Once again Merkel makes a complete fool of herself: The German chancellor wears a fake face mask to protect herself from Corona

You are in the best of all Germanys ever, when the despot, who forces everyone, even small children, under an allegedly protective mask, is wearing a product counterfeited in China without any proven effectiveness….

Philipp Heymann (33 years old), managing director of Lindencare Ltd, manufacturer of medical protective equipment, comments on the tabloid Bild as follows: “The mask worn by the German Chancellor is apparently a fake, probably from China.”

The expert mentions an incorrect four-digit check digit as proof. FFP2 masks can be recognised by the same four-digit test number that is found behind the CE mark: “This number is mandatory in Germany, but is missing on the Chancellor’s mask. Another detail makes the expert wonder: “Merkel’s mask is marked with both the FFP 2 and the KN 95 standard. There is no such thing, there are different standards and models. This is approximately as if a car has BMW AND Mercedes on it. 《(Source: Merkur)

Whenever you think that this woman and her followers have reached the bottom of stupidity, a new bottomless pit of embarrassing failure will open.

And just by the way: Imagine if this had happened to Donald Trump.The outcry in the media would be tremendous.In this country…. it is not even a quiet whimper.

Peter Zangerl