They are not real vaccines. The mRNA allows its message to be transcribed throughout the body, uncontrollably. No one can say for each of us where these messages will go. This is therefore a terrible unknown. And in fact we are now learning that this is a work published over a year ago that these mRNAs contain an area that we can call prion, which is an area capable of introducing protein modifications in an unpredictable way.

“As a doctor I knew 21 people who received 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine, there is another person who received Moderna. The 21 died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease caused by prions. The 3 vaccines Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna contain a sequence identified by Information Technology as transformation into a prion. There is therefore a known risk to human health.”

A prion is a specific type of protein that attacks and irreversibly destroys healthy cells.

HIV risk after the third jab

A statement which has been attributed to Montagnier, has been circulating on social networks: “To those who have been vaccinated with the third dose of Covid-19… Go to a laboratory, do an HIV test, the result will surprise you. And then sue your government.”

In October 2020, a group of researchers in the medical journal The Lancetwarned that some of the Covid-19 vaccines under development could increase the risk of contracting HIV in vulnerable populations. The reason for this would be the adenovirus (Ad5) used as a “vector”. That was discovered a decade ago when the HIV vaccine was developed. They also contained Ad5 and increased the risk of HIV infection in men. Ad5 was finally discouraged. Incidentally, the lead author of the associated study from 2014 was Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Alarming news

Exactly this Ad5 is used today as a vector, for example at Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, the Russian Sputnik and the Chinese CanSinoBIO. “Covid-19 inhalation vaccinations with Ad5 are also planned. At the beginning of February 2022, a report in the Spanish Diario also referred to this development.

According to the report, the World Health Organization had observed an increase in HIV infections, but attributed this to a decline in HIV tests in the wake of the Corona pandemic. In early February, the media reported that a highly infectious variant of the HIV virus had been identified in the Netherlands, which was far more contagious than the original variant.

US approves HIV prophylaxis

It is also interesting that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a therapeutic product from GlaxoSmithKline last December that reduces the risk of HIV infection. It is an injection that is taken every two months as a prophylaxis but only in the case of a recently confirmed negative HIV test. Warnings are given about side effects such as allergic reactions, liver damage and depression.

Grand Jury proceedings

Dr Bryan Ardis has meanwhile given a thorough presentation at Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion on the hospital protocols for treating Covid-19, arguing that these highly questionable treatments had been the primary cause of death, not the virus itself. “The vaccines by far was the end agenda. They had to convince [the population] it was a deadly virus.”

Trudeau, Who Took a Knee for BLM, Imposes Tyranny and Terror on Freedom Convoy

A fundamental principle of a just society is that even if the laws themselves are unjust, they apply to everyone equally. If they don’t, it’s a tyranny.

Here’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2020.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a knee during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Ottawa on Friday.

Trudeau’s act of solidarity comes after he declined to comment earlier in the day about whether he would be attending the protest. Still, he arrived at Parliament Hill — home to Canada’s Parliament — wearing a black cloth mask Friday afternoon and surrounded by security guards, according to CNN affiliate CTVnews.

Trudeau did not speak at the event, though he clapped and nodded along with some of the other speakers, including a moment when a speaker asserted there is no middle ground on racism. At another point, he yelled “Amen” along with other protesters after a speaker discussed promoting love and justice.

Now, Trudeau has escalated the crackdown on civil rights by unleashing emergency powers against the trucker protest in Ottawa. 

Trudeau insisted that the truckers don’t represent a peaceful protest. While I have issues with protesters blocking roads, no matter what cause they represent, you either treat everyone equally or you don’t.

There was zero practical justification for hauling out emergency powers to deal with what basically amounted to a giant sit-in, a tactic that has a long civil rights tradition behind it, let alone using language about insurrection, let alone seizing assets, and treating political opponents like terrorists.

That actually is tyranny and terror.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association, which unlike the ACLU is still a functional civil rights group, noted that, “The Emergencies Act can only be invoked when a situation ‘seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada’ & when the situation ‘cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada.’

The CCLA is well on the Left and spends a good deal of time crying racism, but it can still point out the obvious here.

 This is not an emergency that requires the suspension of civil rights and democratic norms, it’s a vocal protest that the government finds threatening enough (not physically, but politically) that it’s resorting to criminalizing and suppressing it, not because it meets any objective standard, just a political one.

“It is now clear that there are serious challenges to law enforcement’s ability to effectively enforce the law,” Trudeau argued. 

That’s often the case in Toronto, but no amount of crime and deaths has resulted in the imposition of emergency powers.

Toronto had the third deadliest year on record with 84 murders. How many people died during the Freedom Convoy?

Trudeau is literally reviving measures intended originally for a state of war to deal with political opponents in order to “restore confidence in our institutions”.

That’s what totalitarian regimes do. And that’s what Trudeau now represents.

France going full LGBTQI+ with ban on ’conversion therapies’ and listing men as mothers on birth certificates

The French parliament has outlawed any individual or organization from exerting any pressure on a person to have a heterosexual sexuality, including pressure exerted by parents on their children. In addition, the French justice system has just ordered that men should be allowed to appear as the second mother of their children on birth certificates if they wish so.

France’s new law, which was originally said to be against “conversion therapies,” is actually titled the “Law of 31 January 2022, forbidding practices aiming at modifying a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.” It prohibits “repeated practices, conduct, or speech intended to change or suppress a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.”

The penalties for offenders are €30,000 or €45,000 and two or three years’ imprisonment depending on whether the “victim” is an adult or a minor. This includes parents who try to discourage their children from engaging in “sex change” practices or treatments and who seek to encourage them to take the path of what is a more healthy and normal sexuality in their eyes.

One safeguard has been added to the original bill filed by one of Emmanuel Macron’s MPs, as there is no offense when “repeated remarks only invite caution and reflection, particularly in view of his or her young age, on the part of the person who is questioning his or her gender identity and who is considering a medical course of action leading to a sex change.”

However, this leaves much room for interpretation by judges who may, “when the offense is committed by a person having parental authority over the minor,” decide “on the total or partial withdrawal of parental authority.” Thus, children may be removed from their parents’ care if the latter seek to encourage them to accept their biological sex and have a heterosexual sexuality.

It is worth noting that, in France, encouraging children to see themselves as “transgender” or homosexual and to consider a “sex change” procedure is not punishable by any law.

The law passed in January also added the notions of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to that of “sex” in the paragraph of the Code of Criminal Procedure that allows associations subsidized by the French state to prosecute people they consider guilty of discrimination. This means that, from now on, any alleged discrimination based on sexual orientation or “gender identity” authorizes these associations to sue citizens for damages, which is a French specificity that strongly limits freedom of expression.

All political parties in French Parliament unanimously voted in favor of this law, including Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in its drive to strengthen its “respectability” in the run-up to the presidential elections in April and the legislative elections scheduled for June. On the day the law was enacted, Éric Zemmour, the other right-wing candidate against Emmanuel Macron for the April presidential election, tweeted: “The ‘macronie’ proposes to teenagers to change their sex as early as 13 years old. I will be the President who puts an end to this ideological nightmare.”

A few days after the entry into force of this totalitarian law called for by the LGBT lobby, the Court of Appeal in Toulouse, in the southwest of France, rendered a judgment that will also serve as a landmark case. The judgment recognized a man in his fifties as the mother despite his child being conceived in a natural way, using his male sexual organs. The court agreed the man could be labeled the “mother” because he considers himself a “transgender woman,” and had registered his “sex change” with the Civil Registry.  

“The court has issued a ruling that enshrines a major advance for the fundamental rights of transgender people,” the man’s lawyer rejoiced.

In a sign that the state is fully behind these progressive ideological positions, the French Public Prosecutor’s Office, acting under the authority of the Ministry of Justice, supported the man’s request, with the only reservation that a mention of the sex change in the civil status of this “second mother” be made in the margin of the birth certificate of the man’s daughter. However, even this reservation was rejected by the Court of Appeal in Toulouse.

“This was an extremely important point: such a mention would have stigmatized the child and the parent because of trans-identity,” the plaintiff’s lawyer wrote in praise.

The French left-wing newspaper Libération, a great supporter of gender ideology, tells the story of this mother-man as follows:

“Claire was born in a man’s body in 1968. Two first children were born from his union [with a woman], in 2000 and 2004. In February 2011, Claire obtained in court to have her civil status changed to correspond to her gender identity: female. While she still had her male attributes, she conceived a baby girl, in 2013. Shortly before the child’s birth, Claire established before a notary a ‘prenatal recognition of child, which she declared to be of maternal – albeit gestator – nature.’ The couple then wished to have this recognition transcribed on the child’s birth certificate, but the civil registrar in Montpellier was opposed to it, arguing that only adoption could allow Claire to have her filiation link recognized. Such a solution was not acceptable for the family, who then began their long legal battle.”

The next step in the French liberal-leftist revolution will probably be to make the use of surrogate mothers legal, so as to allow men who are “married” to each other to conceive children. Already, the French public media is intensifying the promotion of this practice after the bioethics law passed last year allowed, as Emmanuel Macron wanted, women who are “married” to each other to conceive children through medically assisted reproduction (artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization).

War Powers Act: Canadian truckers see the rise of a petty tyrant

Canadian Prime minister Justin Trudeau on Monday invoked a war powers act in the shape of the “Emergencies Act,” to put down the very successful anti-vaccine Freedom Convoy as a “terrorist” movement.

Fundraising platform GiveSendGo was declared a terrorist financier for helping the embattled truckers while banks and financial service providers will be able freeze or suspend their accounts without a court order.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland explained how these new emergency powers would grant the expansion of “Terrorist Financing” rules to target crowdfunding efforts in support of the Freedom Convoy. “First we are broadening the scope of Canada’s anti-money laundering and terrorist financing rules so they include crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use,” said Freeland.

The “Emergencies Act” was invoked in a bid to shut down nationwide peaceful protests against his draconian mandates. The trucker protest in Canada has also spawned a global anti-vaccine blockade movement.

The Emergencies Act, which has replaced the War Measures Act, describes a a national emergency as a temporary “urgent and critical situation” that “seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it”.

Ottowa has witnessed dancing crowds and children on jumping castles. It is therefore not clear which lives are being “endangered” by the protests.

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, who was the first premier in Canada to announce an end to vaccine passports in his province, followed by Progressive Conservative Premier Heather Stefanson in Manitoba, was joined by Quebec Premier Francois Legault and Alberta Premier Jason Kenney to denounce Trudeau’s plan to invoke the Emergencies Act.

Acuitas Therapeutics owns the lipid nano particle delivery system, which is used in both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. It is alleged the Trudeau Foundations owns 40 percent of the common stock of this company and Justin Trudeau ordered 10 times more vaccines than there are Canadians, including the moose. The company is paid a royalty for every shot.

France: Tunisian accused of sexual abuse of two underage girls

A 53-year-old Tunisian man was sentenced to one year in prison without parole for a sexual assault on an eight-year-old girl and an attempted groping of a 14-year-old girl.
He was invited to a birthday party in a village in North Béarn on this August 31, 2020. He is on trial on Monday for an attempted sexual assault on the 14-year-old daughter of his hosts, but also for touching an 8-year-old girl while her parents took the girl home to Pau.
” I think this is impossible. I didn’t do anything, Madam Judge, I swear”. These are practically the only statements made by 53-year-old Karim Zouaoui in the court dock. In view of the testimonies of the two girls, he denies…